

Study on the Efficiency of China’s Rural Poverty Alleviation Funds

【作者】 曾志红

【导师】 曾福生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 贫困问题同人口问题、污染问题一同构成人类社会的三大难题,是全球性的社会现象,是政治、经济、社会、文化发展不平衡和地理生态自然条件差异以及人类个体差异综合的结果。农村贫困问题一直困扰我国的全面发展,长期以来,我国政府始终不渝的坚持扶贫开发工作,并取得了举世瞩目的成绩,但是我国农村的反贫困任务依然很艰巨,随着社会环境的变化,农村反贫困工作面临着许多新情况和新问题,急需寻找理论依据和实证证据,着重探讨和分析:当前我国农村贫困问题有哪些新特点?其主要致贫因素是什么?为什么我国农村扶贫资金显著增多,但效率却明显放缓?新时期农村扶贫资金的投入机制怎样改进以及反贫困工作有何良策?文章以《中国农村贫困监测报告》收集的592个国定扶贫重点县和笔者调查收集的湖南省20个国定扶贫重点县2006-2011年的数据为样本进行实证检验和理论剖析,研究发现:(1)我国当前农村贫困呈现出如下特点:①贫困人口数量逐年下降,但规模仍然很大;②贫困面逐渐缩小,贫困人口分布日趋集中;③脱贫人口的抗风险能力弱,我国农村的返贫现象严重;④农村居民内部收入差距不断拉大,相对贫困日益凸显。(2)我国农村贫困的主要致贫因素有:受地理区位和自然条件的影响;受农业资本、劳动力、土地和水资源等生产要素的制约;受农户获取知识、信息和自我发展能力的限制;受城乡“二元”制度、农村土地产权制度、农村文化制度、农村教育制度、政治权利与法律制度、农村社会保障制度等障碍的影响。(3)我国不同投向和来源的扶贫资金的产出弹性都较低,远未形成规模效益。(4)我国不同投向和来源的扶贫资金对贫困农户收益增长的贡献率都较低,远未达到预期效果。(5)我国不同投向和来源的内部结构因素对贫困农户收益增长的产出弹性和贡献率存在较大的差异性和不一致性。文章最后提出了以动态化的瞄准目标为出发点,加强贫困主体的自身建设为中心,科学选择扶贫模式为手段,理顺农村扶贫资金投入机制为重点,强化农村扶贫资金绩效考核与监管为保障的“五位一体”提升我国农村扶贫资金使用效率的对策。

【Abstract】 Poverty,population problems, together with pollution problems constitute the three major problems of human society, it is also a global social phenomenon, which is the comprehensive results of political, economic, social and cultural development imbalances as well as differences in natural conditions, geographical, ecological, and human individual differences. Rural poverty problem has plagued our country’s overall development, the Chinese government has unswervingly adhere to poverty alleviation and development work for a long time and made remarkable achievements, but the rural anti-poverty task is still very difficult, with the social environment changes, rural poverty work faces with many new situations and new problems, which needs to find a theoretical basis and empirical evidence to focus discussion and analysis on the following problems:What is the new features of current Rural poverty? what is the main factors causing? Why China’s rural poverty alleviation funds are increasing significantly, while the efficiency is slowing down? How to improve the investment mechanism and what is the best anti-poverty way in rural areas?The article makes empirical and theoretical analysis based on592key counties which is collected from "China Rural Poverty Monitoring Report" as well as the author’s surveys collected data from2006to2011sample from20key counties in Hunan Province, the study finds:(1) the current rural poverty showed the following characteristics:①the number of poor people is declining, but the scale is still large;②poverty is shrinking, and increasingly concentrated with impoverished population distribution;③the ability of anti-risk for poverty population is weak, and they are easily back into poverty;④he internal rural income gap is widening, and the relative poverty has become increasingly prominent.(2)the main factors causing rural poverty are as follows:affected by geographic location and natural conditions; by agricultural capital, labor, land and water resources and other factors of production constraints; by farmers’ acquirements for knowledge, information and self-development capacity constraints; by urban "dual" system, rural land property rights system as well as cultural system in rural areas, rural education system, political rights and the legal system, the rural social security system impairment in rats.(3)the relationship between different sources of anti-poverty funds to invest in with the output elasticity is relatively low, which is far from the formation scale.(4) the efficiency of different orientation sources of poverty funds on the output elasticity of poverty alleviation is low, which is far from the desired effect.(5) the relationship between sources of different orientation and the internal structure of earnings growth factors on the poor farmers with the contribution rate of the output elasticity is significantly different and inconsistencies.Article concludes with a dynamic targeting as a starting point, to strengthen the body’s own construction, which chooses scientific selection mode as a means of poverty alleviation, making exact rural poverty alleviation rationalize funding mechanisms, focusing on rural poverty alleviation funds to strengthen the performance appraisal and supervision to protect the "Five in One" to enhance the efficiency of China’s rural poverty alleviation funds

  • 【分类号】F323.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】682