

【作者】 李莉

【导师】 张立昌;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 初任教师处于教师专业成长的起始阶段,这一阶段是教师职业生涯发展过程中最具可塑性的阶段,也是教师专业成长的“内在关键期”。教师初任阶段的专业成长会深刻地影响其整个职业生涯的专业发展品质。因此,许多国家都关注初任教师的专业发展,重视对初任教师的培训和指导。在我国基础教育课程改革不断推进和深化的当下,教师成为决定改革成效的关键因素之一,初任教师的发展态势决定着课程改革的未来走向。目前语文教学面临着种种责难,作为其承担者的语文教师尤其是初任语文教师,其使命高远,责任重大,同时背负着改革和发展教学与自我成长的双重压力。由此,对初中初任语文教师专业成长问题的研究就显得尤为迫切。在学习和借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,本研究采用教育叙事研究的方法,注重在真实情境中探寻初中初任语文教师专业成长的历程。倾听故事,思考探究,以解释性理解的方式呈现实践视野中教师发展的真实意涵和价值。研究首先对三所学校的三位初中初任语文教师进行了为期一年的合作型教育叙事研究,三位初中语文教师分别处于初任成长的0-1年,1-2年,2-3年。研究关注合作教师的初任成长历程,按照其专业成长的时间顺序,展现每位合作教师在初任阶段经历的成长故事,以及这些成长故事带给他们的影响,并进行思考探究。在一年的教育叙事研究中发现,随着语文教育教学实践时间的增长,三位初任语文教师都较为顺利地度过了入职适应期,获得了一定的专业成长。由于三位教师各自的主客观情况的差异,以及他们各自在初任成长阶段所遭遇到的关键事件的不同,其专业成长的具体情况也有一定的差异性。研究中用“展示”的方式呈现了27个成长故事,用“讲述”的方式展开了对这些故事的理性思考。故事不同,带来的感悟也不同。文中三位合作教师都是独立的个体,每个人的成长历程不具备可迁移性和可复制性,但一定具备可探索性和可思考性,这些故事可以唤起读者的思考和共鸣,而读者的参与和解读也会使故事的启示更为丰富。其次,在对三位合作教师展开叙事研究的基础上,本研究的教育叙事视角还关注了由个体汇聚而成的初中初任语文教师群体,期望获知初任语文教师专业成长中所面临的共性问题及其解决方式。为此,研究从专业发展的四个维度展开对初中初任语文教师及其指导教师两个群体的访谈,扩大倾听和探寻的范围。一是通过众多初中初任语文教师对自身成长经历的述说,了解他们在现实中面临的问题和困惑及其成长需求,同时了解校方提供的相关支持的具体方式和有效程度。二是通过其指导教师对指导经历的评说,了解指导教师的指导感受以及在指导中发现的相关问题,倾听他们对初任语文教师专业成长提出的意见建议。研究指出,初中初任语文教师专业成长的关键点在于:在专业意识方面,应增强初任语文教师专业认同意识,培养其专业发展意识;在专业理念方面,应理解其专业理想在客观上存在不明晰性的现状,促使其信奉理念与使用理念不断切近;在专业知识方面,应优化其专业知识的内在结构,不断丰富其实践性知识;在专业能力方面,应重视其语文教学生成能力的养成以及其研究能力的提升。第三,本研究在教育叙事的基础上,进行思考探究。把初中初任语文教师的专业成长看作一个动态的连续的过程来思考,以初任为分界点,对其职前培养进行思考,对其职后成长进行审视。在其职前成长阶段,首先,要关注师范生的成长意愿,注重语文教师职前成长中幸福感的养成;其次,应该给予师范生成长的动力,注重初任语文教师职前教育中成长能力的养成;第三,要完善师范生的知识结构,注重初任语文教师职前教育中实践性知识的生成;第四,要提升师范生的实践质量,注重初任语文教师职前反思能力的生成。通过这些培养,唤醒其专业意识,丰富其专业知识,锻炼其专业能力,为其未来的专业成长打下坚实的基础。在其职后成长阶段,首先,初中初任语文教师应该主动规划自己的专业成长,构建电子档案袋有利于唤醒其专业自觉,使他们学会规划职业生涯,从被动适应转为主动成长,从而把专业成长引向一条有目的、有系统、持续的良性发展之路;其次,结合语文学科的特点,初中初任语文教师具备从事教育叙事研究的主客观条件,可以在职业生涯初期就有意识的学做教育叙事研究,提升自己的研究意识与研究能力;第三,聚焦语文课堂,锻炼和提高初中初任语文教师的教学生成能力是其专业成长的必然诉求;第四,提供有效支持,完善和创新校内指导教师制度,开辟并推进校外指导教师渠道,构建初中初任语文教师专业成长的多元指导体系,有利于为其提供更好的成长帮助。作为教育叙事研究,本研究无意于探寻普适性的结构化的理论,而是注重于从故事中得到的感悟与体会,寻求情景化的教育意义。因此,本研究走进初中初任语文教师的成长现场,倾听他们的声音,讲述他们经历的教育故事,并以此为基础展开对初中初任语文教师的职前培养和职后成长的思考,思考注重于点的深入而不是面的构架,侧重于从故事中获得的反思与体味,期望为读者提供一定的理论思考空间,也邀请读者在研读故事中进行思考,获得更为丰富的意义诠释。

