

Research on Japanese Political Funds in Post-war

【作者】 曲静

【导师】 杨栋梁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 政治资金是西方资本主义国家选举普及后的产物,与此相关的政治资金制度则是选举制度必不可少的组成部分。二战以后,在普选和经济化大潮的影响下,金钱已成为资本主义国家选举中必要的花费。但是,战后日本由于政治资金丑闻不断,金权政治的盛行与健全的民主制度形成了鲜明对照。本文通过考察日本政治资金制度从建立到完善的整个过程,力图剖析政治资金在代议制政府的制度条件中如何充当了利益分配的媒介和工具,进而对其是否是一种“必要的恶”做出评价。本文运用历史学的实证分析方法和比较政治学的相关理论分析工具,以日本《读卖新闻》刊载的政府修改相关法律行动的报道和政府发表的历年政治资金收支报告书为基础材料,对日本建立和完善政治资金制度的过程进行了历时性考察,进而深入分析了各主要政党政治资金的收支结构及其用途和效果,从而在政治资金的层面上揭示了日本的政党制度、政党体质及其与政治决策的关系。政治资金是基于代议制政府的竞争性而存在的。经过考察和分析,本文发现并阐明了日本政治资金运作及其制度建构的以下问题。第一,无论战前还是战后,日本的政治资金规模都相当巨大。如何评价另当别论,但它确是实施宪政制度不可缺少的润滑剂。第二,厘清了政治资金制度从1948年制定《政治资金规正法》到2009年最后一次修改而不断完善的过程,同时指出“政治与金钱”的“阿克琉斯之踵”问题仍未从根本上解决。第三,在政治资金的运作及其效果的实证考察分析上取得了深入,并阐述了自己的见解。本文指出:日本的多次内阁更迭或多或少都与政治资金问题相关;日本的政党因成长经历、社会支持基础不同等差异,政治资金收支结构也大相迥异;1994年政治制度改革前,自民党长期执政时期的政治资金收支总体呈逐年上涨的趋势,同时也与是否是选举年而有较大浮动;1994年政治制度改革后,政治资金收入和支出总量呈逐年下降的趋势,政治资金的收支名目也越来越规范,政党补助金已经成为长期依赖政治捐款的自民党和迅速成长的民主党的主要政治资金来源,而公明党和共产党的政治资金来源为事业收入。同时,政治资金收入与政党在国会中的议席多寡已经无直接联系;政治资金是联系不同利益集团和政党的媒介之一,即使自民党长期政权结束后,这种媒介作用仍然存在。综上,本文的基本结论是,对政治资金进行有效的规范和引导,才能更好地推进民主化进程。日本政治资金制度的发展变革始终滞后于政党政治的发展变化,导致了政治资金在政治生活中负面作用较大。尽管如此,尚不能简单粗暴地完全否定政治资金在社会利益分配中的媒介功能,因为在西方的民主制度中,目前还未找到可以替代这种存在不少缺陷的更好的制度。

【Abstract】 Political funds is the production of western capitalist countries after the popularity of elections, and the relevant political funds system is the indispensable component of the election system. After World War Ⅱ and under the influence of universal suffrage as well as the economic tide, money has been the necessary cost during the election in capitalist countries. However, there had been frequent scandals about political funds in Japan after the war with a sharp contrast between the prevalent money politic and the sound democratic system. This paper, by inspecting the entire process of Japanese political funds system from establishment to perfection, tried to analyze how the political funds plays as the media and tool for benefit distribution under the circumstance of representative system of government so as to comment whether it’s a kind of necessary evil.This paper, taking historical empirical analysis and political theoretical analysis while based on law amendments by the government published on Japan’s Yomiuri Shinbun and the political funds balance report every year released by the government, conducted a diachronic investigation of the process from establishment to perfection of the political funds system in Japan and further analyzed the revenue and expenditure structure of different political parties’political funds as well as its function and effect, so as to reveal Japanese party system, party nature and its relation with the political decision on the level of political funding.Political funds survives on the basis of the competitiveness of representative system of the government. Through investigation and analysis, the paper found and explained the following issues about Japan’s political funds operation and its system construction.First, no matter before or after war, Japan’s political funds is in a huge scale. The evaluation is another matter while it is indeed the essential lubricant to practice the constitutional system.Second, to straighten out the process of the political funds system from the draft of Political Capital Regulation in1948to the eventual amendment in2009for constant improvement, meanwhile pointing out that the "acre of Achilles heel" in the "politic and money" has yet to be solved fundamentally.Third, a deep result of the political funds operation and the effect has been reached and the author’s own opinion has also been explained. The paper indicated that many cabinet changes in Japan had something to do with the political funds; owing to the difference of growth experience and social support between Japanese parties, the revenue and expenditure structure of political funding is quite different. Before the political system reform in1994, the general political funding balance was on a rising trend with each passing year since the long-period reign of democratic party. There was also great fluctuation with the election year; after the political system reform in1994, the sum of political funding income and expenditure was in a decline year by year and the use of political funding became more and more standard. Party grants had been the main political funding source for the Liberal Democratic Party who regularly relied on political donations and for the Democratic Party who was growing fast. While the political funding of the Civil Party and the Communist Party came from program revenue. At the meantime, there was no direct connection between the political funding revenue and the seat number of the party in the Congress; the political funding was one of the media connecting different interest groups and the parties and this function of media had still existed even after the ending of the long-period reign of Liberal Democratic Party.Altogether, the main conclusion of the paper is that effective regulation and guidance of the political funding can better promote the process of democratization. The development and revolution of Japan’s political funding system always legged behind that of the party and the politics, resulting in much negative effect of the political funding on political lives. Nevertheless, the media function of political funding in the distribution of social benefit can not be absolutely denied with rudeness because currently in the western democratic system, there’s no better system which can substitute that with many defects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期