

Research on Food Producers Benefit Compensation

【作者】 卜蓓

【导师】 龙方;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 粮食安全问题始终关系国计民生,保障粮食生产,稳定粮食产量,是保障国家安全的重要举措。保障我国粮食安全,首先应该使我国粮食基本能做到自给。在粮食生产比较效益低下的情况下,为刺激粮食生产者种粮的积极性,国家不断加大对粮食生产者利益补偿力度。从2004年开始,国家出台了一系列补偿粮食生产者的政策,如粮食直补、良种补贴、农资直补、农机具购置补贴以及对农业实行免税等,另外,对粮食生产提供财政转移支付、种粮保证金、最低保护价、智力补偿方式以及补偿监督等,都极大的提高了粮食生产者种粮的积极性。但是,对粮食生产者进行利益补偿并没有形成体系,没有统一的补偿标准和适合度规定。为保障国家粮食安全,提高粮食生产者积极性,完善对粮食生产者利益补偿措施,设计系统的粮食生产者利益补偿机制己迫在眉睫。本文借鉴机制设计理论,首先阐述了构建粮食生产者利益补偿机制的重要意义;分析了粮食生产者利益补偿的理论基础;然后分析了构建粮食生产者利益补偿机制的现实依据;对利益补偿机制中利益主体格局进行分析;还对我国粮食生产者利益补偿政策效果进行了分析;进而介绍了国外粮食生产补偿政策,以吸取有益经验;最后,构建了我国粮食生产者利益补偿机制,并提出了粮食生产者利益补偿机制的实现途径。依据这样的思路,文章共分为9章:第一章为导论,首先介绍研究的目的及意义,对国内外相关研究文献资料进行梳理,提出本文研究思路,拟定本研究的方法、技术路线和主要内容,最后归纳本文的创新之处。第二章是国家粮食安全与粮食生产者利益的相关性研究,分别分析了粮食安全和粮食生产者利益相关理论,国家粮食安全与粮食生产者利益具有同一性,两者之间相互影响,为文章后续研究进行铺垫。第三章是粮食生产者利益补偿的依据。包括理论依据和现实依据,其中理论依据包括博弈论、公共选择与公共产品理论、制度经济学理论、福利经济学理论、机制设计理论等,为文章的后续研究提供理论支持。第二部分是粮食生产者利益补偿的现实依据。从粮食生产比较收益低、粮食增产但农民不增收、粮食生产者面临巨大风险、中国已具备对粮食生产者进行利益补偿的财政经济条件四个方面来阐述。第四章粮食生产者利益补偿机制利益主体格局分析。从中央政府、地方政府与粮食生产者直接的利益博弈,粮食主产区与主销区政府的利益博弈,政府收购者与粮食生产者的利益博弈三方面来分析。第五章我国粮食生产者利益补偿政策效果分析。首先分析我国粮食生产支持政策的历史变迁,以及我国现有粮食生产者利益补偿政策分析,然后以湖南省作为个案分析粮食生产者利益补偿的效果。第六章粮食生产者利益补偿的国外经验借鉴。主要是介绍了美国、欧盟、日本、韩国、印度的粮食生产利益补偿政策及对我国粮食生产者利益补偿政策完善的几点启示,为构建我国粮食生产者利益补偿机制提供了经验借鉴。第七章是粮食生产者利益补偿机制设计。主要从粮食生产者利益补偿机制构建的目的和原则、粮食生产者利益补偿的主体和客体、补偿的依据和方式,以及对粮食生产者利益补偿的标准及资金来源等角度构建粮食生产者利益补偿机制。第八章是粮食生产者利益补偿途径。

【Abstract】 The problem of food security and always beneficial to the people’s livelihood, to ensure the grain production, stable food production, is an important measure to protect national security. And the efficiency of food production is low, enthusiasm to stimulate food producers of grain to grain producers, increasing the national interest compensation. From the beginning of2004, the state promulgated a series of policies such as compensation for grain producers, food subsidies, seed subsidies, agricultural subsidies, farm machinery purchase subsidy and tax exemption, to agriculture in addition, on food production and provide the financial transfer payment, the grain security, the minimum protection price, intellectual compensation mode and compensation and supervision, are great raise the enthusiasm of grain producer of grain. However, on food producers to benefit compensation is no system, no unified compensation standards and fitness regulations. For the protection of national food security, increase food producers enthusiasm, improve the compensation measures producer interests of grain, grain producer interests compensation mechanism design system is imminent.Based on the mechanism design theory, firstly expounds the significance of establishing compensation mechanism for the interests of the producers of food; analyze the theoretical basis of food producers compensation; and then analyzes the practical basis of constructing compensation mechanism of the interests of the producers of food; to analyze the benefit compensation mechanism in a pattern; Also on the effect of food producers benefit compensation policy in our country is analyzed; then introduces the policy compensation grain production abroad, to learn useful experience; finally, construct the producers benefit compensation mechanism of grain of our country, and put forward the policy proposals. Based on this idea, this paper consists of9chapters:The first chapter is the introduction, introduces the purpose and significance of the research, research on domestic and international literature review, this paper put forward ideas, develop the research methods, technical route and main content, finally summarizes the innovation of this article.The second chapter is the study of correlation between national food security and food producers, respectively analyzes the theory related to grain producers and the interests of grain security, national food security and food producers are the same, mutual influence between the two, as the basis of later research. The third chapter is the basis of the article. Including theoretical and realistic basis, theoretical basis ncluding game theory, public choice and public goods theory, the theory of institutional economics, welfare economics theory, mechanism design theory and the theory of food security and food producer behavior. Introduces the theory of food security, for the latter research paper. The second part is the realistic basis of food producers benefit compensation. From the comparative income of grain production, grain production is low, farmers do not increase, food producers face enormous risks, China has carried out four aspects of food producers benefit compensation financial and economic conditions to explain.The Forth chapter is the analysis of grain producer interests compensation mechanism of interest pattern. From the central government, local government and food producers direct interests of the game, game of the interests of major grain producing areas and sales areas of government, government purchase and the interests of grain producers game three aspects.Fifth chapter is the analysis of China’s grain producers benefit compensation policy effect. First analyzes the historical changes of China’s grain production support policies, analysis and the existing grain producers benefit compensation policy, then taking Hunan Province as a case analysis of grain producers benefit compensation effect.The sixth chapter foreign experience food producers benefit compensation model. Mainly introduced the compensation policy of grain production, the United States, Japan, the European Union interests in South Korea, India and the interests of the producers compensation policy of grain of our country perfect enlightenment, provides experiences for the construction of China’s grain producers benefit compensation mechanism.The seventh chapter is the design of grain producers benefit compensation mechanism. According to the purpose and principles and methods, food producers compensation subject, compensation from the compensation mechanism of the interests of the producers of food construction, as well as to grain producers benefit compensation standards and the sources of funds to construct the compensation mechanism of the interests of the producers of food.The eighth chapter is the compensation mechanism of producer interests of grain approach.

【关键词】 粮食生产者利益补偿博弈机制设计
【Key words】 food producerscompensationgamemechanism design