

Legitimate Protection of Unregistered Trademark

【作者】 黄保勇

【导师】 张玉敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 知识产权法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 未注册商标的法律保护问题存在于实行商标注册制的国家。在我国,基于人们对商标抢注现象的关注和对商标理论的反思,未注册商标的法律保护问题才引起理论界的重视,并且成为我国商标法的第三次修改被讨论的问题之一。完善关于未注册商标的立法保护,必须以一定的理论认识为基础。任何合理的立法都是合理的观念的产物,任何合理的观念都来源于对事物本质及客观规律的认识。当前,在理论上,对未注册商标的法律保护需要探讨和解决的问题主要集中在三个方面,一是未注册商标保护的理论基础;二是未注册商标的保护范围;三是未注册商标的保护方法。同样,对上述问题的探讨也要以人们对未注册商标的本质认识为基础。但是,传统商标法的思维是一种“财产”思维,即将商标视为一种符号,授予商标权是基本的保护方式,将商标权视为一种法定财产权,将商标法视为“准物权法”。按照这种思维逻辑,不仅未注册商标保护的正当性和保护方法都无从谈起,而且又出现两个新问题,一个是商标权的绝对化倾向,另一个是对商标使用、商誉的理解片面化。产生这些问题的原因是只看到人与商标标志物的关系,没有从商标所有人、消费者和其他竞争者三者之间的关系中予以思考,从而无法揭示商标的真正市场意义。因此,研究未注册商标的法律保护问题需要进行方法或视角的创新。本文倾向于商标法的实证化研究,并认为萨维尼将民法得以实证化的法律关系理论可以用在商标法的研究中。按照萨维尼的理论,如果把商标权放在商标权法律关系中去理解,就会更全面的理解商标权的内容;如果理解商标权法律关系的基础是商标使用关系及商事交易关系,就会发现法律上的商标使用的判断不能只考虑商标所有人。但是,这种法律关系的思维方式并不能直接适用于未注册商标的法律分析,因为普通未注册商标和有一定影响的未注册商标在很多国家并不能取得商标权。这样,为了坚持实证化的研究方向,我们必须从商标法律关系的基础社会关系中寻找突破口。本文认为,商标权存在的现实基础正是伴随商标存在的商事交易。商标法中的商标所有人与消费者的关系其实就是商事交易的关系,反不正当竞争法就是通过制止其他经营者的不正当竞争行为以维护商标所有人的正常商事交易关系。因此,本文坚持以商事交易的视角研究未注册商标的法律保护。商事交易的视角与商标“财产”思维的根本区别是,商事交易的视角的本质是人与人之间的关系的视角,而“财产”思维是人与物之间的关系的视角。商事交易的视角将商标视为一种市场信息,其意义是影响和控制市场行为;认为商标法律关系同时存在财产基础和竞争利益基础,商标权具有财产属性和竞争属性;认为商标法不仅是财产法,而且是市场经济的交易规则。本文采用商事交易的新视角和这种视角带来的关于商标、商标权和商标法的新观念,全面研究未注册商标的法律保护问题。第一章主要探讨未注册商标保护的理论基础。首先,从商事交易的视角,阐述了未注册商标保护的市场机制和法律机制的区分。未注册商标就是人们的自由选择,对这种自由,我们必须要尊重,这就要求法律对未注册商标的干预要保持合理的限度。这个规律被日本的知识产权教授田村善之先生称为“市场与法律作用的分担”。而笔者将其称为市场机制与法律机制的区分。依照这种认识,本文主张要坚持法律保护的有限性,反对法律万能主义,在未注册商标保护领域,对直接得到法律保护的未注册商标予以条件限制,换而言之,法律保护的是狭义的未注册商标,不是广义的一切商标标识。对法律保护之外的未注册商标,由市场机制予以调节。第二,以自然法哲学为视角,阐述了未注册商标法律保护的道德上的正当性。受到彼得·德霍斯的影响,本文试图从自然法哲学的理论寻找未注册商标的保护的正当性,但是,本文的路径是从自然法的基本理论出发,而不是从自然法的某一具体理论出发,进而指出商标法的法哲学价值是自由和以自由为基础的秩序,未注册商标是人的自由的体现,未注册商标保护的道德上的正当性就是尊重人的自由。对于未注册商标而言,通过其所有人的自由使用,维护的是一种以自由为基础的竞争秩序。具体来说,通过使用未注册商标的经营者的自由竞争,通过对假冒未注册商标的不正当竞争行为的禁止,最终维护消费者的权利。这种表达既符合市场的本来状态,又符合自然法哲学原理,还可以澄清关于未注册商标的错误观念。比如,我国的商标法一直摆脱不了行政管理本位,这种观念的价值就是秩序和秩序之下的自由,因未注册商标无法发挥管理功能,自然而然,就得不到重视。第三,以商标使用和商誉保护为视角,阐述了未注册商标法律保护的现实合理性和实质正当性。商标使用和商誉在未注册商标的保护中具有非常重要的地位。商标使用是未注册商标存在与保护的实质性条件,商誉是未注册商标法律保护的直接根据。商誉来自于商标使用,因商标使用产生的商誉是未注册商标法律保护正当性的实质性根据,商誉保护符合法律所主张的实质正义的要求。商标使用的本质是一种市场行为,是一种通过商标工具影响和控制市场的行为。至于对商誉的理解,本文采纳“商誉是一种关系利益”的概念,这种表述与商事交易的视角是契合的。按照这个解释,商标的商誉不仅是一种现实利益,还包括一种预期利益。比如,有一定影响的未注册商标和未注册驰名商标的商誉就是一种现实利益,而对于申请而未使用的商标就是一种预期利益,这样就可以解释为何对侵犯注册而未使用的商标的行为不予以赔偿救济了。第四,分析了未注册商标的保护目的,阐述了现代商标法与反不正当竞争法的保护未注册商标目的的一致性。未注册商标的保护目的问题,单纯从商标法或反不正当竞争法的角度去思考都可能出现片面的观点。本文认为,商标法中的商标所有人、消费者和社会公众具有根本利益的一致性,商标法的三大目的具有同等重要的地位。商标法的三大目的的协调对未注册商标保护的理论意义在于我们必须找到一个包括三种利益的平台作为分析商标法律关系的基础。长期以来,我们将商标视为“准物权”,从支配的意义上分析商标的权利产生、权利内容、权利变化,这种分析的视角就是人与物的关系。而本文认为,分析未注册商标所有人、消费者、其他竞争者三者之间的关系,才能找到未注册商标问题的实质。而未注册商标所有人、消费者、其他竞争者三者存在的平台就是未注册商标赖以存在的基础“商事交易”。无贸易就无商标,本文进一步认为“无市场就无商标”,商标就是一种市场交易的工具,商标权就是影响人的自由的工具,商标的意义不在于“财产”,而在于对市场上人的行为的影响,商标的意义就是市场控制意义。因此,实现未注册商标保护的三大目的的协调,就要从商事交易的视角研究未注册商标的保护。第二章探讨未注册商标的类型化,旨在明确未注册商标法律保护的范围。理想的未注册商标保护依据仍然是未注册商标法律制度的体系化。未注册商标法律制度体系化的基本要求就是未注册商标的类型化。类型化的未注册商标也就是未注册商标类型化的对象。出于研究未注册商标的需要,我们把可以类型化的对象限定在符合法律规定条件的未注册商标。尽管未注册商标占据了商标总量的绝大部分,但是,无论是理论界还是实务部门,对未注册商标的关注远远不及现实的需要。一般认为,未注册商标自然地存在,不需要关注“成为未注册商标”的条件,对于未注册商标的法律保护条件也是泛泛而谈得较多。因此,本文在阐述了未注册商标类型化的必要性之后,接着讨论了纳入类型化的未注册商标的条件。至于未注册商标的分类,基于商事交易的视角,本文采用普通的未注册商标、有一定影响的未注册商标和未注册的驰名商标的分类,并认为这种分类方法是合理的,其反映了未注册商标的保护基础,尤其是“有一定影响”可以表达未注册商标的市场工具意义。最后,从学理上分析,根据是否直接以商标的形式而存在可分为一般的未注册商标和特殊的未注册商标,根据是否有特定的名称可分为有名未注册商标和无名未注册商标,并分别阐述了这种观点的意义。第三章探讨商标法对未注册商标的保护。首先,文章阐述了普通未注册商标确权的非可行性,提出了对未注册商标的过度干预不符合市场中的自由竞争原则,无条件的保护就是对商标“标志物”先占的保护,商标法对普通未注册商标的间接保护是制止欺诈。第二,依据有关国家的立法,分析了有一定影响的未注册商标的保护条件和方法,探讨了有一定影响的未注册商标在注册制中的商标权保护模式和有一定影响的未注册商标的先用权保护模式,并重点对德国和美国各自的做法进行了评析,然后,对这两种模式进行比较。