

【作者】 汪小宁

【导师】 阎树群;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 陕甘宁边区政府从1937年9月建立到1950年1月撤销,历时十二余年。在此期间,以延安为中心的陕甘宁边区一直是党中央所在地,也是以毛泽东为核心的党中央领导中国革命取得胜利的指挥中心。党中央的许多重大战略决策和措施都在陕甘宁边区制定,且率先在此实施。从而把一个自然环境恶劣、交通闭塞、政治经济文化落后的地区,建设成当时海内外进步人士所向往的“圣地”。堪称当时全国社会建设的标杆,为新中国的社会建设积累了宝贵经验。因此,研究中国共产党当时在社会建设方面倒底做了什么以及怎么做的,有助于全面把握中国共产党社会建设的历史进程,更深入体察中国共产党在局部执政时期为广大人民谋利益的社会建设理念和理解当代中国社会建设的历史渊源,为当下党和政府开展社会建设工作提供有益借鉴,具有积极的现实意义。同时,能够进一步丰富发展马克思主义社会建设思想,加强党的社会建设思想的基础性研究,具有重要的理论意义。但就目前学界研究现状而言,对此问题的研究还不够系统和全面,特别是对当时社会建设的指导思想、实践模式以及基本特征等方面尚未给予应有的关注。因此,有必要在这些方面做进一步系统而深入的研究。本文以马克思主义为指导,以原始文献材料为依据,综合运用历史学、哲学、社会学等有关学科的理论和方法,具体采取了历史分析法和文献资料法等研究方法,对陕甘宁边区社会建设的主要内容、基本特征、成就及其不足进行了系统的研究与分析,总结了当时社会建设的基本经验,探讨了它们对于当今中国社会建设的启示。具体而言,全文由六章构成。第1章是绪论部分,主要对本文的选题缘由及研究意义、相关概念、研究综述、研究的主要档案文献资料来源、研究思路和研究方案、研究方法、创新与不足等进行了简要介绍和说明。第2章主要考察陕甘宁边区社会建设的历史条件。从政治、经济、文化等方面介绍边区社会建设的基础条件。概括了党中央和边区政府开展社会建设的思想来源与经验来源。第3章从三个层面论述了陕甘宁边区社会建设的主要内容。包括理念层面、制度层面和实体层面的社会建设。理念层面的社会建设体现为中国共产党首先确立了为人民谋利益的社会建设指导思想,主要包括颁布有关重视社会建设的施政政策、坚持公平合理的社会建设理念及公正廉洁的政务理念等方面。理念层面的社会建设确立社会建设的价值共识性,为制度层面和实体层面的社会建设提供导向作用;制度层面的社会建设的主要内容涉及社会利益协调机制建设、社会保障体制建设和社会管理体制建设等方面,为社会建设提供规则性,体现社会建设的价值理念,并且统一社会行动模式;实体层面的社会建设主要包括社会事业建设、社团组织建设等内容,体现社会建设的现实性,实现社会资源合理配置,展现和落实理念层面和制度层面的社会建设。第4章探讨了陕甘宁边区社会建设的基本特征。在陕甘宁边区社会建设实践中,边区社会建设呈现出坚持以民为本的社会建设宗旨、以乡村为单位推进社会建设和执行全面灵活的社会建设方式等特征,在整体上显示了边区社会建设的独特性。第5章客观评价了陕甘宁边区社会建设的成就与局限。指出党和边区政府通过落实社会建设的指导思想,推行新的社会政策,取得了成绩斐然的社会建设成就。主要表现为改善了边区人民的生活状况;重构了边区的社会结构;发展了新型的军民政民关系;提高了党和边区政府的政治影响;培养了人们互助友爱的精神和确立了新的社会风尚等方面。同时也存在建设水平较低、政策凸显两面性、工作方式存在偏向和关注群体较为偏狭等历史局限性。第6章总结了陕甘宁边区社会建设的基本经验。主要包括:思想重视是社会建设的首要前提;人民群众的真切拥护是社会建设的力量源泉;党的正确领导是社会建设的政治保障;妥善处理官民党群关系是社会建设的路线保障;完善机制是社会建设的体制保障;设置专门机构是社会建设的组织保障和协调社会经济政治之间的关系是社会建设的内在要求等六个方面。分析总结这些基本经验可为当代中国社会建设提供了有益启示。第一,社会建设必须密切党群关系;第二,社会建设必须创新社会管理体制;第三,社会建设必须促进社会和谐。

【Abstract】 The Government of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region lasted twelve years from September1937to January1950. In those years, as the encampment of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, Yan’an was always the headquarters of the Chinese revolution, leaded by Mao Zedong and the other revolutionaries. Since many strategic decisions&measures were developed there and implemented in the Border Region at the first time, the Region, well known by its harsh isolated natural environment and previously underdeveloped politics, economy and culture environment, became a kind of scared place of the progressive Chinese all over the world and a model on social construction among all the Party controlled regions. To know what and how the Chinese Communist Party has done in the time is helpful to clarify the history, and to comprehend the underline ideology evolution of social construction leaded by the Party. As valuable references, it’s meaningful for social construction practice in current China, besides its theoretical significance to enrich Marxism theory on social construction. However, the associated research is far from systematic and comprehensive by now, especially on the guiding ideology, the practice pattern and the essential features. This indicates a necessity for further research on these aspects.In this thesis, a systematic study is devoted to the scope, the features, the achievement and the weaknesses of the social construction practice implemented in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. Based on original documents, historical, philosophical, and sociological theories and methodologies, especially the historical analysis and document derivation are synthesized in the study. The essential merits are concluded and referred to nowadays social construction. The paper consists of six chapters.Introduction is given in the first chapter, where the intuitive of the research are briefed and the associated documents, methodologies, concepts are reviewed with their strengths and drawbacks clarified.Chapter two mainly focus on the historical conditions of the Border Region. The foundation of social construction is introduced in political, economical and cultural aspects. The theory and experience origins of the social construction are anglicized.The third chapter the scope of the social construction is discussed on three levels, i.e. the ideological level, the in organization level and the practice level. On the ideological level, the guiding ideology of the party is to peruse benefits for people, thus emphases on social construction, equality and political probity are reflected in the many policies. This value construction is foundation of the social construction on organization and practice levels. On the organization level, the construction scope involves the establishment of the stakeholder coordinate mechanism, the social security and management mechanism, which provides rules for the rules for the construction, as a reflection to the essential value and guideline for practice. On the practice level, the social construction includes the social undertaking construction, the social organization promotion, etc. Herein the ideology and organization for social construction are implemented.In Chapter four, attentions are devoted to the main features of social construction. The people-oriented tenet and the village-based, flexible promotion as well as other particular features show the uniqueness of the social construction in whole.The achievements and limitations are differentiated in Chapter five. It’s indicates that the party and the government have achieved great success by implement the ideology and social policies. In detail, people’s life has been improved, the social structures are reconstructed, the military-civil relation is promoted, the political influence of the party and the government are enlarged, the spirit of camaraderie is cultivated among the public and new social trend are established. On the other hand, there are some historical limitations. In conclusion, the construction level is low, some policies reflect dual characters, there are political deviations in practice, the target groups are limited.In Chapter six, the essential experience of the social construction in the Border Region is concluded. The successful social construction practice is attributable to the strong motivations of the conductors, credible support from the public, correct leadership from the Party, well-maintained government-public relation, comprehensive regulation guarantee as well as a particular organization for social economy and political coordination. There are three doctrines for the current social construction:at first, the Party must keep close touch with the public; secondly, the social construction must be guaranteed by social management innovation; finally, the social construction should be devoted to social harmony.
