

Research on Mining Technique of Fully Mechanized Mining of Large Dip Angle Coal Seam in HELIN Mine

【作者】 谢文坚(TA V(?)N KI(?)N)

【导师】 许振良;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 采矿工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 越南大倾角煤层分布地域广泛,资源丰富,大倾角煤层的可采储量约为25亿吨,约占全国煤炭总储量的35%,而产量只占总产量的]5%左右,远远低于储量所占比例,并且产量的比重还有进一步下降的趋势。煤炭资源合理利用是越南能源安全及经济社会可持续发展的战略选择,因此,研究大倾角煤层的开采技术,提高煤炭资源利用率,提高矿井的回采率和延长矿井的服务年限,对越南煤炭资源的可持续发展具有重要意义。本文针对越南河林煤矿5(2)煤层赋存条件复杂,开采难度大的特点,首先分析、研究确定了越南河林煤矿大倾角煤层的采煤方法,并通过岩石力学性能实验,测定了5(2)煤层顶底板岩石物理力学性质,为计算机数值模拟和围岩控制理论计算提供基本岩石力学参数。采用RFPA岩层破断过程分析系统软件,分析了顶煤岩变形破坏、顶板变形及移动规律和采煤工作面矿山压力显现规律;通过监测大倾角工作面液压支架初撑力、工作阻力变化,分析直接顶和老顶的运动规律,确定工作面液压支架初撑力、支架工作阻力的经济合理值,以及在特殊地段所应采取的安全技术措施,从而为后续综采工作面围岩控制、安全高效生产提供保证。通过理论计算和RFPA数值模拟,确定了区段保护煤柱宽度(15m)。最后进行了大倾角煤层回采巷道矿压显现规律RFPA数值模拟研究,数值模拟和理论计算都表明大倾角煤层回采巷道上帮的煤壁破坏要远比下帮严重,煤壁过度破坏必然导致顶板的恶化,即大倾角煤层巷道围岩变形和破坏具有明显的非对称特征。通过对越南河林煤矿大倾角煤层综合机械化采煤进行的研究,解决了大倾角煤层难以解决的顶板安全管理问题。采用大倾角综采后,煤矿节省投资,实现了既保护环境、节约资料,又促进安全的目标同时还促进了能源和经济协调发展。

【Abstract】 The distribution of large dip angle coal seam in Viet Nam is wide, its resource is abundant and recoverable reserve is about25billion tons, accounts for about35%of the national total reserves of coal, while production accounts for only of the15%of production, it is far below the proportion reserves, and the proportion of production has the trend of further declination. Rational utilization of coal resources is Viet Nam’s energy security and strategic options of sustainable economic social development. So the research of the large dip angel coal seam mining technology which can improve the utilization of coal resources, recovery rate of mine and service life of mine, is great significance to sustainable development of the nation coal resources.Aiming at the characteristic of coplex depositions conditions and difficulty mining conditions of coal seam in Helin coal mine in Viet Nam, fistly hrough the experiments of rock mechanics performance, rock physical mechanics properties for5(2) coal seam roof and floor are given out to provide basic rock mechanical parameters for numerical simulation and theoretical calculation of surrounding rock control in this paper. Then, by using RFPA rock breaking process analysis system software, analyzed the law of top coal and rock deformation, the roof deformation and movement regularity and coal mining face underground pressure behavior; Through the monitoring the change of large dip angle working face hydraulic support setting force and resistance, analysis of immediate roof and main roof movement law, determine setting load and working resistance for the working face hydraulic support and safety technical measures which should be adopt in special sections, so as to provide a guarantee for control of surrounding rock and safe and efficient production in fully mechanized mining face. By theoretic calculation and RFPA simulation work, widthof the section coal pillar were determined (15m). Finally simulation research of RFPA numerical large dip angle coal seam mining pressure behavior, numerical simulation and theory calculation show that the damage of the road upper rib is much more searious than the lower road rib and the coal wall destruction will inevitably lead to the deterioration of roof, namely roadway of steeply inclined coal seam deformation and failure has obvious asymmetric characteristic. Through research on Vietnam Ha Lam coal mine coal seam with large dip angle fully mechanized coal mining, the roof safety problem which is difficult to deal with is solved. Adopting fully mechanized technology in the large dip angle coal seam, it can saving investment, and it not only protect environment, save materials and promote safey, but also promote the coordinated development of energy and economy.
