

【作者】 李曼

【导师】 阎树群;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 克服资本主义社会对物的依赖和人的异化的弊端,实现人的自由全面发展,是马克思主义理论的核心概念,也是中国共产党人一以贯之的价值追求。但是在以往的社会主义理论和实践中,我们把人的自由全面发展仅仅看作是马克思恩格斯对未来社会的理想追求,而没有把它同时理解为马克思主义创始人对社会主义社会的现实要求。党的十一届三中全会以来,随着社会生产力的快速发展和人民物质生活的日益改善,促进人的精神生活的丰富和政治权益的发展越来越受到党和政府的高度重视。特别是“以人为本”执政理念的提出和使人民“有尊严的生活”的倡导,标志着党和国家对人的发展的认识提高到一个新的更高的水平。有“尊严的生活”这一命题的提出和强调,顺应了时代发展的趋势,也为个人幸福指数的提高与和谐社会的创建,提供了重要的价值导向。以习近平为总书记的党中央在十八大后提出了国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福的“中国梦”,无一不和人民群众的尊严的实现密切相关。研究马克思主义关于人的尊严理论在中国的实践和探索的历史进程、重大成果和未来走向,具有重要理论价值和现实意义。在当代中国,无论是人的发展还是社会进步,都必须推崇与追求人民“有尊严的生活”。马克思通过科学揭示人类社会发展的客观规律,指出人的自由全面发展既是社会主义的重要原则,同时也是建设社会主义的价值目标。而人的自由全面发展的一个重要前提就是维护和实现人的尊严。本文从概括马克思人的尊严理论的形成过程入手,在科学揭示马克思主义人的尊严理论基本内涵的基础上,对马克思主义人的尊严理论在中国的实践与探索进行系统梳理和深入研究。从科学内涵看,马克思主义人的尊严理论有三个主要向度:即历史向度、阶级向度和个体向度。从历史向度看,马克思主义主张人的尊严是具体的历史的,是人的现实生活的幸福和生存发展权利的保障,不存在超越时空的永恒不变的所谓尊严;从阶级向度看,在阶级社会里人的尊严具有阶级性,各个时代占统治地位的都是统治阶级的尊严观,无产阶级只有唤醒阶级意识,通过政治解放和思想解放,才能获得人的尊严与地位:从个体向度看,群体意识的觉醒依赖于个体意识的觉醒,个体觉醒是人的尊严的基本要素,人的自由全面发展和人的自由创造本性是人的尊严的根本价值。在揭示马克思主义人的尊严理论科学内涵的基础上,本文从革命、建设和改革三个历史时期对马克思主义人的尊严理论中国化的实践探索过程进行了较为系统的梳理和概括。党领导人民闹革命,就是要推翻旧的剥削制度,实现人民当家作主,维护人的尊严。新中国成立初期和社会主义基本制度确立后,人民的社会地位得到根本的改变,人民群众创造历史的热情得到前所未有的充分发挥,人民过上了有尊严的生活。但是由于“左”的思想影响,在“反右”运动、“大跃进”运动、人民公社化运动、特别是“文化大革命”运动中,我们实行平均主义的分配方式,过分夸大了人的意志的作用,在发展民主和保护人权方面也出现过严重教训,使人的尊严没有得到很有效的维护。在改革开放新时期,党领导人民开辟了中国特色社会主义道路,并在当代中国马克思主义——中国特色社会主义理论的指引下,我们在坚持社会主义基本制度的基础上,发展社会主义市场经济、建设社会主义民主政治、发展社会主义先进文化、构建社会主义和谐社会、促进社会主义生态文明,进一步解放和发展生产力,不断推动中国特色社会主义的全面协调发展和人的自由全面发展,使马克思主义人的尊严理论在中国的实践与探索逐步走向理性与成熟。马克思主义人的尊严理论在中国的发展,既取得了显著的实践成果,也取得了重要的理论成果。这些理论成果是中国共产党在不同历史时期尊重和实现人的尊严的实践经验的科学总结,体现在马克思主义与中国实际相结合的历史性飞跃的成果——毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想以及科学发展观关于人的尊严的理论中。毛泽东领导人民取得新民主主义革命的胜利和社会主义建设的巨大成就,使人民获得广泛的尊严,他高度重视农民的尊严,强调充分发挥知识分子的作用;邓小平认为捍卫国家尊严是实现人的尊严的基础和前提,主张发展市场经济为人的全面发展提供物质保障,提出尊重知识、尊重人才:“三个代表”重要思想指出发展是党执政兴国的第一要务,强调促进社会全面发展和人的全面发展;科学发展观强调践行“以人为本”理念以维护人的尊严,构建和谐社会以发展人的尊严,发展生产力以支撑人的尊严,创造和谐文化以保持人的尊严,健全社会制度以保障人的尊严。这些重要思想把马克思主义人的尊严理论中国化推进到一个新的阶段。研究马克思主义人的尊严理论在中国的实践与探索,总结其历史经验,概括其理论成果和实践成果,是为了在新的历史条件下进一步推进马克思主义人的尊严理论中国化进程。这就需要在马克思主义人的尊严理论指引下,研究新情况,解决新问题,提出新对策,形成新经验。在制约人的尊严实现的诸多问题中,提高人口素质和加强生态文明建设、缩小贫富差距、化解社会老龄化问题,是其中较为突出的问题,它们分别构成实现人的尊严的基本条件、当务之急和社会前提。为了深入推进马克思主义人的尊严理论中国化进程,在解决上述突出问题的同时,还必须始终不断坚持并拓展中国特色社会主义道路、不断坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系、不断坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度,不断增强道路自信和理论自信以及制度自信,这是更好推进马克思主义人的尊严理论和当代中国实际相结合的实现途径、行动指南和根本保障。

【Abstract】 To eliminate the defects of people’s alienation and reliance on materials in the capitalist society and realize the overall development of human’s freedom is the core concept of Marxist theory and only value pursued by the Communist in China. However, according to the previous socialist theory and practice, we only take the comprehensive development of human freedom as Marx and Engels’s ideal for the future society, rather than the practical requirement for the socialist society by the founders of Marxism. Since the party’s Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Convention, with the increased improvement of social productivity and people’s material life, how to promote the development of people’s spiritual life and enhance their political rights is becoming a common focus among the party and the government. Especially through the "people-oriented" concept proposed by the party and "make people live with dignity" advocated by the government, we can say our Party and state’s awareness of developing people has been increased to a new high level. The issue of "To live with dignity" just follows the