

Cadre Training of the Hubei Province during the Period of the KMT Period (1939-1949)

【作者】 化贯军

【导师】 刘伟;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 孙中山创立三民主义、五权宪法,并把革命步骤分为军政、训政、宪政三个阶段,以训政作为过渡,承上启下,可说是革命程序的重点和轴心所系。蒋介石向来以继承孙中山的衣钵自命,特别重视训练部属。前后有黄埔训练、庐山训练、珞珈山训练、峨嵋山训练及复兴关训练(即中央训练团)。在加强中央干部训练的同时,从1939年开始,各省也开始了大规模的基层干部训练工作。干部训练成为国民党加强党治和基层政权建设的重要路径。本文系以湖北省干部训练工作为研究的主体,时间断限以1939年湖北省干训团于战时省会恩施正式成立的时间为起点,至1949年停办为止。国民党的干部训练萌芽于兴中会时期。20世纪20年代在“以俄为师”的背景下,开启了干部训练的新时期,建立了黄埔军校等干部训练机构。30年代后期,在抗日战争爆发和新县制实施的背景下,南京国民政府为了加强国统区地方政权建设,改变干部素质窳败的问题,开始了省一级的大规模的干部训练工作。湖北省于1939年成立干训团,其上承国民党中央训练委员会和国民政府内政部指导,分为省、区、县三级训练,在训练机关内部,实施严格的人事管理,但实际上施训者的群体表现并不理想。受训学员几乎涵盖了除民众以外所有的人员,其中以县和乡镇保甲各级干部为主体,至40年代末,受训学员并且扩大至行政督察区专员。招调学员有一定的程序,学员入学后进行编组,以便更好的施训。研究发现,学员的背景堪忧,出身不一,年龄互异,影响训练的实施。湖北省干部训练的内容主要分为三个方面:专业素质的培养,以与新县制相关的各种专业知识为主;精神及政治教育,这是训练的核心内容,以孙中山的三民主义、国民党的建国理论为主,后则又加上蒋介石的讲话和理论;军事训练与管理,军事训练是干部培训的重要方面,体现出干部培训中“军事化”的特点。总的来说,干部训练的核心是塑造“德才兼备”的党国干部。湖北干部训练还包括训后管理与监督。学员毕业后,调训人员回到原职,但有可能被解职;考训人员毕业后,由于接收机关的消极应付,面临失业的风险。正由于当时人事制度的不彰,也使训练工作的效果受到不良影响。施训机关和湖北省政府人事处注重毕业学员的联络事宜,强调学员与省政府人事处的通讯工作,这也是当局了解地方政情的重要渠道。湖北省干部训练的财源紧张,尤其是县级训练机关财源难以维持,甚至靠学员“公粮”度日。而且训练机关内部腐败不堪,严重侵蚀了训练工作的观感和运作。虽然国民党中央十分重视各省干部培训,虽然湖北省也制订了相关规章制度,但总体来看,训练的成效不佳,并没有达到国民党及政府预定的目标,而且在训练过程中及训后,形成了错综复杂的派系。除内部原因外,当时的军事情势、经济崩溃和腐恶的社会环境等,都影响到训练的成效,使训练难以为继,效果不彰。南京国民政府时期的干部训练,是加强党国体制的需要,同时也是国家政权下移的产物。新县制的实施巩固了县级机关的科层化,开启了乡镇体制的正规化、官僚化,及保甲体制的半正规化、半官僚化,这种正规化和官僚化是传统和现代交织的结果。体制改革需要人事的补充,因此,干部训练正是为了是塑造新的党国干部,以支持政权建设。由于国民党政权的脆弱性,干部训练的过程中,现代化、党国化、军事化相互纠结,使其没有达到预想的效果。以史为鉴,可以知得失,国民党的干部训练对今天的干部培训具有重大的启示意义。

【Abstract】 Sun yat-sen founded three people’s principles, five constitution, and settled the national revolution steps for military rule, political tutelage, constitutional three times, especially the Political Tutelage for the transition, where the focus and the axis of revolution program. To inherit the mantle of sun yat-sen,Chiang Kai-shek also admitted subordinates training. Before and after the Huangpu training, the Lushan training, Luojia Hill training, the Emeishan training and revival off training (ie, the Central Training Corps). While strengthening the central cadres training, the provinces also began a large-scale grass-roots cadres training in1939. Cadres training gradually became to be an important path for the KMT to strengthen Party governance and grassroots political power.This article is the cadre training in hubei province as the research work of the main body, time-off limit to the formal establishment of Hubei Province training regiment in wartime provincial capital Enshi in1939time as a starting point, until the closure date in1949.The kuomintang cadres training originated from XingZhongHui period. In the context of "take Russia for the teacher" in the1920s, it opened a new period of training of cadres, such as the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy and other cadres training institutions. The late1930s, when the Japanese War broke out and the new county system implementated, the Nanjing Nationalist Government began a large-scale provincial level cadres training in order to strengthen the Kuomintang-controlled areas the local political power to change the ugly defeat of the quality of cadres.Training authorities in Hubei Province, bore on the CPC Central Committee and the National Government Ministry of the Interior, divided into provinces, districts and county levels, internal training authorities was the implementation of strict personnel management, but in fact groups of trainees performance was not satisfactory. Trainees covering almost all staff, in addition to people outside of course, is the county cadres at all levels as the main, to the late1940s, trainees extended to the Chief Inspector of the District Commissioner. The trick certain procedures, students after admission for grouping, in order to better training. The study found that the worrying background of participants, different origin, age differ, affect the implementation of the training.The content of the training of cadres of Hubei Province is divided into three areas: professional training, a variety of professional knowledge mainly related to the new county system; spiritual and political education, the core content of the training to the Sun Yat-sen’s Three People’s Principles KMT founding theory-based, coupled Chiang Kai-shek’s speech and theory; military training, an important aspect of the training of cadres, reflects the characteristics of the "militarization" in the training of cadres. Overall, the core of the training of cadres is the shape of both ability and integrity of the party-state cadres.The Hubei cadres training also includes the management and supervision after training. Graduates adjust training staff back to the original post, but there may be dismissed; test training after graduation, receiving organs passive coping, faced the risk of unemployment. Precisely because of the personnel system also make the training work effect adversely affected. Training authorities and the Personnel Department of Hubei Provincial Government, focused on graduates of contact matters, emphasized communication for students and Personnel Department, which was the authorities were aware of an important channel of the local political situation.That tension of financial resources, especially financial resources of the county-level training institution was difficult to maintain, even by the students "of the public grain to survive. And within the training institution corrupted, seriously eroded the perception of the training and operation. The effectiveness of the training is poor and did not reach the intended target of the KMT and the government, but also in the process of training and after training, intricate faction.The cadres training during Nanjing National Government, was the product of the state power down. The implementation of the new county system to consolidate the bureaucratization of the county-level authorities, open the regularization of the township system, bureaucratic, and Bao Jia system of semi-regularization, semi-bureaucratic, this formalized and bureaucratic was tradition and modernity interweave results. System needs the complement of personnel, therefore, the training of cadres precisely in order to shape a new party-state cadres to support the building of political power. As the dictatorship and vulnerability of the Kuomintang regime, the process of cadres training, modernization, the party-state, the militarization of intertwined, modern purpose is to create a modern civil servants, party-state into "Chiang Kai-shek", militarization has become fascist. History as a mirror, one can know the pros and cons, the KMT cadres training for today’s training of cadres is of great significance.

  • 【分类号】D262.3;K26
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