

Liberalal Writers’ Resistence and Helplessness

【作者】 刘希云

【导师】 李新宇;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 本文力图在还原历史语境和自由主义文学的创作生态的基础上,以历史的发展为线索,以《现代评论》和《新月》两份刊物为主要研究对象,揭示自由主义文学在上世纪20年代中期到30年代初期发展和演化的历程,阐释其在时代文化发展演变的大潮中、在左翼文学和民族主义文学的双重挤压下,坚持文学的独立性,坚守人生的艺术的努力,以及这种努力所遭遇的各种尴尬、无奈所显示的历史文化内涵。第一章写的是《现代评论》的创刊,背景是1924年北京的社会舆论氛围和文化走向所发生的变化,正是在这个背景上,一群自由主义者聚合起来,试图发出自己的声音,守护他们的理想。第二章论述的是《现代评论》的文化选择,其坚持理性主义文化立场,是对五四的启蒙主义传统的继承,也是对他们固有的梦想的守护。第三章对发表在《现代评论》上的文学创作进行了考察,通过原始材料的解读,揭示了他们人生与艺术并重的追求,从中不难看出这些作者对文学与人生理想的某种坚守。第四章结合具体历史事件,如善后会议、陈鲁之战、三一八事件,分析这群自由主义者所遭遇的艰难,最后以刊物的无奈终结告终。但是,自由主义者并没有消沉下去,离开北京,他们又来到上海,创办了《新月》。第五章阐释的是《新月》的创刊,它是自由主义者的再集结。这次集结,应对的是新的危机——南京国民政府成立之后中国出现的思想文化及其政治环境的变化。第六章谈新月派的文化选择,以胡适的《我们走哪条路》和徐志摩的《新月的‘态度’》为中心,分析新月派的政治态度和文学态度。第七章考察了《新月》上的文学创作,诗歌、戏剧、小说方面均达到的艺术高度,显示了他们文学守望的成就。第八章,以鲁迅和梁实秋的论战、胡适和徐志摩的论争、人权论战为例,谈新月派对时代的抗争,以及刊物最后的无奈终结。第九章以现代评论派和新月派为例,阐释自由主义文学的文学史价值。自由主义文学的思想和艺术追求,不同于左翼文学和民族主义文学,拒绝把文学视为党派政治宣传工具,因此创作出了一批审美价值较高的作品。本文总结了其创作给文学的健康发展带来的经验,那就是坚守文学的本体论,坚持在创作上以人为本,尊重作家的主体人格,从对文学的认识到创作取材到创作主体的姿态,都坚持了文学创作的艺术规律。但是,由于30年代特殊的时代语境和创作生态,他们高蹈的自由主义理念和文学理想在现实中总是遭遇尴尬,最终无奈地进入文学边缘。

【Abstract】 This paper tries to restore the historical context and liberalism, on the basis of the creation of the ecological literature on the development of historical clues, to "modern review" and "new moon" two publications as the main research object, reveal the liberalism literature in the mid-1920-s and early30s history of the development and evolution, its in the tide of era culture development evolution, the left-wing literature and nationalist literature under the squeezed, insist on the independence of the literature, stick to the art of life is hard, and the effort of all kinds of embarrassing, but shows the historical and cultural connotation.Writing the first chapter is "modern review" number one, the background is1924Beijing public opinion atmosphere and culture to the changes, it is in this background, gather a group of liberals, trying to make their voice, their ideal. The second chapter discusses the cultural selection is "modern review", insist on rationalism culture standpoint, is to the May4th enlightenment tradition inheritance, is inherent to their dream guardian. Chapter iii to published in "modern review" on the literary creation, through the interpretation of original material, reveals the pursuit of their life and art pay equal attention to, it is not hard to see from these authors in literature and life ideal of some kind of stick. Problems arising from the fourth chapter, combined with specific historical events such as conferences, Chen Lu war, the318events, analysis of the group of liberal encountered difficult, finally ended in publication but end. Liberals, however, does not sink, left Beijing, they come to Shanghai again, founded the "new moon". Chapter v interpretation of "new moon" is launched, it is a liberal to rally again. This rally, deal with a new crisis-after nanjing national government was set up in China’s culture and its changes in the political environment. Sixth chapter talk about crescent faction culture choice to hu shi’s "which way we go" and xu zhimo ’new moon’attitude’" as the center, crescent faction political attitude and literature analysis. Chapter vii examines the new moon on the literary creation, the art of poetry, drama and novel aspects achieves highly, guard showed their literary achievements. Chapter8, in lu xun and Hang shiqiu controversy, xu zhimo and hu shi’s debate, the debate on human rights, for example, talk about new moon party struggle era, and publication the final end. Chapter9in modern review faction, crescent moon pie, for example, explains the liberalism literature of literary value.Liberalism literature thoughts and artistic pursuit, is different from the left-wing literature and nationalist literature and refused to return the literature as a partisan political propaganda tool, therefore to create a batch of high aesthetic value. This paper summarizes the experience to the healthy development of literary creation, that is to stick to the ontology of literature, adhere to the people-oriented on creation, respect the writer’s main body personality, from the understanding of literature to the creations based to the attitude of creation subject, adhere to the rule of the art of the literary creation. But, due to the special age30s context and creative ecology, they such liberal ideas and literature ideal in reality always embarrassed, eventually helplessly into the edge of literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期