

The Theory of Marxist Civilization Research

【作者】 戴圣鹏

【导师】 林剑;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以唯物主义历史观为指导思想与理论基础来把握与理解马克思恩格斯的文明观,并在对马克思恩格斯的文明观的理解之上来建构马克思主义文明观体系。在本论文看来,没有马克思对人类历史的发展规律的发现,就不会有唯物主义历史观的形成,更不会有马克思恩格斯的文明观的生成与发展。当我们从唯物主义历史观的视角来把握与理解马克思恩格斯的文明观时,那些散落于马克思主义经典作家的著作中的各种关于文明的论述,也就有了一个内在的思想逻辑。这种逻辑,不仅表现在马克思恩格斯对文明范畴本身的理解上,也表现在他们的唯物主义文明观的历史生成上。唯物主义历史观为我们理解与把握马克思恩格斯的文明观提供了重要的方法论与理论指导,它是马克思恩格斯的文明观的理论基础。在马克思的历史观形成之后,马克思恩格斯就是沿着唯物主义历史观的思想来把握与理解人类文明以及文明的历史演进的。在对于文明范畴的理解上,马克思恩格斯经历一个思想的发展与成熟过程:早期,把文明理解为文化的形式;随着马克思恩格斯对社会历史理解上的唯物主义转变,他们对文明的理解也发生了深刻的革命,即把文明理解为是实践的事情,理解为是社会的素质,从而实现了其文明观的唯物主义转向;最后,随着马克思恩格斯思想的进一步成熟,他们对文明的理解也臻于成熟,即把文明的进步等同于社会生产力的增长,把文明的本质理解为社会生产力。从马克思恩格斯对文明范畴的理解过程来看,他们对于文明的理解与认识,与马克思的历史观的形成与成熟是分不开的,可以说唯物主义历史观的生成与成熟的历史,就是马克思恩格斯的唯物主义文明观的生成与成熟的历史。在关于文明伊始与诞生的标志的问题上,马克思恩格斯并没有完全认同摩尔根的观点,摩尔根认为财富的欲望以及文字的使用是文明伊始的标志。马克思恩格斯则是从生产的性质以及产品的消费方式的演变与革命来理解与论证人类文明是如何得以诞生的。在马克思恩格斯看来,真正的工业生产方式与商品交换方式的产生以及私有制的出现,是文明伊始与诞生的根本标志,专偶制家庭的完全胜利以及商人阶级的出现,是文明(文明时代)诞生的重要标志。专偶制家庭的完全胜利以及商人阶级的出现,之所以也是文明(文明时代)诞生的标志,是因为专偶制家庭的最后胜利与商人阶级的出现,是社会的生产性质以及产品的消费方式发生了历史性变革的重要表现。文明时代与以前一切时代的生产性质与消费方式有着本质性的不同。在文明时代以前的一切社会历史时期,其生产在本质上都是狭隘的共同体(也即自然形成的共同体)范围的共同生产,而产品的消费在本质上也是在狭隘的共同体范围内的直接消费。在关于文明的内容以及类型问题的研究上,马克思主义文明观认为,文明,从物质生产与精神生产的角度讲,可以划分为物质文明与精神文明,而从经济与政治的角度讲,则可以划分为经济文明与政治文明。从生态学的创始人海克尔对生态的理解来看,生态文明,是经济文明在新时代的新发展。在文明类型的划分上,我们可以依据不同的标准与尺度,做出不同的划分与评价,但在马克思主义文明观看来,生产方式与交换方式以及生产关系才是划分不同文明类型的主要依据与根本尺度,其他任何尺度与依据相对它们来说,都是次要的、次生的。因此,我们在划分文明的类型时,不能把主要的当作唯一的,也不能把次要的当作主要的,更不能把次要的当作唯一的。在关于文明发展的动力与规律的问题的理解上,在唯物主义历史观看来,人的本质力量的不断发展是文明发展的内在动力,生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动是文明发展的基本动力,科学与技术的发展是文明发展的重要动力。在文明时代,也即新的、阶级的文明社会中,阶级斗争是文明发展的直接动力,鄙俗的贪欲是文明时代起推动作用的灵魂。对于人类文明发展的规律而言,其同样也要遵循社会历史发展的一般性规律,即生产关系一定要适应生产力性质的社会发展规律,此外,在文明时代,文明的发展还要遵循商品经济规律以及“没有对抗就没有进步”的规律。在关于文明的历史演进问题上,马克思恩格斯是从生产方式与交换方式的历史变革来理解人类文明的历史演进的。在《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》中,恩格斯详细地论述了人类社会是如何从蒙昧时代演进到野蛮时代,又是如何从野蛮时代演进到文明时代,并对各个时代的生产标志与社会特征做了学理性分析,最后还对人类社会的更高社会形态——共产主义社会做了展望与预示,并借用摩尔根的话表达了文明时代以后的社会状况,认为“管理上的民主,社会中的博爱,权利的平等,普及的教育,将揭开社会的下一个更高的阶段”,这个阶段将是“古代氏族的自由、平等和博爱的复活,但却是在更高级形式上的复活”。在马克思的历史观与文明观的视野中,文明的产生与进步,在社会历史发展中既有积极的历史作用,又有负面的社会影响。因此,对于文明,我们要历史地辩证地看待与认识,既不能像卢梭那样贬斥文明的历史进步意义,也不能像有些学者那样过于陶醉人类文明的进步。在社会历史发展中,文明的积极作用表现为:一是推动了社会历史的发展;二是促进了人自身的发展与解放;三是丰富了人们的物质生活与精神生活;四是有利于公共秩序、公共安全与公共利益的维护。除此之外,文明的产生与进步在社会历史发展中还有负面的社会影响,例如,导致人与人之间的不平等、社会机构和劳动者个人的异化,加剧了阶级对抗与城乡对立,以及引发文明过度,等等。在马克思的历史观与文明观看来,在不同的文明形态与文明形式之中,文明在发展程度上是存在着高低之分,在发展形态与发展形式上是存在先进与落后之别。因此,对于任何文明民族或文明国家而言,既要看到自身文明的优秀与先进的地方,也不能忽视自身文明落后与腐朽的地方。对于任何一个文明民族或文明国家而言,肯认文明发展程度存在高与低,文明之间以及自身文明内部存在优与劣、先进与落后的区分,是有利于自身文明的发展,也是有利于不同文明之间的交往与融合以及世界文明的形成的。在马克思的历史观与文明观的视野中,不同文明之间的交往与融合是人类文明史发展的必然。在人类文明史上,商业与贸易、战争与征服都是文明交往与融合的重要途经。此外,工业与资本在世界文明的形成与发展中发挥着重要的历史作用,没有工业的发展,就不会有文明的产生与发展,没有大工业与资本的发展,就不会有世界市场与世界历史的形成与发展,也就不会有世界范围内的不同文明之间的广泛交往与深度融合。在不同文明的交往与融合中,出现不同文明之间的冲突是正常的,但要解决文明之间的冲突,在唯物主义历史观看来,就应实现不同文明之间的生产力的普遍发展与普遍交往。只有在不同文明之间实现了生产力的普遍发展与普遍交往,才能从根本上解决文明的冲突。在当代中国社会主义文明建设中,我们必须坚持马克思主义文明观的指导。在马克思主义文明观的视野中,当代中国社会主义文明建设的性质是社会主义先进文明建设。而要真正地建设好社会主义先进文明,就必须大力发展社会生产力,并在不断变革社会的生产方式与交换方式的过程中,确保当代中国社会主义文明建设的先进性,从而使当代中国社会主义先进文明建设始终都代表着人类文明未来发展的方向。

【Abstract】 This thesis to the historical materialism to grasp and understanding of Marx and Engels’view of civilization as the guiding ideology and theoretical basis, and on Marx and Engels’view of civilization understanding to construct the theory system of Marxist civilization, not Marx discovered the law of development of human history, there is no historical materialism formed, there will be no more Marx and Engels’view of civilization formation and development. When we from the perspective of historical materialism to grasp and understanding of Marx and Engels’view of civilization, and those scattered in the works of the classic writers of Marxism in various expositions on civilization, also have an inherent logic. This logic, not only on Marx and Engels’understanding of the category of civilization itself, but also on the historical formation of their materialistic civilization. Historical materialism for us to understand and grasp the essence of Marx Engels’s concept of civilization has provided very important methodology and theoretical guidance, it is the theoretical basis of Marx and Engels’view of civilization. After the formation of Marx’s view of history, Marx and Engels is along the thought of historical materialism to grasp and understand the human civilization as well as the historical evolution of civilization.In civilization category understanding, Marx and Engels experience a thought of development and mature process:early, to civilization understanding for culture of form; as Marx and Engels on social history understanding of materialism change, their understanding of civilization also