trend and shows us the valuable orientation to increase personal happiness index and create the harmonious society. After the Eighteenth Convention of People’s Congress, the Central Committee of CPC with Xi Jinping as the core proposed the "Chinese Dream" to reach the national prosperity and rejuvenation and fulfill the happiness of the people, all of which are closely related to the dignity of the masses.It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study the historical progress, important events and future orientation of the Marxism’s theory of "To live with dignity" in the process of China’s practice and exploration. In the current society of China, either the human’s development or social progress must be based on our advocacy and the pursuit of the idea "To live with dignity". Marx scientifically revealed the objective law of the human society’s development and pointed out that the comprehensive development of human freedom was not only an important principle of socialism, but also the value of socialism construction. An important premise based on the comprehensive development of human freedom is the maintenance and realization of human’s dignity. This article briefly summarizes the formation of the Marx’s theory of human’s dignity, scientifically reveals the basic essence of the human’s dignity, and systematically studies the practice and exploration of this theory in China.Scientifically speaking, Marx’s theory of human dignity has three main orientations: namely the historical orientation, the class orientation and individual orientation. From the historical dimension, Marx holds that human dignity is specific and historical, which guarantees the happiness of people’s life, the survival and development rights, and there is no so-called eternal dignity beyond time and space; from the class dimension, dignity only belongs to the dominant class at certain time, only by arousing the consciousness of class, carrying out political emancipation and the freedom of the mind, can we obtain the dignity and status of people; from the individual dimension, group’s consciousness lies in the awakening the consciousness of individuals, since individual awakening is the basic elements of human dignity, moreover, the comprehensive development of human freedom and creativity is the basic value of human dignity.On the basis of reveal the scientific essence of the Marxist doctrine of human’s dignity theory, this article systematically combs and generalizes the practice and exploration of the human’s dignity in China in terms of the three historical stages in reformation, construction and revolution. The purpose of our Party led the people for revolution is to overthrow the old system of exploitation, granting the common people their power, and maintaining their dignity. At the initial period of new China to establish the basic socialism system, which implicates people’s social status has been changed, and their enthusiasm to create history has been increased to an unprecedented level. But under the influence of "left" thought, in the course of the "anti rightist" campaign, the "great leap forward" movement, the movement of people’s commune, especially in the "Cultural Revolution", we implemented the equalitarianism and exaggerated the effects of human will. In terms of developing democracy and protecting human rights, we also committed a serious mistake so that the human dignity could not be maintained efficiently. In the new period of reform and opening up, the Party led the people to blaze the trails of