

The Key Technologies of Module Partition and Fusion for the Generalized Product

【作者】 李浩

【导师】 祁国宁; 顾新建; 纪杨建;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 工业工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在全球化压力、环境/资源压力、高技术压力和客户个性化需求等的驱动下,机械制造企业要获得更多的可持续利润,就不能以单纯销售物理产品为目的,而应以销售带有更多增值服务的产品,即制造商向用户提供“物理产品和/或产品服务”的服务解决方案包,这种服务方案包称为“广义产品”。模块化设计是产品与服务快速、低成本和个性化的重要实现方法。本文通过对制造服务、产品服务系统、广义产品模块化设计等研究现状的综述,分析了当前国内外关于广义产品模块化设计中存在的问题。分析了当前的主流设计方法学体系,指出广义产品的模块化设计应该由服务方案层和物理层两个层次的优化设计构成。基于以上分析,本文构建了广义产品模块化设计的方法学体系,并对广义产品模块化主结构和配置设计方法进行了研究。本文的主要研究内容及主要创新点体现在以下几个方面。(1)分析了广义产品的分类、形成过程和特点,根据广义产品中有形物理结构与无形服务间的内在关系,给出了广义模块的定义、分类和特点。在此基础上提出了基于服务方案层和零部件层的广义产品模块划分融合理论框架和技术体系,有利于形成广义产品模块化平台,支持不同类型广义产品的配置设计。(2)提出了一个三阶段的交互式广义产品模块划分过程模型,并给出了各阶段的模块划分方法。三个阶段分别为:基于“Top-Down’的服务模块划分、基于"Top-Down"的物理模块划分和基于‘’Bottom-Up"的服务模块划分。基于质量屋法来评价广义模块之间的一致性,确保模块划分的合理性与一致性。提出了一套的广义产品双层模块规划方法。首先,基于Kano模型实现不同类型广义产品的模块类型确定;然后,基于联合分析法,规划了不同类型广义产品中的用户决策模块及属性,以及制造商决策的模块及属性,为广义产品的优化配置设计奠定了基础。(3)研究了广义产品模块化结构建模方法。分别进行了广义产品模块化主结构建模和实例结构建模。在不增加业务对象的情况下,将服务也作为一种Parts对象,通过扩大Parts主记录的属性描述来实现广义产品数据模型的描述,并研究了Parts习的联系对象。最后,基于某公司PLM软件系统的二次开发,实现了广义产品数据模型和变压器广义产品的模块化实例主结构。本部分的研究内容丰富和扩展了传统的集成产品元模型,为广义产品模块化配置设计提供了支持。(4)提出了基于双层规划方法的广义产品模块配置设计优化模型。广义产品模块优化配置设计过程是服务方案层与物理模块层两个层次的反复迭代循环的过程,本文基于双层规划方法,提出了优化配置设计决策模型。基于广义变压器产品服务的案例,采用遗传算法对基于双层规划的决策模型进行了求解和应用。为广义产品的优化配置设计提供了一个新的思路与方法。

【Abstract】 Under the pressure brought by globalization, restricted environment/resources and fast change of high technology, the mechanical manufacturing enterprise should change the traditional practice of only selling physical products and provide products with more value-added services, so as to meet personalized customer demand and to obtain more sustainable profits. It has become a tendency that a manufacturer provides its customers with service solution packages of "physical products and/or product services", which is known as generalized products. Module design is an important way to provide speedy, low-cost, and personalized products and services. With the review of existing present study on manufacturing services, product-service system and module design of generalized product, this dissertation analyzes problems in module design of generalized product both in China and abroad and examines the methodology system of mainstream designs at present. It is proposed that module design of generalized product should be comprised of two levels, service solution level and physical level. Based on the above analysis, this dissertation constructs a methodology system for module design of generalized products and studies the main modular structure and configuration design method for generalized products. The main research results and innovative points are as follows:(1) Analyzing the classification, forming process and characteristics of generalized product, according to relationships between tangible physical structure and intangible service of generalized products. Based on the definition, classification and characteristics of generalized module are given, the theoretic framework and technology system of generalized product module partition and fusion are proposed based on two levels, which are the services solution layer and physical layer. The new theory and technology system are beneficial to form the generalized modular product platform, also support the configuration design for different types of generalized product.(2) Building a three-stage interactive module partition process model for generalized product and providing a specific module partition method at every stage. The three stages are the service module partition based on "Top-Down", the physical module partition based on "Top-Down" and the service module partition based on "Bottom-Up". The HoQ (House of Quality) method is used to evaluate the consistency between different generalized modules, which are examined separately to ensure the reasonableness and consistency of module partition. Then, bi-level module programming is used to analyze generalized product. First, the types of modules for the generalized products of different types are fixed based on Kano model. Then, based on combined analysis, regulations are given to the customer decision-making modules with their attributes and the manufacturer decision-making modules with their attributes for the generalized products of different types, which provide the foundation for the optimization method of generalized product configuration.(3) Studying modular structure modeling method of generalized products. Firstly, the modular main structure modeling and the modular instance structure modeling of generalized product are constructed. Then, service is treated as a "Parts" object without the increase of business objects. The generalized product data model is described by increasing the attributes of "Parts" main record and the connection objects between "Parts" are studied. Finally, through the secondary development based on PLM software system, the generalized product data model and modular instance structure of the generalized transformer product are realized. The research achievements in this section enrich and enlarge the traditional integrated product meta-model, providing support for generalized product module configuration design.(4) Building an optimization model of generalized product module configuration design based on bi-level programming. The generalized product module configuration design process refers to the iteration and cycling between the service scheme level and the physical module level. Based on the bi-level programming, this dissertation builds an optimization decision-making model for configuration design. Based on the case of generalized transformer, the genetic algorithm (GA) is used to solve the decision-making model based on bi-level programming, which provides a new approach for the optimization model of generalized product configuration design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期