

Predicament of the Mouthpiece: the Party’s Media Ruling Systems and the Political Propaganda in News of Kuomintang(1945-1949)

【作者】 马瑞洁

【导师】 江沛;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 1927年,国民政府定都南京,开始了它对中国的统治,也开始了党媒体系的全面构建。国民党秉承“宣传亦革命”的重要理念,将党媒视作本党之“喉舌”,动用国家权力为本党党媒的发展提供了大量的经济支持与政策优惠。又以法律法规的形式将“三民主义”确定为衡量所有媒介声音是否正确、是否进步的标杆,建构起党国体制下的党媒制度。党媒制度是党国政治制度的一部分,党媒体制在很大程度上体现了其所属政党的特性,也反映了政党在现实政治中的平衡与妥协。战后党媒制度变革围绕着宪政与政争两大主线展开,充分体现了国民党意识形态与组织形态中弱势独裁的矛盾性。国民党在废除新闻检查的同时,以经济或政治的隐秘手段介入媒介市场,帮助党媒占据舆论高地;在行政院下设立新闻局的同时,保留中宣部对国内新闻界的党化管理;对党媒进行企业化改革的同时,以党股官股垄断股权、以党员官员填充董监事会——这不仅使产权改造失去了意义,还为党媒领域的贪污舞弊提供了温床。在这套党媒制度下生存的党媒人,同样呈现出报人、党人、学人多元并生的复杂面相。在大厦将倾的最后关头,谋生与自保的现实需求成了大多数党媒人的第一选择。新闻宣传的典型个案表明,国民党党媒真正无法逾越的困难在于党媒性质本身的限定与现实危机间的差异,缺乏“造梦空间”和不得不面对的“执政成本”则是执政党党媒独有的困境。

【Abstract】 In1927, the Kuomingtang founded its government in Nanjing, began to rule the country, and established its party’ media system. Absorbing the philosophy of "Publicity is Revolution", KMT regards the party’ media as the mouthpiece, provided fund and policy for them with the power of the government. The legitimacy, the validity and the progressiveness of the application of "Three People’s Principles" in social comments reflect the Kuomintang’ party ruling philosophy in news media, and serve as a sign of the establishment of media control systems under KMT’s rulings.As one of the constituents of the party-state ruling systems, party’s media embody the party’s features and reflect its balance and compromise in political life. The efforts to gain the advantageous position in the constitutional government and the political struggle and serve the party’s best interest, make the contradiction of KMT’s autocracy in ideologies and organizations reveal itself. Therefore the KMT’s media reform after WW Ⅱ shows the duality combining democracy-autocracy and progressive-conservative features.This duality has been showed in the following ways. The press censorship is abolished and the press freedom is encouraged, while at the same time, the political and economic means are secretly involved in press and media to the advantages of the party’s media. On one hand, the enterprise reform on party’s media has been carried out and share-holding companies have been set up; on the other hand, the stock rights have been monopolized by the party and the officials who have positions in the board of directors, which corrodes the reform and corrupts those officials working in party’s media. The contradiction exists in the systems of party’s media as well as those journalists on staff of the party’s media. They waver among to-be-journalist, to-be-party-member and to-be-academician. Cases with the party’s media involved verify the aforementioned conclusion on the macroscopic level and illuminate the predicament of lacking in Dream-making Space and the Ruling Cost that has been brought to the ruling party.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】G219.29;K266
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1098
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