

Yield Performance and Nutrient Uptake Charecteristics of Super Rice under Different Ecological Locations and N Application Rates

【作者】 蒋鹏

【导师】 邹应斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 施肥是水稻获得高产的重要措施,但长期大量施用化肥,尤其是氮肥,不仅会导致氮肥利用率降低,而且还会引起环境污染。本研究通过在不同生态地点和不同施氮水平条件下,研究超级稻的产量形成特点及其不同产量水平下超级稻的氮肥利用率和养分吸收积累规律,探明中国超级稻生产能否实现高产与氮高效利用的协调统一。据此,于2011~2012年在湖南长沙、广西宾阳、广东怀集、海南海口、贵州兴义进行多年多点联合试验,其中海口、长沙和兴义为一季稻,宾阳和怀集为双季稻。试验采用裂区设计,以氮肥为主区,设施氮量为225、112.5、0kg/hm2,分别记为N1\N2\N3;以品种为副区,超级杂交稻两优培九、Y两优1号和超级常规稻玉香油占、高产常规稻黄华占为材料。主要结果如下:1超级稻产量表现不同生态地点下超级稻产量差异显著,其中以兴义点的产量最高,与长沙、海口、宾阳、怀集相比、分别增产了22.86%、36.79%、83.20%、160.55%。超级稻产量基因型差异显著,在一季稻试验点,超级杂交稻产量均显著高于超级常规稻,平均高了10.5%,双季稻试验点,超级杂交稻产量优势不明显。不同施肥处理下超级稻产量差异显著,其中,2011年宾阳点以N2处理高于N1处理;长沙和怀集点则是以N1处理高于N2;2012年,除怀集早稻和海口点外,兴义、长沙、怀集晚稻均以N2处理高于N1处理。2超级稻产量构成不同生态地点对超级稻的产量构成影响显著。有效穗、每穗粒数、颖花量、结实率均以兴义点较高,怀集点较低。不同生态地点间超级杂交稻的粒重差异较小,杂交稻与常规稻的粒重差异较大,但两优培九与Y两优1号、玉香油占与黄华占间的粒重差异较小。超级稻的产量构成基因型差异显著,每穗粒数以玉香油占最多,黄华占最少,有效穗以黄华占最多,玉香油占最少。相关分析表明,超级稻收获产量与有效穗、颖花量、每穗粒数、结实率呈显著正相关。3超级稻干物质生产及收获指数不同生态地点对超级稻的干物质生产量影响显著。齐穗期和成熟期干物质生产量,以兴义点较高,怀集点较低。干物质生产量基因型差异显著,在产量大于9t hm-2的试验点,超级杂交稻显著高于超级常规稻。相关分析还表明,超级稻齐穗期、成熟期和齐穗期至成熟期的干物质生产量与收获产量呈高度正相关。不同生态地点下收获指数差异显著,以兴义点最高,为0.553~0.572;不同施肥处理下收获指数差异显著,其中以N3处理的收获指数较高。相关分析表明,超级稻的收获产量与收获指数呈显著正相关。4超级稻氮、磷、钾养分吸收量不同生态地点、施肥处理对超级稻植株氮、磷、钾养分吸收量影响显著;氮吸收量以兴义点最高,分别比长沙、海口、宾阳和怀集高了23.5%、98.2%、68.7%、175.6%;植株磷、钾的吸收量以长沙点较高,分别为4.3~4.7g m-2、20.5-21.7g m-2。除2012年宾阳早稻和怀集晚稻外,不同施肥处理间超级稻植株的氮、磷、钾吸收量,均一致呈N1>N2>N3。5超级稻氮、磷、钾养分收获指数超级稻的氮、磷、钾收获指数不同生态地点、施肥处理间差异显著。氮、磷的收获指数以兴义点较高,平均分别为0.690和0.777,钾收获指数以海口点较高,平均为0.135。随着产量水平的提高,氮、磷收获指数呈升高趋势。不同施肥处理下超级稻氮、磷、钾的收获指数以N3处理较高,N1处理较小。相关分析表明,收获产量与成熟期氮、磷的收获指数呈显著正相关,与钾收获指数关系不显著。超级稻氮、磷、钾收获指数基因型变化趋势不明显。6超级稻每生产1000kg稻谷氮、磷、钾养分需要量不同生态地点对超级稻每生产1000kg稻谷氮、磷、钾的需要量影响显著。需氮量以怀集点最低,为13.5~16.9kg,长沙点最高,为22.0~23.6kg(除2011宾阳点外);需磷量以兴义点最低,宾阳点较高;需钾量以兴义点和怀集点较低。相关分析表明,收获产量与每生产1000kg稻谷氮、磷、钾的需要量呈显著负相关。7超级稻氮肥利用率不同生态地点、施肥处理对超级稻氮肥利用率有显著影响。氮肥农学利用率以怀集点较高,氮肥偏生产力和氮肥吸收利用率以兴义点较高。不同施肥处理超级稻的氮肥农学利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥吸收利用率均一致以N2大于N1。不同产量水平下,超级稻的氮肥利用率,随着产量水平的升高,呈增加趋势。综上所述,不同生态地点、施肥处理、超级稻品种间的产量及氮肥利用率差异显著。超级稻产量最高的兴义点,其肥料利用率也较高,证明超级稻可以实现高产与养分高效利用协调统一,在超级稻生产上,应按照超级稻种植区域,确定适合的目标产量,采用与目标产量相一致的定量化栽培技术和群体发育调控技术,实现高产稳产高效的超级稻生产。同时,氮素高效利用率也应作为超级稻品种选育的指标。

【Abstract】 Chemical fertilizer application plays an important role for the yield increase in rice production. However, overuse of chemical fertilizer, especially the nitrogen (N) fertilizer, can not only reduce the N use efficiency but also cause the environmental problem. In the present study, we analyzed yield formation characteristics of super rice grown under different ecological conditions and N application rates as well as N use efficiency and N accumulation characteristics under different yield levels. Our objective was to determine whether it is possible to achieve both high yield and high N use efficiency in super rice production in China. Field experiments were conducted in five major rice-producing provinces in China in2011and2012. The experimental sites were located in Binyang, Huaiji, Haikou, Changsha, and Xingyi of Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Hunan, and Guizhou provinces, respectively. Four super rice varieties (Liangyoupeijiu, Y liangyou1, Yuxiangyouzhan, and Huanghuazhan) were grown in single-rice growing season in Haikou, Changsha