

A Study on Marx’s of Theory of Technological Progress

【作者】 武文风

【导师】 何自力;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着技术快速发展,新技术成果的应用给人类社会发展带来的影响日益凸显,技术进步问题越来越受到世界各国和各类学者的广泛关注。然而目前学术界对技术进步问题的研究不仅没有形成完整的理论体系,而且研究视角狭窄,很难对现实中的技术进步问题作出科学的解释并提供有效的指导。鉴于马克思在研究技术进步问题时所运用的科学方法及其所拥有的广阔视角,其理论在当代仍然具有旺盛的生命力,而且技术进步思想在马克思理论体系中具有非常重要的地位。因此,对马克思的技术进步理论进行系统地梳理和研究具有非常重要的现实意义和理论意义。本文在对马克思文本进行认真梳理的基础上,运用文本解读法、唯物辩证法、历史唯物主义和比较分析的方法,对马克思的技术进步思想进行了系统的研究。透过马克思对众多具体技术进步问题的针对性论述,还原和提炼出了蕴涵于其背后的技术进步思想,进而揭示出了这些思想之间的内在逻辑联系,构建了一个研究马克思技术进步理论的基本框架,在一定程度上丰富和发展了马克思的理论体系。论文以技术进步与生产关系相互作用为主线,在对马克思视野中的技术和技术进步的内涵、特点和类型等分析的基础上,深入研究了技术进步发生的机制,从五个方面详尽阐述了技术进步给人类社会发展带来的正反两方面影响,在一定程度上澄清了当代人们关于马克思技术进步思想中有争议的观点,彰显了马克思技术进步理论的科学性和其强大的生命力。论文的主要内容分为八章。第一章是绪论。主要阐述研究马克思技术进步理论的可能性、必要性和现实性,分析当前国内外关于马克思技术进步思想的研究现状,概括说明研究中使用的方法、主要内容、创新点与不足之处等。第二章是技术与技术进步。本章对马克思关于技术和技术进步的内涵、特点、类型等进行了分析,为后面各章奠定了理论基础。第三章是技术进步发生机制论。本章从技术进步的主体、技术进步的源泉和动力以及技术进步的影响因素三个方面,对技术进步得以发生的机制进行了研究。第四章是技术进步与价值形成和价值增殖。本章从对马克思劳动价值论基本观点的阐述出发,对技术进步过程中,技术和技术劳动在价值形成和价值增殖中的不同作用进行了分析,探讨了技术进步与资本主义经济危机之间的复杂关系,指明了技术进步最终将会使资本主义经济发生灾难式崩溃。第五章是技术进步与经济发展。本章从经济增长、财富创造、经济结构变迁和经济全球化四个角度探讨了技术进步对经济发展的影响。第六章是技术进步与社会发展。本章首先对马克思关于社会发展的基本规律、社会制度变迁的动力以及技术进步推动社会发展的作用限度进行了阐述,然后从唯物史观的角度对技术进步在促进生产力发展、劳动方式革新、生产关系变革过程中的具体作用机制和作用限度进行了分析,最后对技术进步在推动资本主义社会发展和灭亡中的具体作用机制进行了阐述。第七章是技术进步与生态环境。本章首先对马克思关于人与自然之间的关系问题进行了研究,然后对技术进步与生态环境恶化之间的关系进行了探究,最后分析了技术进步在改善生态环境中的具体途径及其作用限度。第八章是技术进步与人的发展。本章首先对其它学者关于技术进步与人的发展之间关系的观点进行了一个大致概览,其次对技术进步在人类发展中的巨大作用进行了详细论述,然后重点对技术异化给人的发展带来的负面影响进行了研究,最后对人的全面自由发展的内涵进行了阐释,并指出了技术进步是实现这一目标的有力杠杆和必经途径。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of technology, the application of new technologies has an increasingly significant impact on the development of human society. Technological progress has been widespread concerned in various countries and various scholars. However, the existing theories on technological progress not only don’t form a complete theoretical system, but also their perspective is very narrow. It is difficult to make a scientific explanation and provide effective guidance to the actual technological progress by them. On the contrary, Marx’s research method is a scientific and his perspective is broad in the study of technological progress, so his theory has vitality even in the contemporary. In addition, technological progress theory has a very important position in Marx’s theoretical system. Therefore, it has a very important practical and theoretical significance to study Marx’s theory of technological progress.Based on the careful collation of the text of Marx, the thesis studies systematically the ideas of Marx technological progress by the following methods: text interpretation methods, dialectical materialism methods, historical materialism methods, comparative analysis methods. By digging a lot of discussion about technology in Marx text, the thesis extracts the ideas implied in these discussions and reveals their inherent logical link, builds a basic framework of the Marx’s theory of technological progress, riches and develops Marx’s theoretical system to a certain extent. Based on the interaction between technological progress and the relations of production as the main clue, the paper first analyzes carefully the technology and technological progress in the field of Marx’s vision, and then, studies deeply the mechanism of technological progress. Finally, this thesis elaborates in detail the impact of technological progress to the development of human society from five aspects. By this study, on the one hand, to clarify some controversial ideas to Marx about the role of technological progress, on the other hand, to highlight the vitality and scientific of Marx’s theory of technological progress.The thesis has eight chapters. Chapter one is the introduction. Its main objective is to indicate the possibility, necessity and realistic on study of Marx’s theory of technological progress, to analyze the present research status on this topic, to generalize research methods, main content, innovative points and shortage. The second chapter is about technical and technological progress. This chapter analyzes the connotation, characteristics and types of both technical and technological progress, and laids a theoretical foundation for subsequent research. Chapter three is about the mechanism of technological progress. This chapter examines the mechanism of technological progress from the following three aspects:the main body of technological progress, the source and power of technological progress, and influence factors of technical progress. Chapter four focuses on the impact of technological progress on value formation and value proliferation. Based on description the basic concept of Marx’s labor value theory, this part analyzes the different roles of the technical and skilled labor in value formation and the value proliferation, discusses the complex relationship between technological progress and capitalist economic crisis, and points out that the capitalist economy will be catastrophic crash in the motivation of technological progress. Chapter five focuses on technical progress and economic development. This chapter examines the impact of technological progress on economic development from four perspectives of economic growth, wealth creation, economic structural change and economic globalization. Chapter six focuses on technological progress and social development. First, this part describes Marx’s main point about the law of social development, the power of social system change, and the role limits of technological progress for the promotion of social development. Then, this chapter analyzes the mechanism of action and the role of the limits of technological progress in the process of promoting the development of the productive forces, labor way of innovation, productive relations change.from the perspective of historical materialism. Finally, this part analyzes the mechanism of action of technological progress to promote capitalism development and demise. Chapter seven is about technological progress and ecological environment. Beganning with Marx’s analysis of the relationship between human and nature, the chapter explores the relationship between technological progress and the deterioration of the ecological environment, analyzes the way of technological progress to improve the ecological environment and its role limits. Chapter eight focuses on technological progress and human development. First, this chapter describes the view of other scholars on the relationship between technological progress and human development. Next, this part discusses in detail the great role of technological progress in the process of human development, focuses on the negative impact of technological alienation to human development. Finally, the artical explains the connotation of Marx on the full and free development of human, and points out that technological progress is a powerful lever and necessary way to achieve this goal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期