

Design of Infrared Dual-waveband Coaxial Projector Objective Based on DMD

【作者】 张宇

【导师】 王文生;

【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 光学工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 由于温度高于绝对零度的所有物体都有红外辐射,为探测和识别目标提供了客观基础。红外系统的主要工作方式为被动式,它接收目标自身发射或反射其他光源的红外辐射,优点是隐蔽性好,不被敌方电子干扰。因而红外技术被广泛应用于军事领域,为警戒、侦查、防空和制导提供了有力的技术支持。随着红外技术的进步,红外制导技术由点源跟踪制导逐渐发展为成像跟踪制导。成像跟踪制导技术是通过光机扫描和多元探测器获取目标和图像信息,经信息处理和鉴别,自动跟踪和打击目标。但现有的红外导引头绝大多数只针对单波段设计,在复杂背景、恶劣环境或存在目标伪装时,红外探测器接收到的信息量明显不足,给目标的探测和识别带来了一定影响。随着红外焦平面阵列的发展和可同时响应两个红外波段的焦平面阵列问世,使红外双波段成像制导成为可能。双波段导引头的性能测试也成为了研究的焦点。传统的场外试飞实验不仅耗时费钱,而且数据采集困难,精度低;因此针对双波段导引头研制红外双波段景象生成器具有重大意义。本文根据双波段导引头的特点,结合红外成像原理开展双波段景象生成器的研究,完成了如下工作:(1)介绍了红外双波段景象发生器的研究基础。主要包括红外双色成像制导技术、景象生成技术的发展及基于DMD的红外双波段景象发生器的结构和工作原理。并对其核心原件数字微镜器件(DMD)进行了着重研究,就DMD应用于红外双波段景象发生器需改进的问题进行了说明和讨论。(2)介绍变焦系统的原理,对不同补偿方式的变焦系统进行了对比和分析,根据其特点和系统的设计要求,选择了合适的变焦补偿方式。讨论了基于高斯光学理论而建立的机械补偿变焦系统的变焦方程,为变焦系统的结构设计作了理论准备。(3)叙述了红外光学系统的结构形式,分析了其优缺点后,确定了本设计采用折射式共光路这种形式来实现。红外双波段共光路光学系统的设计难点是校正双波段的像差;使两个波段同时达到良好的成像质量,本文简述了红外成像系统产生的各种像差及如何校正,着重介绍了双波段色差的产生原理以及如何对双波段共光路系统消除色差,并指出了双波段像差校正的关键。深入讨论了衍射元件及非球面的原理,为系统结构的简化及像差的消除提供了理论支持。(4)根据红外景象生成器的使用要求确定了红外双波段共光路投影物镜设计参数及指标。使用Zemax光学设计软件设计了符合要求的双波段共光路投影物镜,工作波段为3-5μm和8.12μm;F数为2.8;焦距为200mm。并对设计完成的投影物镜进行了像质评价,传递函数在空间截止频率为171p/mm时红外中波波段能达到0.7以上,红外长波波段能达到0.4以上;点列图中几乎所有能量均集中在艾里斑以内;波像差满足瑞利判据。其像质能够满足设计要求,设计结果良好,最后对设计结果进行了规划,以满足加工要求。(5)在红外双波段共光路投影物镜的基础上,为了实现模拟不同大小目标的需求,设计了红外双波段共光路两档变焦投影物镜。焦距范围为50-200mm,工作波段为3-5μm和8-12μm,变焦过程中F数为3且恒定不变。对设计完成的投影物镜进行了像质评价,两个波段传递函数在空间截止频率为171p/mm时均能达到0.3以上;点列图中大部分能量均集中在艾里斑以内。其像质能够满足设计要求,设计结果良好,最后对设计结果进行了规划,以满足加工要求。(6)最后对两个设计结果进行了公差分析,证明了其设计的可行性。

【Abstract】 When the temperature is above absolute zero, all the objects produce infrared radiation. Detecting and reorganizing the target is based on the infrared radiation of the object. The main working mode of infrared system is passive. It accepts the infrared radiation of target itself emitting or reflecting from another source. The advantage is good for hiding and no electronic interference from enemy. Thus the infrared technology is widely used in military field. It provides a strong technical support for the warning, detection, air defense and guidance. With the development of infrared technology, the Image tracking guidance gradually replaces the point source tracking guidance. The technology of the Image tracking guidance gets the information of the target and background through optical mechanical scanning and infrared detector. Than processed and analyzed the information, it could automatically track and the attack targets.But currently the vast majority of infrared seeker only works for single-band. The infrared detectors received information obviously insufficient when environment is harsh and background is complex or a pseudo target existed.It affects the detected and reorganized the target. With the development of the infrared focal array plane, it could respond two wavebands at the same time have come out. It is possible to develop the dual-band infrared imaging guidance. The performance testing of dual-band seeker has also become a focus of research. The traditional flight test at outside not only needs a high cost and more time, but also has a low accuracy and gets the data difficultly. Therefore, the dual-band infrared scene generator is developed for dual-band infrared seeker has a great significance.According to the characteristics of dual-band seeker, the research of dual-band scene generator combined with the principle of infrared imaging is conducted. This paper completed the following work:(1)The basic knowledge of infrared optical system is studied. It includes the dual-band infrared imaging guidance technology, the development of scene generation technology, the structure and working principle based on DMD.DMD is the core device of the dual-band infrared scene generator.So it has been studied significantly. It is discussed and described the problem of DMD what needs improvement used in infrared dual-band scene generator.(2) The principles of zoom system are described. It is compared and analyzed the zoom system what has different ways of compensation mode. According to its characteristics and the system design requirements, the appropriate zoom compensation mode is selected. It is prepared for the zoom system design that discussed the zoom equations of mechanical compensation zoom system based on the Gaussian optical theory.(3) The structure of infrared optical system is described.Compared with the three structures; we can get the advantages and disadvantages. Then the design uses a refractive co-axial structure. The design difficulty of the infrared dual-band coaxial optical system is correct the dual-band aberration and get the prefect image quality of dual-band at the same time.This paper describes theprinciple of dual-band chromatic aberration and how to correct various aberrations of infrared optical system. Then we get the key of corrected the dual-band aberration.The principle of diffraction and the asphericalelement is discussed.lt provides theoretical support for simplified the system structure and correctedthe aberrations(4) The design parameters and indicators of Infrared Dual-band of optical projection lens is determined according to the requirements of infrared sense generation. The infrared dual-waveband coaxial projection lens is designed used the Zemax software. The working waveband is3-5μm and8-12μm. The focal length is200mm. The F-number is2.8. At cut-off frequency17cy/mm, the MTF of the infrared medium-wave is greater than0.7for each field of view, and MTF of the infrared long-wave is greater than0.4for each field of view. The root mean square radius of spot diagram for the each field of view is much smaller than airy disk radius. The wave-front aberration meets the Rayleigh criterion. The image quality of this projector objective is perfect and meets the design requirements. Finally, the design results were normalized to meet the processing requirements.(5)Based on the infrared dual-waveband coaxial projector objective, infrared dual-waveband coaxial two step zoom projector objective is designed in order to realize the requirements of simulated different sizes target. The working waveband is3-5μm and8-12μm. The focal length range is50-200mm. The F-number is3. At cut-off frequency17cy/mm, the MTF of the infrared dual-wave is greater than0.3for each field of view.The root mean square radius of spot diagram for the each field of view is much smaller than airy disk radius. The image quality of this projector objective is perfect and meets the design requirements. Finally, the design results were normalized to meet the processing requirements.(6) Finally, the tolerance analysis is conducted for all the results of design. It proved the result is feasible.
