

Research about Citizenship Education Method of Canadian University

【作者】 郑凯文

【导师】 刘克利; 陈宇翔;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 邓小平理论中关于“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”的思想对思想政治教育研究具有重要的指导意义,思想政治教育也需要走向开放,积极地研究国外思想政治教育状况,尤其是研究西方国家思想政治教育方法对我国更具有直接的参考价值。思想政治教育方法是教育者和受教育者为了达到教育目的所采用的手段和方式。研究西方国家高校思想政治教育的方式和手段,理性地吸纳和借鉴,有利于丰富我国思想政治教育的比较研究,有利于推动我国高校思想政治教育面向未来的发展,也有利于我国高校思想政治教育方法与途径的创新。思想政治教育作为一种教育实践,存在于古今中外,这是毋庸置疑的事实。加拿大等西方国家的思想政治教育是“有实无名。”的,常被冠之以公民教育、道德教育、政治教育、政治社会化等名称。其中,公民教育的内涵和外延与思想政治教育更接近,甚至可以说二者具有同质性。因此,研究加拿大高校的思想政治教育主要是研究其公民教育,而研究加拿大高校公民教育方法,首先就需要探讨公民教育的相关理论。公民概念的滥觞在西方,是公民教育的逻辑起点,不同历史时期有着不同的内涵。公民教育也是发展的概念,并在发展过程中受到自由主义、共和主义、社群主义、多元文化主义和全球化思潮的影响,形成了相应的思想流派。这些流派对加拿大高校公民教育的目标、内容、原则、方法和途径产生了重要影响。尤其是多元文化主义对异质多元社会的加拿大影响更为明显,贯穿于公民教育的始终。加拿大高校的公民教育是一个“课堂——校园——社会”分层立体的教育模式。课堂是加拿大高校公民教育的阵地之一。加拿大高校设置了公民教育课程,采用多种教学方法向学生传授道德、宗教、法律、历史、政治、哲学等知识,其课堂教学贯彻了学生主体性、尊重差异性和方法多样性的原则;教学的一般方法主要是:以“解惑”为主的讲授法、以案例为依托的案例法、以发现知识为目的的启发式教学法、以学生积极参与讨论的研讨式教学法、受建构主义影响而且能够实现最好教学效果的Presentation教学法。此外,其教学还借鉴了心理学、哲学等领域的研究成果,采用价值澄清法和角色扮演法实施教学。校园生活领域是加拿大高校公民教育的阵地之二。在西方国家,与学生校园生活有关的一切事务被称为学生事务。加拿大高校的学生事务工作以学生为中心,学生事务中坚持柔性管理、服务育人、主体参与的公民教育理念,在关怀、服务和参与校园生活实践中培育学生的公民素质。学生事务中公民教育的具体方法主要包括:心理咨询服务、宗教咨询服务、参与学校管理和校园文化活动。社会是加拿大高校公民教育的阵地之三,服务学习是社会实践中的公民教育方法。共和主义与社群主义构成了服务学习的哲学根基,西方的经验教育理论在方法论层面上为服务学习提供了理论支撑。服务学习提升了学生的公民责任感,塑造了学生的公民品质,培养了学生的批判思维与创新精神,提高了公民教育的有效性。加拿大高校服务学习坚持服务与学习相结合、学生反思与教师指导相结合的原则,实施流程包括:项目的准备,设计与培训,服务学习开展,学生反思,评价与庆祝等五个阶段,多伦多大学的服务学习项目——社会公正调研可以作为服务学习的范例。“他山之石,可以攻玉”。借鉴是思想政治教育比较研究的主要目的所在。研究加拿大高校的公民教育方法,在比较中分析共性和差异,能够为我国高校思想政治教育的发展和改进提供了更宽阔的视野,帮助我们更好地认识自己的优点和不足,也馈以我们更高的发展起点。但是,任何教育都根植于特定的文化土壤,我们必须以理性的态度辩证地评析、学习国外经验,吸纳其中的有益成分,进而在“本土化”重构中丰富和创新高校思想政治教育方法。审视加拿大高校公民教育的有益经验,Presentation教学法、柔性管理和服务学习更具有借鉴价值。面对我国高校思想政治理论课亟需加强学生主体性、提高教学效果的客观事实,应借鉴Presentation教学法,在丰富和创新教学方法的同时,进一步提升教学有效性;面对我国高校学生工作中教育管理刚性化的现状,应借鉴柔性管理,充分发挥柔性管理在高校日常思想政治教育中的作用,弥补刚性管理的不足,实现刚柔相济的管理;面对加强实践育人的时代呼唤以及志愿者服务与思想政治教育“各自为阵”的现象,应借鉴服务学习法,构建高校思想政治教育服务学习模式,挖掘服务活动的教育蕴涵,使学生在实践中深化理论认识;在反思中实现自我教育;在服务中提升社会责任感,养成良好的道德行为,从而促进思想政治教育内化与外化互动机制的形成。

