

【作者】 高占春

【导师】 马启民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “中国模式”早已成为国内外各界关注的热点。“中国模式”概念的热烈讨论虽然是由美国学者乔舒亚·库伯·雷默在其“北京共识”一文中破题的,但是,关于“中国模式”的讨论由来已久。国外对“中国模式”的讨论,除了一些有良知的学者对“中国模式”给予比较客观公正的评价外,一些西方学者则抱着既定的“西方中心论”的价值观和偏见态度看待“中国模式”。他们有意无意地“误读”或“曲解”“中国模式”,甚至把“中国模式”变成“中国崩溃论”抑或“中国威胁论”的新变种。他们企图通过“捧杀”或妖魔化“中国模式”来唱衰中国。国内对“中国模式”的概念界定至今还未形成统一共识。重视对“中国模式”的研究,廓清“中国模式”概念,不仅有助于对中国当前发展的真实定位,而且也有利于提升中国“软实力”。更为重要的是能够在理论上形成“中国学派”、“中国话语”的解释权,以便向世界更好地宣传中国,消除世界对中国崛起的误解。因此,研究“中国模式”具有重要的理论和现实意义。国内外学界大多基于静态的社会制度、动态的现代化转型,以及经济模式、政治模式、文化模式和社会模式等视角对“中国模式”进行解读,其中不乏真知灼见,但都没有从整体上研究“中国模式”。因此他们都无法深入触摸到“中国模式”本身宣示的“维护世界文明多样性和发展模式多样化”这一具有强大生命力的真理。本文以“文明形态论”作为“中国模式”研究的理论切入点和研究方法,通过在系统研究“中国模式”生成的历史背景、“中国模式”概念的来龙去脉的基础上,对“中国模式”的内涵和特征进行科学界定。在世界文明模式多样性的宏观视域下,通过对马克思、斯宾格勒、汤因比、亨廷顿等思想家的文明形态多样性思想研究,以及对中国几代领导人关于“中国模式”生成的主体性性思想构建的研究,探寻“中国模式”生成论的思想基础和理论渊源。进而通过对西方现代性的局限性以及世界现代文明模式多样化形态的研究,论证“中国模式”存在的合理性和现实依据。本文站在宏观历史的高度审视“中国模式”生成的历史与逻辑统一性,探究“中国模式”生成的基本规律。在五千年传统文明理念的基石上,在历史演进的宏大叙事中,中国共产党执政60多年来,特别是改革开放的30多年来,中国已经形成了传统性与现代性结合较好的物质文明、精神文明、政治文明、社会文明和生态文明等“五位一体”的“中国模式”基本文明形态。基于对“中国模式”终极价值的考量,运用整体论和系统论的研究方法,作者提出了构建“中国模式”的文明结构体系、文明价值体系和文明动力体系的理论架构,对“中国模式”进行整体性解读。通过理论的升华与启迪,挖掘出“中国模式”对于人类文明进步与全球发展的独特价值。论文由导论、正文和结语三部分构成。正文共六章内容。第一章对“中国模式”的一般理论分析。首先对“中国模式”的概念界定,回答什么是“中国模式”?进而分析了“中国模式”概念的形成背景,以及“中国道路”向“中国模式”的历史演进。本文以世界文明形态多样性为视角,以“文明形态论”为分析方法,“中国模式”即是指中国的社会主义新型文明模式,它是新中国建国60多年以来,特别是改革开放30多年来,中国人民通过对社会主义道路的不断艰辛探索与实践,而逐渐形成的一种新型文明形态。它是建立在中国特色社会主义道路、理论、制度等国家主体文明基础上的,并初步形成了物质文明、政治文明、精神文明、社会文明和生态文明等基本文明样态。“中国模式”是具有富强、民主、文明与和谐等独特价值和意义的新型文明模式。第二章研究“中国模式”的生成论基础之一:世界文明形态多样性思想。本章主要从马克思主义的人类文明多样性思想中去寻找世界文明模式多样性的理论依据。此外,通过对斯宾格勒、汤因比、亨廷顿等西方思想家关于文明多样性思想的研究,进一步探寻“中国模式”生成论的思想基础。世界文明模式多样性思想为“中国模式”的生成在逻辑上提供了一种存在的可能性。第三章研究“中国模式”的生成论基础之二:现代文明模式多元化。通过对西方现代文明模式与拉美模式、东亚模式、苏联模式等非西方现代文明模式进行横向比较研究,主要是对多种模式的结构比较、特色比较和优劣比较的研究,求同存异、博取众长,为“中国模式”的完善和发展吸取更多的营养。同时,也可以对“中国模式”的不足之处及时予以修正。通过对西方现代文明模式的局限性以及世界现代文明模式多样化的发展趋势进行研究,论证“中国模式”存在的合理性,找到“中国模式”作为一种新型现代文明模式存在的现实依据。第四章研究“中国模式”的生成论基础之三:“中国模式”的主体性。中华民族自古以来既具有民族文化多元融合的特点,又具有鲜明的国家主体性独立统一意识,由此形成了中华民族多元一体的格局。这种强烈的主体性意识在中华文明的薪火相传中已经融入到整个中华民族的血液与基因里。在近百年的西方列强欺辱践踏过程中,中华民族的国家主体性意识更加强烈。特别是新中国成立后,中国人民在中国共产党的领导下,开始独立自主地探索“中国道路”,并形成了“中国模式”。“中国模式”的生成经历了从主体性自觉到主体性自信的实践理性过程,这成为“中国模式”主体性生成的历史逻辑。而新中国几代领导人在社会主义建设和改革开放过程中提出的主体性思想,则成为“中国模式”主体性生成的直接理论依据。第五章研究“中国模式”生成的历史与逻辑。本文基于宏观历史视野研究“中国模式”生成的历史演进轨迹,进一步证明“中国模式”的生成是符合历史与逻辑的统一性与合规律性的。在五千年传统文明理念的基石上,在中国现代历史演进的宏大叙事中,新中国成立60多年来已经形成了传统性与现代性结合较好的物质文明、精神文明、政治文明、社会文明和生态文明等“五位一体”的“中国模式”基本文明形态。“中国模式”的生成逻辑就是一种基于实践的整体生成论逻辑。第六章研究“中国模式”的新型文明形态的整体性解读。本文应用整体论和系统论的方法,对“中国模式”的文明结构体系、文明价值体系和文明动力体系进行纵深剖析。通过对“中国模式”的文明要素模块结构、价值构成、动力系统协调机制以及外形塑造进行彻底解剖,分析“中国模式”的文明形态建构和运行的科学性、合理性和有效性。基于对“中国模式”终极价值的考量,通过对上述基本文明形态的生成系统进行整体性研究,以尝试建构“中国模式”文明形态的理论架构。进而通过理论的升华与启迪,挖掘出“中国模式”对于人类文明进步与全球发展的独特价值。

【Abstract】 The "China model" has become the focus in China and the world. Although, a heated discussion on the "China model" concept is a broken problem by American scholar Joshua·Cooper·Ramo in his article "Beijing consensus", however, discussions about the "China model" has been for a long time. Some foreign scholars Discussion on the "China model" hold the "western center theory" values and attitude, except some conscientious scholars give objective and fair evaluation on it. They were naturally or half unconsciously "Misreading" or "misunderstanding" the "China model", even they took the "China model" into a new variety of "China collapse theory" and "China threat theory". They tried to "what" or demonized the "China model" to bad mouthing China. Domestic scholars still have different views on the "China model", and do not form a unified consensus. Some scholars advocate the use of "China Road" or "Chinese experience", some scholars "Chinese characteristics", and others argue that with the "China case". Pay attention to the "China model", and clean up the concept of the "China model", will not only contribute to the real position in the development of china, but also help to improve the "soft power" of China. More important is that it can form a theory in "Chinese School", or "Chinese language" interpretation, in order to better promote China to the world, to rid the world of China’s rise to misunderstanding. Therefore, to study the "China model" has the important theoretical and practical significance.Domestic and