produced profound revolution, is to civilization understanding for is practice of things, understanding for is social of quality, to implementation has its civilization views of materialism steering; finally, along with Marx and Engels’thought further mature, their understanding of civilization is reaching maturity, which is equivalent to the social civilization and progress of productivity growth, the civilization essence understanding to social productive forces. From Marx and Engels’comprehension of category of civilization, their understanding and awareness of civilization, and the formation and maturation of Marx’s view of history are inseparable, says the formation and maturation of the history of historical materialism, is the history of the formation and maturation of Marx and Engels’ materialistic civilization.On the question of the birth of civilization and at the beginning marked, Marx and Engels did not fully agree with the views of Morgan, Morgan believed desire for wealth and he use of the word is the sign of civilization at the beginning of. Marx and Engels’is from the evolution and revolution of the production of nature as well as the product consumption to understand and demonstrate how the naissance of human civilization. In the view of Marx and Engels, the real industrial production mode and commodity exchange occurs and the emergence of private ownership, is a fundamental sign of the birth of civilization and at the beginning, polygamous family complete victory and the emergence of the merchant class, is the important symbol of the birth of civilization (the era of civilization).Polygamous family complete victory and the emergence of the merchant class, is the civilization (the era of civilization) sign of the birth, is the important performance which the social nature of production and consumption patterns of products produced historic change. The era of civilization and all before the age of the nature of production and consumption patterns have a fundamentally different. All social historical periods before the era of civilization, its production is in essence the narrow community (or natural community) the range of common production, and product consumption in essence is in narrow community within the scope of direct consumption.Research on the issues of the content and type of civilization, Marxist civilization believed that civilization, from the standpoint of the material production and spiritual production, can be divided into material civilization and spiritual civilization, and from the perspective of economy and politics, it can be divided into economic civilization and political civilization. From ecology founder Haeckel on the understanding of the ecology, ecological civilization, which is a new development in the new era of economic civilization. On the classification of types of civilization, we can according to different standards and scale, make the different classification and evaluation, but in Marx’s view of civilization, mode of production and exchange means and the relations of production is divided into different types of civilization the main basis and fundamental scale, any other scale and according to relative to them, are secondary, secondary. Therefore, we divided the civilization of the type, not the main as the only, also cannot take the secondary as main, but not the minor as the only.Understanding of the issues of the motive force and the law on the development of civilization, in the view of historical materialism, the continuous development of human nature forces is the intrinsic driving force of civilization development, the contradictory movement of the productive forces and production relations, is the basic motive force of development of civilization, the development of science and technology is the important force of the development of civilization. In the era of civilization, also is the new, class society, class struggle is the direct impetus to the development of civilization, vulgar greed is civilization plays a driving role of soul. For the law of the development of human civilization, it also has to follow the General rules of social historical development, namely, the law of social development of relations of production must be adapted to the nature of the productive forces, in addition, in the era of civilization, civilization has to follow the law of commodity economy and the development rule of "no progress without confrontation".On the issue of evolution in the history of civilization, Marx and Engels is from the mode of production and exchange history to understand the history of human civilization evolution. In" The origin of the Family, Private Property and the