

Study on the Pig Price Control Policies in China and Its Effects Evaluation

【作者】 廖翼

【导师】 周发明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 生猪产业是我国的传统产业,它在促进我国经济发展、保持物价稳定、增加农民收入以及满足居民消费需要等方面都发挥了重要作用。1985年以前,我国生猪市场一直实行的是国家定价制度,生猪和猪肉价格相对稳定。随着我国经济体制由计划经济向市场经济过渡,国家逐步调整了其生猪价格制度,由过去的国家定价改为自由上市、自由交易,随行就市,按质论价的价格管理体制。这给生猪产业发展带来了双重影响。一方面,生猪生产者和经营者的积极性得到极大提高,生猪产业获得快速发展,另一方面,我国生猪价格开始出现反复波动的现象,尤其是进入2007年以后,价格波动成为我国生猪业发展中的突出现象,短短几年的时间,生猪价格先后经历了暴涨、暴跌、再度上涨以及下跌。生猪价格的大幅波动不仅严重影响了生猪生产者的生产积极性和市场的稳定,制约了生猪产业自身的发展,同时也给我国居民的日常生活带来了极大的不便。为了保持生猪价格的稳定,促进生猪产业的健康、持续发展,国家从2007年开始陆续出台了一系列生猪价格调控政策。有关生猪价格调控政策的效果,学术界存在争议。本文在综合前人研究的基础上,对我国生猪价格调控政策及其效果展开研究。首先,文章对国内外相关文献进行了系统梳理,在此基础上构建了我国生猪价格调控政策效果评价框架。随后,从政策实施的背景、主体和客体、工具和约束条件等方面对我国生猪价格调控政策的运行机制进行了系统研究。第三,从目标实现情况角度、效率角度和满意度角度对我国生猪价格调控政策效果进行全面评价。第四,介绍了美国、加拿大和丹麦等生猪产业发达国家在稳定生猪价格和发展生猪产业方面的经验做法。最后,在前文研究的基础上,总结出现阶段我国生猪价格调控政策存在的问题,并提出相关改进建议。本文的主要研究结论有:现阶段我国生猪价格调控政策的实施工具或手段繁多,运用复杂;生猪价格调控政策的实施受到许多条件的制约,如资源缺乏、资金短缺、人员不足以及时滞效应等,其中时滞效应对其影响最大。总的来看,现阶段我国生猪价格调控政策的实施效果较好,初步达到了政策的预期目标,政策的实施效率较高,养殖户对政策的效果表示基本满意。并且政府对生猪市场的调控日趋成熟,调控效果日益显著。要进一步提高生猪价格调控政策的效果,政府应从以下几方面努力:完善生猪价格形成机制、构建合理的利益分配机制、健全生猪价格监测预警机制和建立生猪价格调控反馈机制等。

【Abstract】 The pig industry is a traditional industry in China, it plays an important role in promoting economic development, keeping prices stable, increasing farmers’ incomes and satisfying consumers’ demands. Our pig market adopted the system of state pricing under planned economy before1985. From then on, the state canceled the policy that requires farmers to sell their pigs to the state in a certain ratio gradually, instead, the price-controlling system that pig can be appeared on the market freely, traded freely and subject to market fluctuation has been implemented. On the one hand, the implementation of the policy greatly mobilized the initiative of pig producers and operators, the pig industry got rapid development. On the other hand, the pig price began to fluctuate periodically. More than that, the price volatility has become a conspicuous phenomenon in the development of our pig industry since2007, in just a few short years, the pig market has gone through the process of rapid rising, dropping and rising. The dramatic fluctuation of pig price brings negative effects, like affecting producers’ positivity and market stability, restricting the development of pig industry, plus bringing much inconvenience to people’s lives.In order to stabilize the price and promote the healthy development of pig industry, a series of pig price control policies have been taken by our government. However, people have different opinions on its effects. This paper made the study on our pig price control policies and its effects based on the integrated results of previous studies. Firstly, this paper built the effect evaluation framework of our pig price control policies on the basis of reviewing literatures at home and abroad. Secondly, it made an analysis on the operation mechanism of pig price control policies from the aspects of its background, subject and object, tools, and constraint conditions. Thirdly, this paper made comprehensive evaluation on its effects from the angles of goals’ realization, efficiency and satisfaction. Fouthly, it introduced some experiences for keeping price stable and developing pig industry adopted by the USA, Canada and Denmark. Fifthly, it summarized the problems of our current polices and put forward suggestions. Finally, it presented the main conclusions of the paper, and indicated issues need further studies.The main conclusions drawn by this paper are as follow. Firstly, the amount of our current pig price control policies’ tools is huge, its means are various and its application is complex. Secondly, the policies’ implementation is restricted by many conditions, like the scarcities of resources, the shortage of funds, the lack of talents and time-lag effect, and the impact of time-lag effect is greatest. Thirdly, the total effect of our current policies is relatively good. It meets its expected goals basically, and the satisfaction together with the efficiency of the policies is relatively high. Besides, our government’s regulation and control is more and more mature, as a result, its effect is more and more obvious. In order to improve its effects further, some measures should be taken by our government, like perfecting pig price formation mechanism, constructing reasonable interest distribution mechanism, perfecting the monitoring and warning mechanism of pig price and establishing the feedback mechanism of pig price control policies.
