

Application and Experiment Study on Technology for Increasing the Permeability of Coal Seam by Impactling with High-energy Air

【作者】 高坤

【导师】 王继仁;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对煤矿区煤层透气性差、煤质松软等特点,开展低透气性煤层井下增透技术与装备研究。通过对高能空气冲击波破坏煤体的试验,研究不同煤体的瓦斯运移规律与破坏量,同时通过对井下移动式空气加压泵站的研制,为低透气性煤层增透和抽采技术提供一整套装备与技术,解决低透气性煤层抽采难题,使低透气性煤层瓦斯抽采率提高40%~50%,从而预防并防止重特大煤矿事故的发生,以期为煤矿安全生产提供理论及实践支撑。首先,在总结前人研究成果的基础上,应用煤层瓦斯赋存流动理论,详细分析和探讨了高压空气对煤体的冲击作用及增透作用。实验选取30组煤样,分别选自阜新矿业集团下的艾友煤矿和海州煤矿,对其中10组煤样进行抗压实验,对其余20组煤样进行煤样渗透率变化实验,记录下实验过程中煤样的参数变化值,通过对物理参数变化值和实验参数变化值的计算的得到气爆前后煤样的渗透率。实验结果表明:(1)气爆后煤样的渗透率增大,平均提高了81%以上。(2)气爆后,煤样的渗透率增量随着高压气体压力的增大而增大。分析进行抗压实验的10组煤样,其渗透率的增量与气爆压力呈幂函数关系。(3)煤质较硬的煤样气爆后渗透率增量较大。其次,根据煤体变形、破裂依据和渗流力学的基本原理,建立关于煤体变形、破裂和瓦斯流动相互作用的数学模型,并开发基于耦合数学模型的数值模拟软件,对现场实际高压气体冲击前、后方案进行对比模拟、分析和评价。最后,通过对引进的高压空气压缩机组的二次开发,完善提高其驱动方式及防爆等级,研制出高压空气单点、多点释放装置,并进行井下煤层增透工艺性试验,为低透气性煤层煤层气强化抽采提供有效了一种新途径。本项研究是国内外首次基于高能空气爆破、冲击、破碎煤体试验,研制了低透气性煤层增透技术与装备,用于低透气性煤层煤层气的强化抽采。该项研究获得了“高压气体冲击破裂煤体瓦斯预抽方法与装备”一项发明专利。在双鸭山矿业集团新安煤矿进行的工程应用检验取得了较好的验证效果,从而解决低透气性煤层抽采难题,使低透气性煤层瓦斯抽采率提高40%~50%,从而预防并防止重特大煤矿事故的发生,以期为煤矿安全生产提供理论及实践支撑。

【Abstract】 In this paper, according to the characteristic of soft coal seam with lowpermeability in most coal mines, the technology and equipment are studied toincrease the permeability of coal seam. Through testing the coal seam destructionwith shock wave of high-energy air, the gas movement law and destructionquantity are studied for different coal bed. Simultaneously, through developing theunderground mobile pump station with air, a series of equipment and technology areprovided to increase the permeability of coal seam and improving the gas extractionefficiency, and the difficulty is overcame to extract the gas in the low permeability coalseam. The gas extraction efficiency is increased40%~50%for the low permeabilitycoal seam. It provides technical support for preventing serious and extraordinary safetyproduction accidents from occurrence and pushing the stable development of the safetyproduction situation.Firstly, based on the previous research results and coal seam gas occurrence andflow theory, the characteristics of the high pressure air impacting coal seam and theprocess of increasing the permeability are discussed and analyzed in detail.30groups ofcoal sample are selected from Haizhou coal mine and Aiyou coal mine of Fuxin MiningGroup, and10team compression tests and20gas explosion of coal samples withhigh-pressure are conducted experiment. The permeability of coal samples arecalculated before and after gas explosion by recording the coal sample physicalparameters and experimental parameters.Studies show that:(1) The coal sample permeability increasing overall after gas explosion, an average increasemore than81%.(2) The greater the pressure of high pressure gas is, the greater the incremental of thepermeability of the coal sample after gas explosion is. Based on the increment of thepermeability of the10groups of coal sample from Haizhou coal mine after gas explosion andgas explosion pressure, through regression analysis, the relationship between incremental of thepermeability after coal sample gas explosion and gas pressure is a power function.(3) The increment of the permeability after gas explosion is larger for harder coal. Secondly, according to the coal deformation, rupture basis and the basic principleof seepage mechanics, the coupling mathematical model is presented involving coaldeformation, rupture and gas flow. And the numerical simulation software is developedbased on the coupled mathematical model, the schemes before and after the actualimpact with high pressure are compared, analyzed and evaluated.Finally, based on the introduction of high pressure air compressor in the seconddevelopment, the high pressure air single point and multipoint release devices aredeveloped by improving the driving way and explosive-proof grade, and thetechnological experiment is conducted to increase the permeability of coal seamunderground the coal mine. It provides a new method for low permeability coal seamimproving gas extraction efficiency.The study is the first test based on high energy air blasting, shock, and breakingcoal at home and abroad. The increasing permeability technology and equipment used toenhance gas extraction are developed for the low gas permeability coal seam. Thestudied results obtained an invention patent, namely "The gas pre-drainage method andequipment breaking coal body with high-pressure gas". The engineering application testachieved good effect in Xin’an coal mine of Shuangyashan Mining Group. Therefore thedrainage problem of low permeability coal seam is solved, and the gas drainage rateincreased from40%to50%for the low permeability coal seam. It provides technicalsupport for preventing serious and extraordinary safety production accidents fromoccurrence and pushing the stable development of the safety production situation.