foreign scholars are mostly based the interpretation of the "China model" on the perspective of static social system, dynamic modern transformation, and the economic model, political model, cultural and social model. There is much high perspicacity, but no study the "China model" as a whole. So they can’t deeply touch the strong vitality of the truth of the "China model", which declares that "to maintain the diversity of world civilization and diversity in development models". This paper regards "Civilization morphology" as the theoretical starting point of the "China model" research and research methods, and studies the historical background of the generation of the "China model" and the sequence of events of the "China model" concept, and finally gives a scientific definition of the connotation and characteristics of the "China model". In the macro view of the world civilization diversity patterns, according to Marx, Spengler, Toynbee, Huntington and other thinkers civilization diversity thought research, and the study of subjectivity thought of several generations of Chinese leaders about the "China model" generation of construction, the author hope to research the thought foundation and the theory origin of the "China model". And then the author studies the limitations of Western Modernity and the diverse forms of the world modern civilization mode, in order to demonstrate rationality and the reality of the existence of the "China model". This paper stands on a macro historical perspective on the unity of history and logic of the "China model" generation, and grasps the basic law of the "China model" generation. In the foundation of traditional civilization of five thousand years, and in the grand narrative of historical, after the Chinese Communist Party leading China60years, especially leading the reform and opening up30years, China has already formed the tradition and modernity a basic form of civilization with good material civilization, spiritual civilization, political civilization, social civilization and ecological civilization into a "Five one""China model". Based on the consideration of the ultimate value of the "China model", using the research method of holism and system, the author proposed the theory framework of civilization construction structure system, culture value system, and power civilization system of the "China model" with the overall interpretation of the "China model". This paper digs out the unique value of the "China model" for the progress of human civilization and global development through the theory of sublimation and enlightenmentThe dissertation consists of introduction, body and conclusion of three parts. The main body includes six chapters.The first chapter is the general theory analysis of the "China model". The author defined the concept of the "China model", and answered the question of what is the "China model"? And then the author analyzed the background of the formation of the "China model", and the historical evolution from the "China Road" to the "China model". On the perspective of the world civilization diversity, and "Civilization morphology" as analysis method,"China model" refers to the mode of new socialist civilization in China. It is60years,especially the30years of reform and opening up since a new China founded, the Chinese people through continuous hard practice and exploration of the socialist road, gradually formed a new form of civilization. It is based on the socialist economic system, political system, culture system and social system with Chinese characteristics, and formed initially material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization and ecological civilization and other basic cultural patterns."China model" is a new mode of civilization which has a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious with unique value and significance.The second chapter is of the "China model" on the basis of the thought of the civilization morphological diversity. This chapter is mainly to find the theoretical basis of the mode diversity of world civilization from Marx’s thinking of the diversity of human civilization. In addition, researching by Spengler, Toynbee, Huntington and other western