

Isolation Performance Analysis of RC Structure with Specical Shaped Columns Considering Soil-Structure Interaction

【作者】 王锦力

【导师】 刘海卿;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 岩土工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前异形柱结构在我国有着广泛的应用,但异形柱构件截面形状不规则,纵筋配置也不对称,为提高异形柱结构抗震性能,应用隔震元件是有效途径之一;同时,在结构抗震设计中地基的处理上仍旧是以刚性假设为基础,而土层对地震波的过滤和放大作用是不能忽视的;因此考虑土-结构相互作用下,研究异形柱框架隔震结构的抗震性能具有一定的研究价值和实际意义。首先对12根钢筋混凝土异形柱进行低周往复荷载作用下抗震性能数值模拟研究,建立了L形截面、T形截面和十字形截面异形柱并考虑轴压比,柱肢尺寸,配箍率及截面配筋对各构件抗震性能的影响。结果表明异形柱破坏过程中经历的破坏形态、裂缝出现和延性性能与异形柱构件的轴向压力有很大关系,轴压比大的情况下,异形柱构件破坏较快,水平变形小,滞回面积较小即耗能能力差,裂缝也较晚出现;当轴压比小时,反而易出现裂缝,但异形柱构件变形能力较强延性较好,滞回曲线饱满即体现了异形柱构件延性好,耗能能力强,有较好的抗震性能。箍筋用量和截面尺寸的增加可以混凝土提高构件的延性。对3个钢筋混凝土异形柱框架节点进行了抗震性能数值模拟研究,对节点的延性、耗能能力、刚度退化等性能进行了分析;发现异形柱构件节点核心区箍筋在混凝土开裂前应力变化不大,混凝土开裂后失去抗剪能力,箍筋应力有很大增加,说明箍筋承担了大部分剪力,所以有必要在核心区配置相对数量的箍筋以防止节点核心区的提前失效。为提高异形柱框架结构的抗震性能,研究了以铅芯橡胶支座为主的隔震元件的吸能耗能机理;铅芯橡胶支座的阻尼力大、耗能能力强,但实验研究表明,当承受较大的水平位移荷载时,铅芯材料由于其塑性性能很难恢复原状,因此考虑在铅芯橡胶支座的基础上复合形状记忆合金材料(Shape Memory Alloy,简称SMA),根据实验研究得出了形状记忆合的超弹性力学性能,通过理论分析证明了形状记忆合金复合铅芯橡胶支座可以增加普通支座的恢复力,提高了支座的耗能能力,从而保证橡胶支座在发生较大剪切变形时仍然能够恢复到原位,达到更好的隔震效果。最后通过建立钢筋混凝土异形柱框架隔震结构模型,研究形状记忆合金复合铅芯橡胶支座对结构抗震性能的影响,重点考察了考虑土—结构相互作用该支座的减震性能;通过分析建筑物层间的位移、加速度、速度时程曲线,对比分析建筑物的最大相对位移和最大绝对位移发现:地震波的高频部分被隔震支座和地基土过滤掉,特别是作为地震波传播媒介的地基土,其高频滤波效应不容忽视。同时也说明了在刚性地基条件下对异形柱框架结构地震响应分析,与考虑土—结构相互作用的异形柱框架结构的地震响应是有所差别的:地基土的存在增加了结构的绝对位移,用刚性地基条件假设条件而不考虑土—结构相互作用的的影响而进行异形柱框架结构的抗震设计是偏于安全和保守的。

【Abstract】 Shaped column frame structure has a wide range of applications, but on the mechanical properties of the cross-sectional shape of irregular shaped column member, the configuration of the longitudinal reinforcement asymmetric isolation products used in order to improve the seismic performance of special-shaped columns shaped column frame structurehigher value. The same time, the processing of the seismic design of structures foundation is still based on rigid assumptions, soil filtering and amplification of seismic waves can not be ignored; shaped column frame isolated structure considering soil-structure interaction, research the seismic performance of certain research value and practical significance.Firstly, analysis of research on the seismic performance of special-shaped column members;12shaped reinforced concrete columns under low cyclic loads seismic performance simulation study, the L-shaped cross-section, the T-shaped cross-section and the cross-sectional shaped columns and consider the axis pressure ratio, column limb size, stirrup ratio and reinforcement section of the seismic performance of various components. The study found that the axial compression ratio of component failure form shaped columns, cracks appear and ductility greater impact. Appeared later shaped columns of large axial compression, the cracks in the specimen, but the specimen deformation is smaller than suddenly, destruction, component hysteresis curve surrounded by smaller, less energy dissipation capacity; When the column axis pressure comparison hour load value of the column cracks, Deformation has better ductility than full hysteresis curve of the column, good ductility and energy dissipation capacity, better seismic performance. Stirrup for concrete and the cross-sectional size of the increase can improve the ductility. Inequiaxial three reinforced concrete shaped column frame node Experimental study of the seismic performance analysis node ductility, energy dissipation capacity, stiffness degradation of performance; found stirrup shaped columns node in the node cracking force The small node cracking stress growth faster, bear the brunt of the shear sudden destruction, in order to avoid node node stirrup should not be too small. Stirrup shaped columns two column limb in the process of node force stress changes.In order to improve the seismic performance of the shaped column frame structure, the isolated components suction energy consumption can lead rubber bearings based mechanism; lead rubber bearing damping force, energy dissipation, but experimental studies have shownwithstand greater horizontal displacement load, lead core material because of its plastic properties is difficult to restore the status quo ante, so consider on the basis of lead rubber bearing composite shape memory alloy (shape memory alloy, or SMA), according to the experimentalstudies super-elastic shape memory alloy mechanical properties, proved by theoretical analysis of the shape memory alloy composite lead rubber bearings can increase the resilience of ordinary bearing, improve the energy dissipation capacity of the bearing, thus ensuring the rubber bearingthere is a greater shear deformation will still be able to return to its original position, to achieve better isolation effect.Finally, through the establishment of the reinforced concrete columns frame isolated structure model to study the shape memory alloy composite lead rubber bearings for seismic performance, focusing on considering soil-structure interaction damping performance of the bearing and its protective effect; through the analysis of the the buildings layer between the displacement, acceleration, speed time history curve, the maximum relative displacement of the comparative analysis of the building and the maximum absolute displacement found: high-frequency part of the seismic waves is double protection device isolation layer and the soil to filter out foundation soil, especially media as seismic waves, high frequency filtering effect can not be ignored. Also illustrates the rigid foundation under the conditions of the buildings in mining area of the earthquake response analysis, with considering soil-structure interaction, seismic response of buildings in mining area is somewhat different:the increased presence of subsoil structure absolute displacement assumptions rigid foundation conditions, regardless of the soil-structure interaction and mining seismic design of buildings in mining area safer and conservative.