and Xingyi and in double-rice growing seasons in Binyang and Huaiji under three N rates (N1:225kg/hm2, N2:112.5kg/hm2, N3:0kg/hm2). The treatments were arranged in a split-plot design with N rates as main plots and varieties as subplots. The experiment was replicated three times. The results were shown as following:1Yield performance of super riceA significant difference in grain yield was observed among the experimental sites. Xingyi produced the highest grain yield, which was22.7%,36.8%,83.2%and160.6%higher than that produced in Changsha, Haikou, Binyang, and Huaiji, respectively. A significant difference in grain yield was observed among the varieties. Average grain yield of super hybrid varieties (Liangyoupeijiu and Y liangyou1) was10.5%higher than that of super inbred varieties (Yuxiangyouzhan and Huanghuazhan) in Haikou, Changsha, and Xingyi, however, there was an insignificant difference in grain yield between super hybrid varieties and super inbred varieties in Binyang and Huaiji. A significant difference in grain yield was observed among the three N rates. In2011, grain yield was higher under N2than under N1in Bingyang, whereas in Changsha and Huaiji, it was higher under N1than under N2. In2012, except Huaiji and Haikou, grain yield under N2was higher than that under N1. 2Yield components of super riceThere was a significant difference in yield components among the experimental sites. Panicles per m2, spikelets per panicle, spikelets per m2and grain filling were relatively higher in Xingyi, whereas those were relatively lower in Huaiji. A significant difference in grain weight was observed between super hybrid cultivars and super inbred cultivars but not between the same groups. Yield components of super rice were significantly affected by genotype. The spikelets per panicle was the lowest in Huanghuazhan and highest in Yuxiangyouzhan. On the contrary, the panicles per m2was the lowest in Yuxiangyouzhan and highest in Huanghuazhan. At maturity, the grain yield of super rice was positively correlated to the panicles per m2, spikelets per m2, spikelets per panicle, and grain filling.3Biomass production and harvest index of super riceA significant difference in biomass of super rice was observed among the experimental sites. Dry matter production at heading and maturity were relatively higher in Xingyi but were relatively lower in Huaiji. Dry matter production of super rice was significantly affected by genotype. When grain yield>9t ha-1, dry matter production of super hybrid cultivars was higher than that of super inbred cultivars at heading and maturity. However, when grain yield<9t ha-1,there was an insignificant difference in dry matter production between super hybrid cultivars and super inbred cultivars. Grain yield of super rice was positively correlated to the dry matter accumulation at heading and maturity as well as from heading to maturity under different ecological conditions and N application rates. The harvest index of super rice was significantly affected by N application rate. N3had the highest harvest index. A significant difference in harvest index of super rice was observed among the experimental sites. Xingyi had the highest harvest index, which was0.553-0.578. At maturity, the grain yield of super