

Studies in Thought and Action of Japanese Right-wing Forces During the Meiji Era

【作者】 吴限

【导师】 杨栋梁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 右翼是活跃在日本近代的一支重要政治力量,其思想与行动极大地影响了日本的内政和外交。如今,日本右翼的再次抬头,不仅影响着日本的未来走向,而且对现实的中日关系产生了不容忽视的破坏作用。有鉴于此,对于右翼这样一个有着完整发展历史并对近代以来日本国家的战略产生重要影响的政治群体,有必要追根溯源,从源头认清其思想的构造及自体演进的历史轨迹。本文以明治时期的日本右翼人物及其团体的思想与行动为研究对象,运用实证主义与比较史学的研究方法,参鉴国际政治学与心理史学等相关学科的理论,以团体组织与个案分析相结合的方式,全面揭示明治时期日本右翼自体的发展进路与谱系构成,力图探寻其思想的构成、组织运作特点及其演进轨迹。通过对日本右翼史内在理路的梳理,本文将明治时期的日本右翼大致划分为三个发展阶段,即1868年至1877年,参与和组织反政府的武装叛乱;1877年至1881年,投机于自由民权运动;1881年至1912年,脱离自由民权运动而转向国权主义扩张运动。与三个阶段相对应,在右翼思想史的向度上,明治时期日本右翼的思想亦发生了国粹主义、自由民权主义、国权主义的三重变奏。如此,三个发展阶段的划分,不仅基本涵盖并标定出明治时期日本右翼呈阶段性演进的历史特征,而且清晰地勾勒出随着国内外局势的变化,右翼由反政府、反体制到服膺政府充当对外扩张鹰犬的蜕变轨迹,其“神国观”、“天皇观”、“使命观”等核心价值理念也是在这一蜕变过程中逐渐成形的。本文认为,在玄洋社(1881年)成立之前,存在一个“早期右翼”的历史阶段。因“征韩论”失败而下野的“外征派”与福冈不平氏族的合流,构成了早期右翼勃兴的组织基础。其时,“外征派”内部的“主战派”与“民权派”分别选择了武装叛乱与自由民权运动两条截然不同的反政府道路。在右翼史的向度上,这些行动不仅为其预设了发展的进路,成为勃兴的重要契机,更为其在理念上与西乡精神的链接提供了可能;而“矫志社”、“开垦社”、“向阳社”等右翼组织在运动中得以建立的同时,作为玄洋社的前身组织,也在事实上完成了早期右翼谱系的建构。本文指出,日本传统糟粕文化与近世尊皇、崇皇之国学,以及西乡隆盛的“王政维新”、“东亚经略”等思想,构成了日本右翼思想的重要理论来源。其继承和发展,最终又凝聚成最具核心意义的三重思想构造——“神国观”、“天皇观”(“国体观”)和“使命观”。此三者互为涵摄,相互作用,共同支配了右翼的思维模式和行为模式,成为其对外扩张的精神动力。“大陆政策”、“扩军备战”等扩张计划的制定,皇权与国权思想的双重影响,则共同构筑起了日本右翼向朝鲜、中国扩张的维度,而右翼所鼓吹的“日韩合邦”、“保全支那”等论调则成为其向朝鲜、中国扩张行动的幌子,从而在事实上加速了日本走向军国主义及对外侵略扩张的步伐。右翼与政府共谋,把向海外殖民扩张作为实现日本走向近代化强国的唯一道路,把亚洲人民复兴的希望绑架在日本军国主义的战车上,给亚洲人民带来了灾难,实在是负有不可推卸的历史责任。发轫于幕末与明治历史更迭节点上的日本右翼,由最初武装叛乱反政府,继而投机自由民权运动,最后转向国权主义,蜕变为服膺政府对外扩张战略的鹰犬。其间所呈现的不仅是其个体演变之轨迹,也暗含着日本整个国家在实现近代化过程中由正当到侵略的非正义转向。

