

Research on Vocabulary Teaching in the Classroom in TCFL from a Perspective of Cognitive Psychology

【作者】 张晓苏

【导师】 李向农;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 词汇是语言的重点,而词汇教学一直是语言教学的难点。对外汉语教学中,词汇教学也一直处在比较难以处理的境地。词汇系统本身的特点和语言教学的方式决定了课堂上的词汇教学具有一定的难度,不容易达到理想的教学效果。本文主要研究对外汉语词汇的课堂教学,从认知心理的角度考察对外汉语词汇课堂教学的历史和现状,在此基础上提出相应的设想并进行教学实验,以找到能够落实于具体的课堂、改进词汇教学效果的原则和方法。全文分为八个部分。第一章绪论部分主要阐述了选题缘由,并对已有的对外汉语词汇教学的成果进行了梳理和总结,选取了有代表性的文章进行介绍,在此基础上提出本文的研究目标和方法。第二章从认知心理学的角度出发,考察语言学习过程中的心理因素和过程,从心理词典的角度探讨了外语词汇的学习、积累和提取方式,总结前人对词汇学习的观点,并与现阶段的语言教学实际结合。第三章的主要内容是回顾历史上曾经出现过的有代表性的教学法,通过对这些具体的教学方法的考察,总结出词汇教学在外语教学中的发展历程,对外汉语教学也是外语教学的一种,我们也梳理了对外汉语教学的发展史,发现对外汉语词汇教学一直处在受忽视的地位。第四章考察了当前对外汉语词汇教学的依据,包括汉语教学课堂的类型、课程设置、教学大纲、教材编写等方面,课堂类型决定了教学的对象和场所,课程设置和教学大纲规定了所要教授的内容,教材则是课堂教学不可缺少的组成部分,规定了每节课的目标词汇,教学依据对词汇的课堂教学产生一定的指导作用。第五章考察了当前对外汉语教学课堂实际的词汇教学情况。我们选取了不同教学课堂、不同班级的综合课进行考察,对教师的教学方式和学生的反应进行观察、记录和相关的访谈,发现大多数教师的词汇教学过程松散粗略,并未根据学生和班级的特点进行有针对性的设计,教师进行词汇释义时效率偏低,学生在词汇教学环节中的参与度不高,针对词汇的课堂操练较少,基本上没有布置关于词汇知识的作业,由此可见,教师和学生都未对课堂词汇教学给予应有的重视,词汇教学的效果自然谈不上理想。第六章根据前面已有的调查数据和结果,分析了词汇教学的重要性,以及在课堂上教师和学生的作用与关系,并明确了汉语词汇课堂教学环节的具体目标,在该目标的指导下,针对对当前外汉语词汇教学的大纲、教材、课程设置提出了一些改进意见,对教学法的运用、教师授课的方式提出了一些能够落实于课堂的原则,并对教师的能力和素质提出了一定的要求。第七章的主要内容为教学实验。根据考察和分析得到的结论,结合当前的实际情况,面向不同年龄、不同背景的汉语学习者,对对外汉语词汇课堂教学的过程进行教学实验,主要包括呈现、释义、操练和作业,分别进行了分环节的教学实验和多环节的教学实验,并在实验课之后进行测试,发现实验课上目标词汇的教学效果优于非实验课,这说明对外汉语词汇的课堂教学有可能并且有必要进行改进。第八章为本文的结论和进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Vocabulary is one of the most important parts of language, and it is also a difficult part of language teaching. In Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language (TCFL), vocabulary teaching is inefficient in the classroom. The unique characters of vocabulary system and the way of language teaching currently determined the high degree of difficulty of teach words on language class, the thesis is concerned with vocabulary classroom teaching in TCFL. studied the historical and current methods of vocabulary classroom teaching in TCFL from cognition and psychology aspect, promoted some tentative plan of teaching, and did some teaching experiments on the TCFL class, aims to find out some scientific way to improve the effectiveness of vocabulary teaching in practice.The thesis consists of eight chapters.Chapter1introduced the significance of research, its research goal and research method, and the previous study of vocabulary teaching both at home and abroad.Chapter2studied the process and the psychological elements of language learning, the mental lexicon of the language learners, and how they storage and pick up the words in their mind, summarized the arguments of previous study on vocabulary learning.Chapter3recalled the approaches and methods in language teaching in the history, summarized the development process of foreign language vocabulary teaching, TCFL belongs to foreign language teaching, so we also combed the history of TCFL, and found that vocabulary teaching has been underestimated for a long time.Chapter4researched the foundation of vocabulary teaching in TCFL, including the types of mandarin class, the curricula, the syllabus and the teaching materials. Different types of mandarin class have different students and classrooms, curriculum and syllabus decided what should be taught on the class, teaching materials are the basic elements of classroom teaching so that decided the target words in every lesson. These foundations instructed the teaching activities.Chapter5investigated the current situation of vocabulary teaching in TCFL on the classes. We chose different class to observe and inspect, and recorded the data from those classes, about the way of teachers used in classroom, and the reactions of the students when they were learning target words. According the data of survey and interview, we found that most of the teachers did not have the lesson plan about target words, and the students were in a negative status when teacher was teaching vocabulary. The explanation of target words was ineffective, words practice and exercises are rare in the classroom teaching, which is the reason of the failure of vocabulary teaching. Chapter6contains the education design of vocabulary teaching in TCFL according to the analysis of the data on the class, and analysis of the relationship between students and teacher in the class. We clarified the goals of vocabulary teaching in the classroom, and promoted some advises of the curricula, syllabus and teaching materials, and also listed the requirements to TCFL teachers on how to teach words effectively.Chapter7consisted in teaching experiments. We chose some mandarin class as experimental subjects, the students are different in age and Chinese language level, our experiments were aimed at different stages of vocabulary teaching, collected the data of classes and tests, found that the teaching results of experimental classes is better than the parallel classes, that demonstrated we should and we need to design the vocabulary teaching parts in TCFL classroom, and its practicability has been proved.Chapter8is the main conclusion of the thesis, and the directions of continuing studies.

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