

The Research on the Comprehensive Performance Index System Construction and Evaluation of Listed Agricultural Companies

【作者】 张美诚

【导师】 曾福生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 农业上市公司在带动农民增收、促进农业科技进步、加快推进农业产业化和产业结构调整、有效解决“三农”问题、推动新农村建设中发挥基础性作用。然而,近年来,尽管政府加大了对我国农业上市公司的政策扶持,但是农业上市公司的整体经济绩效仍然不高,与其他行业的上市公司相比还存在很大的差距,有待进一步提升其竞争力。随着农产品质量与安全事故的日益增多、生态文明建设的逐步推进,以及人们对健康农产品需求和社会和谐发展的持续关注,社会各界纷纷要求农业上市公司主动承担社会责任和保护生态环境,及时披露其履行社会责任信息和保护生态环境的信息。因此,全方位评价农业上市公司的经济绩效、社会绩效和生态绩效,深入探讨影响农业上市公司综合绩效的关键要素,有助于探索提升农业上市公司综合绩效的战略途径、推动农业上市公司的可持续发展、加快现代农业产业体系的构建。这正是本文探索的主题。本文的研究思路主要是,首先在经济绩效评价的基础上结合社会绩效与生态绩效来构建农业上市公司绩效评价的综合模型;然后,从以上三个方面分别构建其指标评价体系,引入经济增加值(EVA)层次分析法以及相关的数理统计等方法对农业上市公司进行综合绩效评价;最后,基于上述分析,提出相应的提升策略和建议。本文的具体研究内容如下:第一部分是导论,阐述农业上市公司综合绩效评价的研究背景、目的与意义,明确了本文的研究思路并提出了研究的主要内容,阐述了本文的研究方法,制定了研究的技术路线,并归纳了本文的主要创新点和不足。第二部分是文献回顾,通过对国内外有关农业上市公司绩效评价的相关文献进行梳理和评价,以确定本文的研究方向第三部分是农业上市公司绩效评价综合模型构建的理论基础,主要界定了农业上市公司和综合绩效等相关概念,阐述了农业上市公司绩效评价综合模型构建的理论依据及其诸多评价方法。第四部分对农业上市公司经济绩效进行评价。首先对农业上市公司绩效测算的现有文献进行了回顾;然后,阐述了研究方法和获取的样本数据,最后,从总体、行业及公司三个层面基于经济增加值(EVA)进行了实证分析;最后,得出相应的结论与启示。第五部分对农业上市公司社会绩效进行评价。首先阐述了企业社会绩效评价标准的理论与实践依据;并探讨了国内外企业社会绩效评价的困境,其次,引入层次分析评价法,从指标体系设计的原则和评价指标的选取构建了农业上市公司社会绩效指标体系,具体包括社会贡献率、农业基础地位保障、企业社会形象;再次,基于层次分析法确定各指标的权重,然后选取2011-2012年的农业上市公司为样本,对其社会绩效进行了评价,最后,对社会绩效评价结果进行了分析。第六部分对农业上市公司生态绩效进行评价。首先阐述了国内外企业生态绩效的评价标准,并从评价目标的确定、评价框架的设计、评价指标的选取等方面探讨了企业绩效评价的困境;其次,引入层次分析评价法对生态绩效进行评价。在确定生态绩效指标评价的设置原则之后,构建并界定了农业上市公司生态绩效指标,具体包括:生态化产品研发与设计、生态化资源利用、生态化清洁生产、生态化产品销售与消费;再次,确定各指标的权重,然后选取2010-2011年的农业上市公司为样本,对其生态绩效进行了评价,最后,对生态绩效评价结果进行了分析。第七部分主要探讨了本文的主要研究结论及相关的政策建议。通过实证分析,不难发现:近年来,尽管农业上市公司的整体经济绩效业绩逐年稳步提升,但是整体水平仍然较差,而且不同行业间、同行业内不同的农业上市公司之间经营业绩差异比较显著。农业上市公司的社会绩效稍有提升,但仍低于社会的期望水平,而且各项指标的得分高低变化不大,还在低水平徘徊。农业上市公司的生态绩效整体水平较好,但是不同行业及同一行业公司之间在生态化产品研发与设计、生态化资源利用、生态化清洁生产、生态化产品销售与消费方面绩效差异明显,而且各方面绩效都有很大的提升空间。基于此,本文提出相应的政策和建议。