establishing the Chinese socialism, under the guidance of Contemporary Marxism in China--socialist theory with Chinese characteristics, we adhere to the basic system of socialism, keep on developing the socialist market-oriented economy, build up the socialist democracy, develop advanced socialist culture, form a harmonious socialist society, promote the socialist ecological civilization, further emancipate and develop the productive forces, promote comprehensive coordinated development and comprehensive development of human freedom, let the Marx’s human dignity theory gradually move to a rational and mature stage.The development of Marx’s human dignity theory in China, has not only made remarkable achievements in the practice, but also made important theoretical results. These theories are just scientific summary of implementing the human’s dignity in the different historic periods and historic combination of Marxism and China’s reality such as the Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought and Scientific Outlook on Development about human dignity theory. Mao Zedong led the people to obtain the great victory of the new democratic revolution and socialist construction, so people could get comprehensive dignity. He also attached great importance to farmers’dignity and emphasized the full role of intellectuals; Deng Xiaoping claimed that we should promote the market economy to safeguard the people’s overall development, at the same time we should respect knowledge and talents. According to the thought of "Three Representatives", it is clear that development is the first task for the ruling party, the comprehensive development of society and people should be emphasized; the theory of Scientific Outlook on Development stressed the "people-oriented" concept is just for safeguarding the human dignity, construction of the harmonious society is for developing the people dignity, creation of the harmonious culture is to maintain human dignity, the perfection of social system is to protect human dignity. All of these important thoughts surely bring the Marx’s human dignity theory to a new stage.By studying the practice and exploration of Marx’s human dignity theory in China and summarizing its historical experience, theoretical achievements and practical results, we can further promote the Marx doctrine of human dignity theory in China. This requires us to study new situations, solve new problems, put forward new measures and accumulate new experience in front of new situations. Among all of the restricting factors of human dignity, how to improve population’s quality, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, bridge the gap between rich and poor, resolve the problem of aging society, is becoming more prominent problems, which already constitute the basic conditions for fulfilling the human dignity. In order to further promote the development of Marx’s human dignity theory in China, we should solve the above-mentioned problems. Meanwhile we must continue to adhere to the socialist road, develop our theoretical framework of building up socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strengthen our confidence in its direction, theory and system, which is the basic realization and guidance to promote Marx’s human dignity theory connected with the Contemporary Chinese situation.

【关键词】 马克思主义人的尊严中国化实践探索理论成果
【Key words】 the Marx doctrinehuman dignityChinapracticetheory
  • 【分类号】A811;D621.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】405
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