

A Study in Modern Chinese Text Image and Typographic Norms

【作者】 杜钦

【导师】 王敏; 黄克俭;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 文字设计行为的基本目标是建立一种文本的视觉秩序——具有匀整版面肌理的层级分明、详略得当的文本信息。换言之,文字排版设计要解决两个根本问题,一、确保版面的齐准、匀整,获得疏密得当的版面肌理,保证文字的清晰易辨(Legible)美观;二、缔造有有严密逻辑的信息层级,加强文本的可读性(Readable)。信息的传达、意义和精神的承载都是基于这两者实现的基础之上的。文字版面的齐准、匀整是任何文化、任何理性书写行为都会导向的一种视觉形态和品质。以手书文字作为主要记录媒介的时代已经离我们十分遥远,而利用“预制”的文字(活字、数字字体)进行“书写”式的文字记录和文字生产的行为越来越成为一种社会性的需求。通过制式化的文字形态和肌理匀整的印刷文字版面,人们努力追求一种视觉的理想化的书写形式(Idealised writing)。这种几乎纯粹视觉的需求在当今技术与媒介高度发达的情况下愈加强烈和显著。十九世纪开始的铅活字排印时代以来的文字设计和版面肌理,是上承古典中文文字设计传统,下启现代和未来文字设计实践的重要中介。现代中文版面肌理的实现主要体现于标点(Punctuation)、间空(Spacing)、字体(Type)、齐准(Alignment)几个方面。本文通过对中文版面肌理和排版学规范的剖析,提出了通过标点后间空(Punctuation spacing,或标点占宽)策略实现的现代中文版面肌理的排版学概念。由标点后间空主导的版面肌理的实现是铅活字排印出现以来的现代中文排版学的重要传统和规范。考察和分析清末民初以降的铅活字印刷物版面、重新认识和树立活字时代以来的这种排印传统和规范,对于现代中文的文字设计实践和排版学在新媒介时代的进一步发展有着重要意义。文字设计是一种既包含微观细节的把握,又需要中观、宏观设计策略制定与实施的设计行为。本文着力研究于一种微观——中观的文字设计,即文字行的构成(微观)以及版面肌理的实现(中观)。从微观——中观——宏观的文字设计,对于排版学规范的意识,以及对标点、间空、齐准等文字设计基本原理的认识和掌握,指向一种精确的、逻辑化的、可被进一步发展的文字设计语言。

【Abstract】 The realisation of a text image is at the core of Chinese typography. Two most important goals of Chinese typographic design are the realisation of an even, legible, functional text image, and a well orchestrated readable hierarchical system of information,—an achievement of both legibility and readability.Unlike Latin typography which is mainly driven by the relationship between justification and hyphenation, and line-breaking, in realising any desired text image, Chinese typography instead must strike a balance between punctuation spacing, prohibition rules of punctuation marks, paragraph justification and the maintaining of natural setting of Chinese characters.Punctuation, spacing, alignment and typeface are united and become the actual typographic rules driven by a punctuation spacing strategy. These rules are the typographic norms and conventions which survived the transformation from letterpress to digital typesetting, and deserve to be fully investigated and developed further in our age.Rediscovering and understanding these typographic rules are a point of departure for a Chinese typographic language and provides a significant approach to typographic development in an age of electronic publishing and screen-based reading.This thesis also surveys the principles behind the typographic rules of modern Chinese,—Punctuation, Spacing, Alignment and the choice of typeface. From micro typography, to medial and macro typography, these principles of typography are universally applicable.