【Abstract】 Listed agricultural companies play the fundamental roles in increasing the farmers’ income, promoting the agricultural science and technology progress, speeding up the adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure, effectively solving the problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers, promoting the construction of the new rural. However, although the government has stepped up to various political support to listed agricultural companies in our country in recent years, the overall operating performance of listed agricultural companies is still declining, which still has very big disparity comparing with the listed companies in other industries, and further improving their competitiveness. With the increasing of agricultural products quality and safety accidents, the gradually establishment of ecological civilization and the continuous attention to the agricultural products demand for health and the harmonious development of society, people from all walks of life require the listed agricultural companies to take the initiative to assume social responsibility and protect the ecological environment, disclosing their social responsibility information and the ecological environment information in time. Therefore, the comprehensive evaluation of listed agricultural companies on operation performance, social performance and ecological performance, in-depth discussion on key elements of the comprehensive performance of listed agricultural companies, help to explore the strategical ways to enhance their comprehensive performance, promoting their sustainable development, cultivating a large number of high-quality new farmers, speeding up the construction of modern agricultural management system. It is the theme that the study explores.Mainly research thinking of this study is to firstly build a comprehensive model of performance evaluation on listed agricultural companies on the basis of operation performance evaluation combining social performance and environmental performance; Then, it respectively builds the index evaluation system from the above three aspects, and use the methods of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and relevant mathematical statistics to evaluate the performance of listed agricultural companies; Finally, according to the above analysis, it put forward the corresponding polices and suggestions. The specific contents of the research are as follows:Section one is introduction. It expounds the research background, purpose and significance of the comprehensive performance evaluation on listed agricultural companies, clarifying the research thoughts and proposing the main content, elaborating the research methods, making the technical route, and summarizing the main innovation points and the deficiencies. Section two is literature review. It reviews and evaluates the domestic and foreign literature about the performance evaluation of listed agricultural companies to determine the research direction of this research.Section three is the theoretical foundation to construct the comprehensive model of performance evaluation of listed agricultural companies, mainly including defining the related concepts of listed agricultural companies and comprehensive performance, elaborating theoretical basis of the comprehensive model of listed agricultural companies for evaluating performance and the various evaluation methods.Section four evaluates the operationperformance of listed agricultural companies. First, the existing literature on performance measurement of listed agricultural companies are reviewed; then, it describes the research methods and sample data; thirdly, it carries on empirical analysis from three aspects of overall, industry and company using EVA; finally, it proposes the corresponding conclusion and enlightenment.Section five evaluates the social performance of listed agricultural companies. Firstlyit expounds the theoretical and practical basis of listed agricultural companies’ evaluation standard; secondly, it discusses the plight of the social performance evaluation of enterprises from the domestic and foreign; thirdly, it constructs the social performance index system of listed agricultural companies based on the principle of design and selectionof the evaluation indexes, including the social contribution rate, the position guaranteeof agriculture as the foundation of the national economy, the social image of the enterprise; fourthly, it determines the weight of each index using AHP, and selects the listed agricultural companies in2011-2012as a sample to evaluatethe social performance; finally, the results of the social performance evaluation are analyzed.Section six evaluates the ecological performance of listed agricultural companies. Firstly, it elaboratesthe ecological performance evaluation criteria of the domestic and foreign enterprises; secondly, analyses the difficulties of enterprise ecological performance evaluation from the setting of the evaluation objectives, the design of evaluation framework, the selection of evaluation index; thirdly, after determining the setting principles of ecological performance evaluation indexes, it constructs and defines the ecological performance indicators of listed agricultural companies, including:ecological product development anddesign, ecological utilization of resources, ecological clean production, ecological product sales and consumption; fourthly, it determines the weight of each index though using AHP, and chooses the listed agricultural companies in2010-2011as a sample to evaluate the social performance; finally, the results of the ecological performance evaluation are analyzed.Section seven mainly concludesthe paperwith policyimplication. Through the empirical analysis, it is not difficult to find:in recent years, although listed agricultural companies’ overall operating performance increases steadily year by year, the overall level is still low, and the operating performance difference is significant from different industries, different listed agricultural companies in the sameindustry. The social performance of listed agricultural companies improves slightly, but is still lower than the expectations of society, and the score of each index has changed little. The overall level of ecological performance in the listed agricultural companies is better, but is the different significantly from different industries and in the same industry in ecological product development and design, ecological utilization of resources, ecological clean production, ecological product sales and consumption, which indicates the performance has the large choice to improve. Based on this, the paper puts forward the corresponding policies and suggestions.