rice was positively correlated to the harvest index.4N, P and K uptake amounts of super riceSignificant differences in N, P and K uptake amounts were observed among the N application rates and the experimental sites. The highest N uptake amount was observed in Xingyi, which was23.5%,98.2%,67.8%, and175.6%higher than Changsha, Haikou, Binyang, and Huaiji, respectively. The higher P and K uptake amounts was observed in Changsha, which were4.3~4.7g m-2and20.5~21.7g m-2, respectively. Except early rice in Binyang and late rice in Huaiji, the N, P and K uptake amount was ordered as:N1>N2>N3.5N, P and K harvest indexes of super riceThere were significant differences in N, P and K harvest indexes among the N application rates and the experimental sites. The highest N and P harvest indexes was observed in Xingyi, which was0.690and0.777across the four varieties. The highest K harvest index was achieved in Haikou, which was0.135across the four varieties. With the increase of grain yield, the N and P harvest indexes were increased. The N, P and K harvest indexes under N3were higher than those under N1. Grain yield was positively correlated to the N and P harvest indexes but not correlated to K harvest index. Differences in N, P and K harvest index were small and inconsistent across the four varieties.6N, P and K uptake amount aboveground plants to produce1000kg grain of super riceA significant difference in N, P and K uptake amount aboveground plants to produce1000kg grain was observed among the experimental sites. N requirement for producing1000kg grain was the lowest in Huaiji, which was13.5~16.9kg, and was highest in Changsha, which was22.0~23.6kg. P requirement for producing1000kg grain was the lowest in Xingyi, and was highest in Binyang. K requirement for producing1000kg grain was the lowest in Xingyi and Huaiji. The grain yield was negatively correlated to the N, P and K uptake amount aboveground plants to produce1000kg grain.7N use efficiency of super riceThere was a significant difference in N use efficiency among the experimental sites and the three N rates. The higher N agronomy efficiency was observed in Huaiji, while the higher partial factor production and N recovery efficiency was observed in Xingyi. N agronomy efficiency, partial factor production and N recovery efficiency under N2was higher than those under N1. Furthermore, the N use efficiency was increased with increasing grain yield.The above findings indicated that a significant difference in nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield of super rice was observed among the five experimental sites and the three N rates and genotypes, and the highest grain yield of super rice was achieved in Xingyi, and the higher fertilizer use efficiency as well. It can make a conclusion that there was a closely coordinated relationship existed between higher yield and higher N use efficiency in super rice. In super rice production in a given planting area, a target yield should be decided according local ecological condition, and then using correspondingly quantified cultivation techniques and population regulating techniques to achieve the target yield and high N use efficiency. In addition, the high N use efficiency should be taken as the selection target in rice breeding.