【Abstract】 Beginning teachers are at the initial stage of professional growth. This is a stage in which teachers are easiest to be shaped in the career development, and also "the internal critical period" of their professional growth. The professional growth of teachers in the beginning stage will have profound influence on the quality of the professional development throughout their career. Therefore, many countries are concerned about the professional development of beginning teachers, and attach importance to training and instructing beginning teachers. Nowadays, in the midst of constant advancement and deepening of China’s curriculum reform in basic education, teachers are one of the key factors that are decisive in the effect of reform. At present, Chinese teaching is confronted with all sorts of criticism. As the undertaker, Chinese teachers, especially beginning ones, have lofty mission and heavy responsibility, shouldering dual pressures from the reform and development of teaching as well as from self growth. Therefore, it appears imperative to make research into the professional growth of junior high beginning Chinese teachers.On the basis of learning and drawing on the existing research results, this research focuses on exploring the professional growth of junior high beginning teachers in the real situation by way of educational narrative research, a method whereby the researcher listens attentively to and ponders over stories and seeks to present the true meaning and value of teacher development from the practical perspective in the way of interpretative understanding.In this research, a one-year cooperative educational narrative research was first made on three junior high beginning Chinese teachers from three schools, with three of them having0-1year,1-2years,2-3years of experience in their initial growth respectively. The research was focused on initial growth of the cooperative teachers. Stories about each teacher’s experience in the initial growth period were narrated according to the time sequence of their professional growth. In addition, the influence that these stories had on them was shown and reflections and analyses in this regard were also made. In the one-year educational narrative research, it is found that with the increase of time of teaching practice in Chinese education, all three beginning Chinese teachers have smoothly passed the adaptation period after joining in work, acquiring professional growth to some extent. Due to the differences in the subjective and objective conditions of the three teachers, and different key events they have encountered in the initial growth stage, there appear certain differences with regard to the specific circumstances of their professional growth. In this research,27stories about growth were presented in the way of showing, and rational reflections on these stories were made in the way of telling. Different stories will naturally bring about different perceptions. All the three teachers in this paper are independent individuals, each of whose growth process is, though not transferable or reproducible, but undoubtedly worthy of being explored and pondered on. These stories can set the readers thinking and arouse their sympathetic chord; in turn, the reader’s participation and interpretation will reveal more enlightenment from the stories.Secondly, this research from the narrative perspective is also, based on the narrative research on these three teachers, focused on a group made up of individual junior high beginning Chinese teachers, expecting to find out the common problems and resolutions in the professional growth of beginning Chinese teachers. For this purpose, a group of junior high beginning teachers and a group of their instructors were interviewed in this research from four dimensions of professional development on an expanded scope of listening and exploration. On one hand, on basis of the narrations many junior high beginning Chinese teachers made about their own growth experience, it is expected to find out the problems and puzzles and growth needs they have in reality, and learn about the way how the school provides related supports and to what extent the supports are effective. On the other hand, on basis of the comments the instructors made on their experience, it is expected to realize how they feel and what problems are found in their instructions, and listen to their opinions and suggestions on professional growth of beginning Chinese teachers. The research indicates that the current key point in professional growth of junior high beginning Chinese teachers is:in terms of professional consciousness, professional identity consciousness of beginning Chinese teachers should be strengthened with a view to cultivating their consciousness on professional development; in terms of professional idea, the objective uncertainties in their professional ideal should be aware of, so as to make the idea they use get closer to the one they believe in; in terms of professional knowledge, the internal structure of their professional knowledge should be optimized to constantly enrich their practical knowledge; and in terms of professional ability, attention should be paid to the cultivation of their ability to teach Chinese, and to the improvement of their research ability.Thirdly, in this research, reflections and analyses are to be made on the basis of educational narrations. The professional growth of junior high Chinese teachers should be regarded as a continuous dynamic process. And with their commencement of service as the division point, their pre-service cultivation is to be pondered on and their in-service growth to be surveyed.In the pre-service growth stage, firstly, attention should be paid to the normal university students’desire to grow and to the formation of the sense of happiness in their pre-service growth; secondly, normal university students should be given the impetus for their growth, with focus on the formation of their ability to grow; thirdly, their knowledge structure should be improved, with focus on the formation of practical knowledge; and fourthly, the quality of their practical activities should be improved, with focus on the generation of their reflective ability. With these trainings which aim at awakening their professional consciousness, enriching their professional knowledge and enhancing their professional capacity, a solid foundation can be laid for their future professional growth.Today, junior high beginning Chinese teachers have to face the dual pressures from life and work. Firstly, in their professional growth stage, they should actively make plans for their professional growth. Construction of electronic portfolio is helpful to awake their professional consciousness, enabling them learn how to plan their careers, and transforming passive adaptation into active growth, thereby their professional growth will be led into a positive developing path which is purposeful, systematic and sustainable. Secondly, in view of the characteristics of the course of Chinese, junior high beginning Chinese teachers have both subjective and objective conditions of engaging in educational narrative researches, and may consciously learn how to carry out educational narrative researches in the initial period of their careers so as to improve their research consciousness and research ability. Thirdly, it is the inevitable prerequisite for their professional growth to focus on the Chinese classroom teaching, and strengthen and improve their ability to teach Chinese. Fourthly, efforts should be made to provide effective support, improve and update the internal instructor system, develop and promote external instructor resources, and to build multiple instructing systems for the professional growth of junior high beginning Chinese teachers, which is conducive to providing more help for their growth.As an educational narrative research, this research has no intention to explore any universal structurized theory; instead it focuses on obtaining inspiration and experience from the stories to seek the situational educational significance. Therefore, in this research, for purpose of learning more about junior high beginning Chinese teachers, we listened to them narrating educational stories from their own experience. And on the basis of this, some reflections are made on their pre-service training and in-service growth. These reflections are focused on elaborations on the specific points rather than generalizations on the whole framework, obtaining reflections and experience from the stories. It is expected that certain space will be left behind for the readers to make theoretical thinking. Meanwhile, the readers are encouraged to think while reading the stories, so as to obtain more abundant interpretations on meaning.
