

【作者】 王雪皎

【导师】 周至禹;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 非主流设计处在社会边缘被忽视的领域,虽然它们显得微弱与边缘化,却包含着巨大的创造力,会成为未来社会主流设计文化的重要推动力量。本文写作一直围绕这样一个潜在问题层层展开,即非主流设计究竟是在怎样的社会结构中产生的,又是怎样转变为未来社会主流设计的一部分,非主流设计另类的审美与鲜活的创造力究竟如何推动设计领域的进步与发展。本文首先对非主流设计研究概念与研究范围做了界定,将非主流设计放置到社会结构更为复杂的语境中,把问题聚焦在代际冲突与社会边缘群体共生两个方面,分析青年激进设计产生的原因,并进一步从处在边缘非主流群体与主流群体共生并存角度分析了非主流设计的多样化设计表达。其次,边缘群体产生的非主流文化是流动的,从非主流设计文化流动的角度,探讨昔日的非主流文化如何会逐步转化为未来社会主流文化的一部分,并归纳出三种非主流文化流向分析其特征。文化流动现象促进了主流文化新陈代谢,为主流文化源源不断的提供了新的美学意趣和新的创造活力。本文从非主流设计美学角度探讨了非主流设计另类设计的颓废之美、暗黑设计的病态之美、死亡之美和暴力之美,以及社会边缘草根设计的自由之美和生存之美。最后,从非主流设计创造力的角度进一步分析了处在社会边缘非主流设计的自由创造力和反叛的创造力。非主流设计是社会边缘一种不可忽视的力量,虽然开始时候显得微小和孤寂,但是由于远离主流中心管制与束缚充满着反叛精神和冒险精神,反而成为未来社会思潮和创造力的发源地。

【Abstract】 Non mainstream design is always a marginalized neglected area, these non mainstreamdesign, art, culture contains great creativity, will become an important driving force forthe future social mainstream culture. In this paper, the writing has been around such apotential questions, namely non mainstream design is how social background, how toshift as part of a future society mainstream, non mainstream design offbeat aesthetic andfresh creativity exactly how to promote progress in the field of development designcreation.Firstly, non mainstream design concept and research range, the non mainstream designplaced into the social structure is more complex in the context of the analysis of thecauses of youth of radical design focusing on the inter generational conflict and symbiosisof marginalized groups, and further from the non mainstream social groups at the edgeand symbiosis with the mainstream groups coexist angle analysis of the expression ofdesign a variety of non mainstream design. Secondly, the non mainstream culturemarginal groups is flowing from the non mainstream culture, design flow of nonmainstream culture, to explore the past to will be gradually transformed into a part ofmainstream culture in the future, and summarize three kinds of non mainstream culture tothe phenomenon and analyzing its characteristic. The cultural phenomenon of flowpromotes the mainstream culture to the mainstream culture The new supersedes the old.,Everfount provides aesthetic charm of new and new creativity. Thirdly, this paper fromthe non mainstream design aesthetic perspective of non mainstream design offbeatdecadent beauty, dark world of morbid beauty, the beauty of death and beauty of violence,as well as the social edge grass root design freedom beauty and beauty of existence.Finally, further analysis of the marginalized non mainstream design creativity and socialedge rebel creativity from the non mainstream design creativity perspective. Nonmainstream social edge design is a force that cannot be ignored, although at first seemsmall and lonely, but due to being away from the regulation and restraint of mainstreamcenter full of rebellious spirit and the spirit of adventure, but become the birthplace of thefuture trends of social thought and creativity.