【Abstract】 The idea of "education should be oriented toward modernization, the world and the future" in Deng Xiaoping Theory is important guiding significance for the ideological and political education research。 The ideological and political education also need to openness, to carry out a study of the ideological and political education in West developed countries, in particular, to study their methods of ideological and political education, it is more value of learning and drawing for our country. The methods of ideological and political education are the manner and ways that educators and students are in order to achieve the aims of education. Research methods of ideological and political education of Western countries, dialectical absorbing and learning from their, it is beneficial to enrich the comparative study of the ideological and political education, it is beneficial to promote Chinese future development of ideological and political education, but also it is beneficial to innovate methods and ways of ideological and political education of Chinese university.Ideological and political education as an educational practice is existing in all times, this is certain truth., the ideological and political education of Canada and other Western countries is the "substantive but nameless",often is named" civic education, moral education, political education, political socialization" and so on, among which, civic education’s connotation and denotation are the closest to our ideological and political education, even we can be sure, civic education of the Western countries have the same homogeneity nature with our ideological and political education. Therefore, the study of civic education method in Canadian universities, we first need to explore the theory of civic education.The concept of citizenship is a logical starting point for civic education It has different connotations in different historical periods. Civic education is also a developing concept, and in the course of its developing, it is influenced by the Western thought of Liberalism, republicanism, communitarianism, multiculturalism and globalization and formed the Western civic education theory, these theories has had a major impact for civic education methods implementation, principles, specific applications of Canadian universities.Classroom teaching is the implemental method of the civic education curriculums in Canadian universities. Canadian universities set up civic education curriculum, and carry out civic education through classroom teaching. Their teaching insist on student subjectivity, respect for differences and diversity methods of teaching principles, general teaching methods are lecture pedagogy, case teaching method, heuristic pedagogy, seminar pedagogy presentation pedagogy. In addition, their also learn experience form psychology and philosophy, there are also values clarification pedagogy, role playing pedagogy of classroom teaching. Implementation and application of these teaching methods is different from our universities teaching, it is worthy for us to study and reference.Student affair is civic education methods of Campus life in Canadian university. Their Student affairs are Holistic people as training objectives of work; Standardized and comprehensive of student affairs department as work support; high quality teachers as work ensuring; student joining mechanism as work assistant. The Student affairs as a kind of method of civic education reflects,educate student with service, educate student with and educate student with participating, the specific methods include psychological counseling services, religious consulting services, participation school management and cultural activities on campus.Service-learning is the social practice method of civic education in Canadian Universities, communitarianism and republicanism is the philosophical foundation of service-learning, experiential education theory provides for the service-learning theoretical support in the methodological level. Service-learning in civic education has an important role, it elevated the college students civic responsibility and participate enthusiasm, shaping the college students of civic quality and multi-value concept, trained college students critical thinking ability and innovation consciousness, to improve the university students’civic education effective and skills of communication. Services-learning’s process including the five step:the preparation of the project, design and training, service and learning, civic-type reflection, evaluation and celebration, and provide a case study about the social justice research program of University of Toronto’s.Stones form other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one. Learning is main purpose of comparative ideological and political education.Civic education experience of Canadian university,provides a wider field of vision for ideological and political education’s development and progress of our country’s,help us understand our strengths and weaknesses more preferably,also gives us a higher starting point for the development.However, any education are rooted in specific cultural soil,We must learn foreign experience in a rational and critical manner,thereby enriching and innovative methods of ideological and political education in the localization remodeling.Examine the experience of civic education in Canadian universities,presentation pedagogy, flexible management, and service-learning is more valuable to learn.Facing with an urgent and objective facts that ideological and political theory courses need strengthen the student subjectivity and improve teaching effectiveness,we should Learn presentation pedagogy,being in rich and innovative teaching methods,while further enhancing teaching effectiveness;facing with an status of rigid education and management in college students work,we should draw on flexible management,play flexible management role in the daily management of the ideological and political education adequately,meet the shortfall of rigid management,to achieve the desired hardness and softness of management.Facing a time calling of strengthening practice educating,should learn service-learning,constructing ideological and political education’s service-learning mode,mining education implies in service activities,enable students to deepen understanding of the theory in practice;achieving self-education in the reflection,enhance social responsibility in the service,and develop good moral behavior,thereby promoting the formation of internalization and externalization interaction mechanism of ideological and political education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 09期
  • 【分类号】D64;G649.711
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1332
  • 攻读期成果