文章指出,这两种模式对有一定影响的未注册商标都给予了法律承认,这是两种模式的共同点,但是,两种模式的不同之处是两种模式隐含的哲学基础不同;与商标权模式相比,先用权模式在逻辑上先天不足,先用权模式自始就是为解决与注册商标的冲突而设立的,不是为未注册商标所有人考虑的,这种模式只能反映人类利用法律工具的任性而不是追求真理;与商标权模式相比,先用权模式无法反映商标的本质意义。商标的本质意义是对市场行为的影响和控制,商标的利益是商标所有人、消费者与其他竞争者相互关系中产生的利益。先用权模式会导致消费者的分裂和未注册商标所有人与消费者关系的断裂,其结果是,未注册商标无法再完整地体现商标的本质及其意义。与商标权模式相比,先用权不是产权,不能成为交易的对象。按照科斯定理,产权界定是商事交易的前提,有了产权才可能形成交易规则。一般认为,商标法中的先用权是不能转让的。既然如此,商标法上的先用权规则并不具有交易规则的意义,显然其作用非常有限。文章认为,除了先用权模式表现了对商标审查机构的尊重外,对有一定影响的未注册商标采取先用权保护模式无异于作茧自缚。对于未注册驰名商标,文章重点总结了其保护基础的变化,即早期规定体现了诚实信用的法律原则,而现在则出现独占论倾向和效率至上的理念,并对未注册驰名商标的反淡化保护予以了评析,指出在理论问题和相关立法没有修改的情况下,我国司法中所谓的“反淡化实践”应该缓行。第四章探讨不正当竞争法对未注册商标的保护。文章首先阐述了商标法与反不正当竞争法的关系,对反不正当竞争观念更新及立法示范条款予以解读,阐述了反不正当竞争法的目标的变化对保护未注册商标的影响、反不正当竞争法的调整对象的变化对未注册商标的影响、反不正当竞争法一般条款的变化对未注册商标保护的影响、从“假冒”到“不公平竞争”的理念变化对未注册商标保护的影响,并指出了商标法与反不正当竞争法在保护未注册商标方面的融合趋势。第二,文章阐述了反不正当竞争法保护未注册商标的条件,从商事交易的视角重点分析了反不正当竞争法制止未注册商标假冒和反向假冒的行为。第五章阐述民法和版权法对未注册商标的保护。首先,关于民法对未注册商标的保护,文章重点对一个流行的观点“普通未注册商标是一种合法的利益,可以得到民法的保护”进行了剖析,指出民法对普通未注册商标的保护不是对普通未注册商标所有人利益的保护而是对普通未注册商标所有人的商事自由的尊重,具有抽象的意义。如果对这种自由予以保护,就只能依据民商法中的其他具体规定,本文进一步指出,这里的未注册商标就不是知识产权意义的未注册商标。只要使用未注册商标,就享有相应的权利,这种认识的根源是洛克的劳动论,已经被证明是片面的。普通未注册商标使用人享有民商事自由,将普通未注册商标视为自然产生的利益,会直接威胁市场自由。至于版权法对未注册商标的保护,文章指出,版权对未注册商标的保护主要是商标所有人出于商标战略的考虑,版权法对有一定影响的未注册商标和未注册驰名商标的意义不大。第六章探讨我国未注册商标保护的立法完善。文章反思了我国未注册商标的法律实践中的两个问题。对于商标抢注行为,文章指出注册机关有义务制止商标抢注行为,而制止商标抢注可以结合诚实信用原则。对被动使用问题,基于商事交易的视角,文章结合具体案例全面阐述了商标使用与被动使用的区分,指出消费者的商标意义的表达不同于具有市场意义的商标使用,要结合不同的对象,正确理解商标被动使用的含义。文章最后提出,完善我国的未注册商标保护,现实选择是采用先用权模式和反不正当竞争法同时并举。具体做法是:在商标法申请商标注册的条款里,要求明示“使用意图”,为未注册商标的保护奠定其法理基础;在商标法的相关条款明示“先用权”;在将来反不正当竞争法修改时,增加“禁止假冒和反向假冒有一定影响的未注册商标和未注册驰名商标的行为”条款。

【Abstract】 There exists legal protection of unregistered trademark only in the country applyingtrademark-registering system. The question of legal protection of unregistered trademarkdidn’t be paid attention to in theory and became one question being probed into in the thirdrevision of Trademark Law in China due to reflecting of trademark theory and focusing onscrambling for registering trademark in China. Perfection of unregistered trademark’s legalprotection must be based on certain theory. Any reasonable legislation is the result ofreasonable thought deriving from the realization of the nature and the objective rule of things.Nowadays, in theory, necessity of unregistered trademark’s legitimate protection focuses onthree questions, the theoretical foundation of unregistered trademark’s legitimate protection,the range of unregistered trademark’s legitimate protection, and the method of unregisteredtrademark’s legitimate protection. And the probing into said questions must base on the natureof unregistered trademark. However, property thought in traditional trademark law, in whichbasic protection mode of trademark is granting trademark right, consider the trademark as asymbol and consider trademark law as quasi-property law. In accordance with this thoughtlogic, there will not exist appropriateness and mode of legal protection of unregisteredtrademark, and there appears two new questions at the same time, one is absolute tendency oftrademark right, the other is one-sided understanding of trademark use and trademarkgoodwill. The reason of resulting these questions is not to think the question from therelationship of trademark owner and consumer and other competitor as well but merely tofocus on the relationship of people and trademark symbol to discover the true market meaning.Thus, there need origination of researching channel to study the question of unregisteredtrademark’s legal protection. The thesis tends to research the trademark law in empiricalmethod and argue that Saviny’s legal nexus theory making the civil law empirics can be usedin the research of trademark law. Under Saviny’ s theory, we can