State", Engels discusses in detail the human society is how from barbarism times evolution to savage times, is how from savage times evolution to civilization times, and on all times of production flag and social features do has theoretical analysis, finally also to human society more high society--the Communist society has made the forecast and prediction, and borrowed Morgan words expression the era of civilization after social status, saying that " democracy in government, social fraternity, equality rights, universal education, will unveil the next higher stage of social ", this stage will be" the resurrection of the ancient clan of liberty, equality and fraternity, but in a more advanced form of the resurrection".In the perspective of Marx’s view of history and civilization, the emergence and progress of civilization, in the development of social history, both a positive role in history, and have a negative social influence. Therefore, for civilization, we have to provide a historical dialectical perspective and understanding, can neither denounce like Rousseau’s historical progress significance of civilization, nor as some scholars are too drunk with the progress of human civilization. In the development of social history, positive role in civilization:one is to promote the development of social history; two is to promote human’s own development and liberation; three is to enrich people’s material life and spiritual life; four is conducive to public order, public safety and public interests. In addition, the civilization and progress in the development of social history or have a negative social impact, for example, result in inequality between persons and persons, social institutions and laborer individual alienation, aggravated class confrontation with the opposition between city and countryside, and caused excessive civilization, and so on.In Marx’s view of history and civilization, and among the different forms of civilization, which is on the distinction between high and low levels of development, and their development patterns and development form is the existence of advanced and backward. Therefore, for any civilized nation or civilized State, we must look at its own excellent and advanced place, also cannot ignore its own civilization backward and corrupt place. For the purposes of any civilized nation or civilized State, recognizing the civilization degree of development in high and low, between civilizations and its civilization there is a distinction between superior and inferior and advanced and backward, is conducive to the development of their civilization, is also conducive to interaction and integration between different civilizations, as well as formation of world civilization,In the perspective of Marx’s view of history and civilization, interaction and integration between civilizations is inevitable development of history of human civilization. In the history of human civilization, business and trade, war and conquest are the important way of civilization communication and integration. In addition, industry and capital in the world civilization formation and development plays an important role in history, without industrial development, there will be no civilization origin and development, without the development of large-scale industrial and capital, there will be no the formation and development of the world market and the world history, also will not have the extensive exchanges and fusion depth between different civilizations in the world. In the contact and fusion of civilizations, conflict between different civilizations is normal, but to resolve conflicts between civilizations, in the view of historical materialism, it should be to achieve productivity between different civilizations are generally developed and general communication. Only in different civilizations realized productivity developed widely and general communication, in order to fundamentally solve the conflict of civilization.In the contemporary Chinese socialist civilization construction, we must adhere to the guidance of the theory of Marxist civilization. In the view of the theory of Marxist civilization, the nature of the contemporary Chinese socialist civilization construction that is the socialist advanced civilization construction. But really want to build socialism advanced civilization, we must vigorously develop social productive forces, and in the process of constant change society’s mode of production and exchange,to ensure that the advanced nature of the contemporary Chinese socialist civilization, so that contemporary socialism advanced civilization in China always represent the future direction of development of human civilization.