thinkers about their ideology of civilization diversity, the paper further explored the ideological basis of the formation of the "China model". The thought of world civilization diversity patterns provides a logical possibility of the existence of "China model"The third chapter studies the "China model" on the basis of diversity mode of modern civilization. Based on horizontal comparison research of the western modern civilization model with the Latin American model, the East Asian model, Soviet model and other non western modern civilization model, mainly comparing on the structure, characteristic and performance of various models, seeking common ground while reserving differences from all the long, so that it can absorb more nutrition for the "China model" to improve and develop it well. At the same time, it can be timely correction of the inadequacies of the "China model". Researched on the limitation of western modern civilization mode and the world development trend of the diversity mode of modern civilization, analyzed the rationality argument of the "China model", so that we can find the reality basis of the "China model" as a new mode of modern civilization.The fourth chapter studies the "China model" on the basis of the subjectivity. Since ancient times the Chinese nation not only has the characteristics of integration of cultural diversity, but also has a distinct national independent unity consciousness. Thus it is formed the pluralistic integration of the Chinese nation pattern. This strong consciousness of subjectivity in the Chinese civilization inheritance has been into the blood and gene of the whole nation. In the last hundred years of the trampled process by western big powers, national consciousness of subjectivity of the Chinese nation is becoming stronger and stronger. Especially after the founding of new China, Chinese people under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party, began to explore the "China Road" stand on one’s own, and generated the "China model". Generation of the "China model" experienced a practical rational process from the subjective consciousness to subjective confident. This became the historical logic of the subjective generation of "China model". The subjectivity thought proposed in the process of socialist construction and reform and opening up by the generations of Chinese leaders in new China, became the direct theoretical logic of the "China model".The fifth chapter studies the history and the logic of "China model" generation. This dissertation based on the macro historical perspective on the study of the historical evolution path of the "China model" generation, and this chapter further proved that the generation of "Chinese model" is the unity and regularity accords with the history and logic. In the foundation of traditional civilization of five thousand years, and in the grand narrative in the evolution of modern history of China, a new China founded after60years has formed a "Six in one""China model" of the basic civilization, which is better combined tradition and modern with material civilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization, social civilization and ecological civilization. The generation logic of "China model" is a whole generation logic based on practice.The sixth chapter studies the generation system of new form of civilization of the "China model". This chapter deeply analyzed on the civilization structure system, civilization value system and civilization power system of the "China model". Through a thorough anatomy of the civilization factors of module structure, value structure, power system of coordination mechanism and shaping in "China model", we can analyze its science, rationality and effectiveness of the "China model" civilization construction and operation. Based on the consideration of the ultimate value of "China model", and used the whole research of the above generation system of basic civilization, the author tried to construct the theoretical framework of the "China model" civilization. Then through sublimation and Enlightenment of the theory, we can dig out the unique value of "China model" for the progress of human civilization and global development.