have a comprehensiveunderstanding of the content of trademark right if we put the trademark right into trademarklegal nexus. We will find we will not only consider trademark owner to measure trademarkuse if we interpret the foundation of trademark legal nexus as trademark use legal nexus andcommercial transaction relationship. But this thinking method can not be directly applied tothe analysis of unregistered trademark, because general unregistered trademark and unregistered trademark having considerable influence can not be granted trademark right. Wewill find the key from the basic social relationship of trademark legal nexus to adhere toempirical method. The thesis believe the actual basis of trademark existence is thecommercial transaction. The relationship of trademark owner and consumer in the trademarklaw is the commercial transaction relationship. Anti-unfair competition law maintain regularcommercial transaction relationship of trademark owner by prohibiting other operator’ unfaircompetition. So the thesis persists in researching unregistered trademark’s legal protection inthe angle of commercial transaction. The fundamental difference between the angle ofcommercial transaction and the angle of trademark’s property thought is that the essence ofthe former is the angle of the relationship between people, and the essence of the latter is theangle of the relationship between people and thing. The angle of commercial transactionconsider the trademark as a kind of market information aiming to effect and control marketaction and consider the trademark legal nexus having property basis and having competitionbenefit basis at the same time, and the thesis consider trademark law as not only propertylaw but also transaction law in market economy. The thesis make an overall study on legalprotection of unregistered trademark from the new angle of commercial transaction and thenew ideas concerning trademark and trademark right and trademark law deriving from theangle.The first chapter mainly probes into the theoretical foundation of unregistered trademark.Firstly, the first chapter probes into the difference between the market system of unregisteredtrademark and legal system of unregistered trademark from the angle of commercialtransaction. Unregistered trademark is people’s free choice being respected, which means theappropriately legal intervention in unregistered trademark that be named as thefunction-sharing of market and law by Japanese Professor田村善之in intellectual propertylaw and be named as the differentiation of market system and legal system by the author.Accordance the standpoint, the thesis insists on the limitation of legal protection and opposesto legal omnipotence and make limitation on unregistered trademark directly securing legalprotection. Namely, rather unregistered trademark in narrow sense than trademark symbol inbroad sense can be protected, and those unregistered trademark beyond the legal protectionshall be regulated by the market system.Secondly, the thesis expounds the ethical justification of unregistered trademark’ legalprotection. The thesis tends to seek the ethical justification of unregistered trademark’ legal protection in jurisprudence of natural law and to probe into the question in the method offundamental theory of natural law than in the approach of any material theory of natural law.The thesis points out that the jurisprudence value of trademark law is freedom and orderbased on the freedom, and that unregistered trademark is the expression of people’s freedom.Then the thesis argues that respect for people’s freedom is ethical justification of unregisteredtrademark’ legal protection and free usage of unregistered trademark by the trademark owneraims to safeguard consumer’s right. Particularly, for the purpose of safeguarding consumer’sright, the free competition of operator using the unregistered trademark and prohibition ofunfair competition against unregistered trademark forfeiting. The viewpoint conforms notonly to natural state of market but also to the philosophy of natural law and clarifies wrongideas about unregistered trademark. For example, the viewpoint can interpret whyadministrative management standard always exists in Trademark Law in China, the reason isthat management function of unregistered trademark can not be realized.Thirdly, the thesis expounds the real reasonableness and material justification of legalprotection of unregistered trademark from the angle of trademark usage and trademarkgoodwill protection. Trademark usage and trademark goodwill protection play a key role inlegal protection of unregistered trademark. Trademark usage is the material requirement ofunregistered trademark existence and of being protected. Trademark goodwill, which comesfrom trademark usage conforms to the requirements of legal material justness and is thematerial justification of legal protection of unregistered trademark, is the direct foundation oflegal protection of unregistered trademark. The essence of trademark usage is market behaviorto effect and control the market by trademark instrument. The thesis adopts the interestrelationship concept of trademark goodwill, the said concept expression is consistent with theangle of commercial transaction. According to this expression, trademark goodwill is not onlya material interest but an expectant interest, e.g. the goodwill of unregistered trademarkhaving certain influence and unregistered well-known trademark is a material interest,whereas the goodwill of trademark having been applied but not yet used and generalunregistered trademark are only expectant interest but not having material interest.Fourthly, the thesis expounds the consistence in protection purpose of modern trademarklaw and modern anti-unfair competition law by analyzing the purpose of unregisteredtrademark protection. One-sided opinion may appear when we think the protection purpose ofunregistered trademark either from the angle of mere trademark law or from the angle of anti-unfair competition law. The thesis argues that there exists interest consistence among thetrademark owner and consumer and the public and three purposes of trademark law have theequally important situation. For unregistered trademark, harmonization of three purposes oftrademark law aims to seek a framework including three interests to be the foundation ofanalyzing trademark legal nexus. In the long run, trademark is considered as quasi-propertyright, creation and content and alteration of trademark right is analyzed from the standpoint ofcontrol denoting the relationship of people and thing. The thesis argues that we can find theessence of unregistered trademark only by analyzing the relationship among trademark ownerand consumer and other competitor.Whereas the framework of the existence of trademark owner and consumer and othercompetitor is the foundation of unregistered trademark existence and is commercialtransaction,. Without transaction, without trademark. The thesis further argues that withoutmarket without trademark. Trademark is a channel of market transaction, and trademark rightis the channel of effecting people’s freedom. What trademark means lies not in property but ineffecting people’s behavior, trademark means market-controlling. We can respond to the threepurposes