【Abstract】 Right wing force in Japan is an important political force on the stage of history. Their thoughts and actions affect Japan’s domestic affairs and foreign policies. Nowadays, a revival of right-wing will not only mislead the future steps of Japan but also lay a tough political issue between China and Japan which cannot be ignored. Base on that, it is necessary to trace the source and explore the historical track of the evolution and the structure of the thoughts of such a political group that has a complete development history and had vital influences on modern Japanese national strategies.By taking the thoughts and actions of the right-wing forces of Japan in Meiji period as its research subject, using the methods of positivism and comparison historiography, taking the theory of international politics, psychological history and other related disciplines as references, and also combining organization and individual cases, in order to get a panoramic view of its development process and genealogy, this essay will search deep down to its ideological composition, characteristics of operation mechanism and processing tracks.By sorting the inner logic of the right-wing’s history, this paper roughly divided the Meiji Period history into three stages:from1868to1877, led the armed rebellion against the Meiji Government; from1877to1881, speculated into the civil rights and freedom movement; from1881to1912, turned to national chauvinism expansion after it left the civil rights and freedom movement. Corresponding to the three stages, there were three processes of the right wing’s intellectual history, through nationalist to liberal civil rights and then to national chauvinism. The division of three s development stages has generally covered and calibrated the historical characteristics of the evolution track of right wing in Meiji Period. It also sketched out its transformation trajectory along with the international and domestic political situation changes, from anti-government to anti-system, and to be pervious to the government and acted as its jackal for external expansion. The core values such as "Kingdom of God","Worship of the Mikado (the Emperor of Japan)", and "idea of mission" were gradually presented in this transformation trajectory.This essay suggests, prior to the establishment of "Genyosha"(1881), there had been an "early right wing" historical stage. The external crusade force stepped down due to the failure of the "Seikanron (crusade against Korea)" and aliened with the discontent bushi (Warrior class) in Fukuoka to constitute the organizational foundation of the early right wing force. Additionally, the internal war party and the civil rights party of the external crusade force took two distinct anti-government approaches, armed rebellion and the civil rights and freedom movement. This has prepared for its development approach, its default development approach, as an important opportunity for its boom, and also offers the possibility of spiritual link to Saigou Takamori. While "Kyoshisha","Kaikonsha","Koyosha" and other right-wing organizations were established in the movement, as predecessor organizations of Genyousya, they actually have completed the early right-wing genealogy.The dross of traditional Japanese culture, modern culture of worship the Emperor, Saigou Takamori’s "political reform","the East Asian Strategy" and other thoughts are regarded as important theoretical sources of the right-wing ideology in this article. Based on this, the core triple ideological structure was built-the concept of "The kingdom of God","Worship of the Mikado (the state system)" and "Mission". These three elements interact and co-dominant with each other to dominate the behavior and actions of the right wing, and has become the spiritual force of its foreign expansion. Expansion plans including "China policy" and "military buildup", together with the joint impact of imperial power and national rights, has formed the dimension of the right-wing’s expansion to North Korea and China. Propositions such as "Unit Japan and Korea" and "Defending Shina(China)" that were advocated by the right-wing became the guise of the inclusionary actions to Korea and China. This has actually accelerated the pace of aggressive militarism of Japan.Right-wing force conspired with the government, considering colonial expansion to overseas as the only way to build a modernized Japan. This action has tied the hope of Asian rejuvenation to Japanese militarism, and was responsible for the disasters it has brought to the people of Asia. Right-wing force of Japan was born on the subrogation point of Bakumatu and the Meji Era. It firstly aimed at armed rebellion against the government, then involved in the the civil rights and freedom movement, after that, it turned to national chauvinism and finally became the jackal for external expansion of the government. These processes showed the switch from appropriate to unjustifiable aggression of Japan’s modernization process as well as the trajectory of individual cases.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期