

The Trend of the Development of Taiwan’s Cultural and Creative Industries and Its Extension to the Mainland

【作者】 田青芬

【导师】 谢思全;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年以来,虽然受到国际金融危机严重冲击,但中国大陆和台湾两岸的投资及贸易发展仍然保持着良好的发展势头。根据相关网站的信息,仅2009至2010一年,大陆企业赴台投资已达50多家,金额为1.33亿美元。2010年上半年,两岸贸易额达819.1亿美元,同比上升55.9%;同期大陆批准台商投资项目1607个,实际使用台资14.2亿美元,同比上升41.7%,均已超过危机前2008年的同期水平。事实证明,两岸关系的改善和发展给两岸同胞带来了实实在在的利益,也拓展了自身前进的道路。因此,两岸关系和平发展是正确的必由之路,必须坚定不移继续向前迈进,已经成为两岸的主流共识。20世纪90年代末期,由于人力成本的提高,台湾的劳动密集型产业优势渐渐消失,特别是在世界迈入知识经济时代后,全球资金、人才、资源的流动以及快速工业化与都市化的趋势影响下,台湾的地方传统产业在国际市场的竞争力已每况愈下。为了发挥台湾有限资源的最大效益,创造新商机,振兴经济,维系世世代代居民的生存与福祉,2002年5月31日,台湾省“行政院”开始将文化创意产业发展列为“挑战2008:‘国家’发展重点计划(2002—2007)”的子计划,透过行政力量为文化创意产业营造发展环境,推动产业发展。其中,鼓励台湾厂商到大陆发展文创产业,通过两岸竞合开拓新的商机,已经成为台湾政府扶持台湾文创产业发展的一项重要政策。对于两岸合作推动台湾文创产业发展,祖国大陆各界也已经形成共识。2010年9月,国台办副主任孙亚夫在“第九届辽宁台湾周”开幕式上指出,大陆将进一步大力鼓励台商投资,支援台资企业转型升级和产业转移;加快各产业尤其是新兴产业、金融等现代服务业以及科技领域的合作,全面提升两岸产业合作水平。2012年9月10日,以大陆海协会会长陈云林为总团长,率海协会文创产业暨书画艺术交流团赴台进行文化交流。大陆文创业者、学者、园区负责人、知名书画艺术家等人随团赴台。大陆海协会会长,文化交流代表团团长陈云林与台湾海基会会长江丙坤呼吁两岸共同行动,保护和发扬中华古老文化。拳拳之心,溢于言表。但是,由于意识形态的差异,两岸在合作推进文化创意产业发展的道路上还有许多政策障碍。例如,在市场准入方面,大陆还将台商视为“外资”,还未准许台商以内资进入大陆市场;影音书籍盗版的问题仍然严重,出版合约容易因政治因素改变,或于出版品审核过程中可能不予批准等等。本论文希望能够借由两岸文创产业合作发展的大好时机,督促两岸各方打开思路,形成共识,优势互补,互利共赢,共同携手,在世界范围内打造出使中华文化创意产业大放异彩的一片天地!

【Abstract】 In recent years, although experienced severe impact of international financial crisis, investment and trade development between Taiwan and China still maintained good momentum of growth. According to related information from website, from2009to2010, which was only one year, the number of mainland enterprises invested in Taiwan had reached more than50over companies, amounting to US$133million. In the first half of2010, trades between cross-straits amounted to US$81.91billion, rose by55.9%, compared with the first half of2009; at the same time China approved1,607investment projects from Taiwan, the actual Taiwan investment funds was$1.42billion, rose by41.7%, exceeding before2008crisis happened.The facts proved that the development and improvement of cross-straits relations had brought real benefits to the compatriots on both sides, also encourages further developments. Therefore, it is crucial for both to continue develop peacefully and harmoniously for cross-strait relations and unswervingly moving forward, which has become the mainstream consensus on both sides.In the late1990s, due to the rise of labor costs, the advantages of Taiwan labor-intensive industries reduced gradually, especially step into globalization, during globalization, free flow of funds, talents, resources, the speed of rapid industrialization and urbanization, the competitiveness of Taiwan local traditional industries in the international market had gone from bad to worse. In order to take maximum benefit of Taiwan’s limited resources, i.e., to create new business opportunities, revitalize the economy, and to maintain the survival and well-being of next generations, Taiwan province administration, on May312002, listed the culture of creative and innovative industry development as a sub-plan of "2008challenges:national key development plan (2002-2007)." Through administrative involvement, the culture of creative and innovative industry culture was greatly promoted. In which, encourage Taiwanese to investment in China through the cooperation between Taiwan and mainland to develop new business opportunities, had become an important strategy of Taiwan government to support the development of cultural creative industry.In terms of cross-strait cooperation to promote the development of Taiwan cultural creative industry, the mainland has also reached consensus from all walks of life. In September2010, at the opening ceremony of "the ninth week of Liaoning Taiwan", Sun yafu, deputy director of the Taiwan affairs office, pointed out that the mainland would further encourage Taiwanese investment, and vigorously support the Taiwan-owned enterprise transformation and upgrading and industry transfer. It was vital to speed up the cooperation of all industry, especially the emerging industry, finance and other modern services industry and technology field, to promote cross-strait industrial cooperation.On September102012, Chen yunlin,the president of China Association across the Taiwan Strait, had a trip to Taiwan, accompany by exchange delegation of cultural creative industry surnamed by calligraphy and painting art for cultural exchange. China entrepreneurs, scholars, head of the group, famous painting and calligraphy artist and others accompanied to visit Taiwan, too. Chen yunlin,the president of China Association across the Taiwan Strait, and Chiang pin-kung,the president of SEF,Straits Exchange Foundation, called for joint action in protecting and promot Chinese ancient culture.However, due to different ideology, there are many policy obstacles during the progress of promoting cultural creative industry. For example, in terms of accessing the market, the mainland regards Taiwan as a "foreign investment", besides; it does not allow Taiwanese to enter China market by using China capital. There are still very serious problem in copyright of audio and books. Due to the political factors, the contracts for publishing will be impacted or may not be approved during the audition.Under the trend and opportunity of cultural cooperation and development between China and Taiwan, hopefully this thesis can serve the purpose for both sides to open the mind, reach consensus, and enjoy the benefit and to co-work together. Furthermore, the Chinese cultural and creative industry may gain room and shine prosperously throughout the world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】F719;G124
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1798
  • 攻读期成果