of unregistered trademark protection and harmonize the three purposes ofunregistered trademark protection legislation only by studying unregistered trademark fromthe standpoint of commercial transaction.The second chapter probes into the categorization of unregistered trademark to make therange of unregistered trademark protection clear. Systematic unregistered trademarklegislation, which means categorization of unregistered trademark, is still the justification ofideal unregistered trademark protection. Categorizing unregistered trademark is the object ofunregistered trademark categorization. For the purpose of studying unregistered trademark,we limit unregistered trademark needing to be categorized to those adhering to the legalrequirements. Although the majority of overall trademark is composed of unregisteredtrademark, the attention paid to which does not yet meet with practical requirement either intheoretical study or in practice. Unregistered trademark exists naturally and need not therequirement of being unregistered trademark. Thus, the thesis then expounds the requirementsof categorizing unregistered trademark. As the classification of unregistered trademark isconcerned, the thesis adapts classification of general unregistered trademark having certaininfluence and unregistered well-known trademark and argue that the said classificationreflecting the protection foundation of unregistered trademark is reasonable, the expression of having certain influence can show market instrument meaning of unregistered trademark. Atlast, the thesis assert that unregistered trademark can be classified into general unregisteredtrademark and special unregistered trademark in accordance with form existence, and also itcan be classified named unregistered trademark and unnamed in accordance with whether ornot having specific name, the thesis expounds the meaning of the viewpoint.The third chapter expounds the protection of unregistered trademark in Trademark Lawin China. First, expounding non-execution of general unregistered trademark right, the thesisassert that overdue intervention with unregistered trademark does not comply with freecompetition principle in the market economy, and unqualified protection means occupationprotection of trademark symbol, collateral protection of general unregistered trademark in theTrademark Law in China aims to prohibiting fraud. Second, the thesis analyzes the conditionand method of unregistered trademark having certain influence in other countries’ legislation,and then expounds the protection mode of unregistered trademark right having certaininfluence and the protection mode of prior use right, emphatically compares and evaluates theprotection mode in America and that in Germany. The thesis points out that the commonnessbetween the said protection mode is legal recognition of unregistered trademark havingcertain influence and the difference between the said protection mode is the latent philosophybasis. As contrast to the protection mode of trademark right, prior use protection mode is inshort of logical justification, because prior use protection mode is created for resolvingconflict between unregistered trademark and registered trademark from the start and is notcreated for the benefit of unregistered trademark owner, which embodies rather thewillfulness to employing legal instrument than perusing the truth, all of which reflect prioruse protection mode can not express the material meaning of trademark, effecting andcontrolling the market behavior. The benefit of trademark derives from the competitionamong the owner of trademark and consumer and other competitors. Prior use