

Empirical Research on the Eeffect of Liaoning Coastal Openness on Economic Growth

【作者】 梁涛

【导师】 邵良杉;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 由于区域经济具有异质性,区域要素禀赋具有先天性与外生性,不同区域的对外开放对经济的影响具有其独特性。因此,系统研究辽宁沿海经济带的对外开放及经济增长问题具有重要的现实意义。文章的主要创新工作如下:第一,对外开放影响区域经济发展的原理、作用机制及政策支持。文章着重从资源与要素的优化配置、资本技术外溢和市场竞争力改善等方面进行综合分析,揭示区域经济发展的原理与作用机制。根据对外开放的作用机制与原理,将对外开放细分为资本开放度、贸易开放度、劳动开放度及综合开放度,并对不同开放度的测度方法进行了研究。第二,辽宁沿海的对外开放度的量化与测度。在开放度量化测度的基础上,借助主成分分析法及灰色关联度方法对辽宁沿海经济带的对外开放现状进行定量分析。第三,辽宁沿海经济带开放度对区域经济增长的影响研究。采用两种建模策略分别进行实证研究,一是基于柯布-道格拉斯生产函数的结构建模策略,二是基于数据统计特征与相关关系的非结构建模。基于以上策略,分别构建面板数据模型(panel data model)及向量自回归模型(VAR),前者克服了样本数量少、参数估计误差较大的缺陷,而后者则便于考察经济增长对于开放度变化的敏感性及动态变化的时变路径,其中的脉冲响应分析为两者之间的互动关系提供了实证依据。第四,研究沿海经济带各地区经济增长与开放度之间互相预测机制。通过方差分解,研究了不同地区对外开放度与经济增长的波动在多大程度上可以由对方来解释。大连与营口的经济波动可以由对外开放度波动解释中,而对外开放度的也可以由经济波动来解释。大连与营口的对外开放、经济之间具有相互预测机制。第五,模拟和仿真微观市场主体影响对外开放的行为与机制。在确立对外开放影响经济增长的基础上,通过基于Agent的模拟与仿真技术进一步研究影响开放度的微观主体行为。对政府Agent及企业Agent进行界定,通过一级假设(两个)与二级假设条件(六个)刻画两个主体的行为特征,并构建逻辑模型进行研究。第六,提高对外开放水平及增强经济发展可持续性。发挥人力资本优势、发展产业集群、建设区域金融中心、改革财政税收制度、加强基础设施建设、整合产业园区资源、降低产业同构性、实施有序开放可以有效提高辽宁沿海经济带国际竞争力。

【Abstract】 With the upgrading of Liaoning Coastal economic belt strategy from local level to national level and the depth of openness, the economic belt gained the greatest opportunity. Owing to the heterogeneity of regional factors and different features, regional openness has different influences on economic growth.Firstly, the paper investigates the mechanisms and principles through which the openness impacts the regional economy. Specifically, the optimization and localization and resources, the strengthenness of regional market competitive power and increasing of technology spillovers are highlighted perspectively. According to which, the following paper addresses three kind of openness:trade openness, capital openness and labor openness.Secondly, the paper describes the position of Liaoning coastal openness quantitatively by the help of Principle Component Method and Grey Relational Analysis.Thirdly, the paper constructs two kinds of model to investigate the effects of regional openness on regional economic growth empirically. There are two kinds of modeling strategies: constructive strategy and simple strategy, which rely on the economic relationships and economic theory among the variables and statistical relationships perspectively. The panel data model is useful to analyze the effects of openness on economic growth in two directions. The VAR model is used to investigate the dynamic characteristics of openness and economic growth.Fourthly, the paper continues investigate the behavior of mico-Agent to further the reason that the openness is affected. Based on the six hypotheses about firms and governments, the paper simulates and models the Agent’s micro-behaviors.Fifthly, modeling and simulating the main impact of the behavior and mechanism of the micro-market. On the basis of the affecting factors of the opening to the world, agent modeling and simulation techniques are applied to further to study the behaviors that impact the openness of the main micro behaviors. Government agent and enterprise agent are defined, a hypothesis (two) and two assumption (six) depicts two and main behavioral characteristics and builds a logical model to study.Sixthly, improving the level of openness and enhance the sustainability of economic development. Expressing the advantage of human capital, developing industrial clusters, constructing a regional financial centers, reforming the fiscal and taxation system, strengthening infrastructure construction can effectively improve the Liaoning coatal economic zone international competitiveness.