protectionmode will give rise to the break of trademark owner and consumer and the separation ofconsumer and results that unregistered trademark can not embody the nature and meaning oftrademark completely. As contrast to the protection mode of trademark right, prior use right isnot property right and can not become the object of transaction. Under the rule of Coasetheorem, definition of property right is the prerequisite of commercial transaction, withoutproperty right, without transaction rule. It is generally believed that prior use right can not betransferred and the transaction rule in trademark law does not have the meaning of transaction rule. The thesis assert that except for embodying the respect for examining agencies, prior useprotection mode means nothing for unregistered trademark having certain influence. Asunregistered well-known trademark is concerned, the thesis concludes the alteration ofprotection basis, that is honest and credit principle in the early stage and the value ofefficiency supremacy and exclusiveness tendency in the present, and analyzes and evaluatesthe anti-dilution protection of unregistered well-known trademark, then the thesis assertsslowing down the anti-dilution judicial practice in the state of non-alteration of theory andlegislation.The fifth chapter expounds the protection of unregistered trademark in the civil law andin the copyright law. First, as civil law protection is concerned, the thesis particularly analyzesa prevalent viewpoint that general unregistered trademark is a legitimate interest and beprotected in the civil law, the thesis points out that the protection of unregistered trademark inthe civil law does not mean to protect unregistered trademark owner’s interest but means torespect the freedom of general unregistered trademark owner. Owing to its abstractness, theprotection can be applied by combining with concrete prescriptions. It has been proven that itis false that having some right after using unregistered trademark which comes from the labortheory of Locke. General unregistered trademark user has civil and commercial freedom. Theopinion of considering general unregistered trademark as interest naturally accruing willdirectly jeopardize market freedom. As for the protection of unregistered trademark incopyright law, the thesis points out that the protection under copyright law is created for thetrademark strategy of trademark owner, and copyright law have little importance forunregistered trademark having certain influence and unregistered well-known trademark.The sixth chapter expounds the perfection of unregistered trademark in China. Reflectingthe practice of unregistered trademark in China, the thesis argues that the registrationauthority is obliged to prohibit the scramble for registering trademark with honest and creditprinciple. The thesis comprehensively expounds the difference between trademark use andtrademark being used and points out that the consumer’s expression having trademarkmeaning differentiates from trademark use having market meaning, thus correctunderstanding of the meaning of trademark being used needs to integrate different object. Thethesis asserts that concurrent employment of the mode of prior use and of the mode ofanti-unfair competition law to perfect unregistered trademark in China. Particularly, usecontent shall be prescribed in the registry-applying clause and Prior use shall be expressed in the trademark law to provide jurisprudence foundation for unregistered trademark. The clauseof barring passing-off and reverse passing-off unregistered trademark having certain influencein the anti-unfair competition law.
