

Lu Xun’s Chinese Concept and Chinese Practice

【作者】 何英

【导师】 李瑞山; 陈洪;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 高等中文教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文关注的中心是鲁迅在中国语文现代转化过程中对汉语文的思考、认识、探索、创新及其当代价值。本文将鲁迅的创作、翻译、编辑、演讲、校勘等所有以文字形式流传下来的材料作为研究鲁迅语文观念与实践的核心材料,将各类传记、回忆录、鲁迅研究资料中所涉及的有关其教育经历特别是学习国文与外语的情况,其文学活动、教学活动以及近九十年来鲁迅在语文教学中的情况等作为重要的考察对象,来思考由鲁迅构建的语文世界以及这一世界在中国现代语文的形成与发展中所具有的意义和产生的作用。论文主体部分共四章:第一章从鲁迅语文实践中的“矛盾”(如他在言论上反古书、咒文言,行动上却读古书不辍,写文言不绝;他力倡废除方块字、实行汉字拉丁化,却又热衷汉字研究,敏于文字游戏等)入手,以其一生的语文实践为基础,探讨了形成上述“矛盾”的原因(因沉潜于传统语文而形成的个人“趣味”和由修习异域语文而生发出的民族“责任”感共生共存;因“为自己和为别人的设想,是两样的”而产生的“自言”与“倡言”两种不同的言说姿态);并在此基础上分析了鲁迅“在言说中确立自我”的语文立场与希望人人都能“声发自心、意达于文”的语文理想。第二章主要从两个方面探讨了鲁迅的现代语文思想:一是立足于鲁迅的语文实践,分析他对中国现代语文发展方向的认识及其现代语文建设思想,提出鲁迅既强调顺应时代潮流,积极变革中国语文,又尊重个体基于历史和民族文化而形成的传统语文趣味与表达习惯,所以,他并不反对个体读古书、写文言,但坚决抵制各类妄图将中国现代语文重新纳入以文言为正宗之发展轨道的复古派;分析了鲁迅的“识字”、“写话”思想,并从四个方面论说了鲁迅的不求“普遍、永久、完全”,而倡导“多元、切实、发展”的现代语文建设思想。二是以“文”这一具有中国文化特色的概念为依托,在“文”之传统与现代的背景下,考察了鲁迅对“文”的态度(在“怀疑”中“坚守”)与追求(祛魅与布新);从倡导大众语文与剖析文术得失两方面分析了鲁迅为“文”由传统走向现代所做的努力;并在对鲁迅所重视的“文”之要素分析的基础上总结了鲁迅对“文”的现代追求:以“错综”、“锦绣”之“文”“启人生之閟机”。第三章主要从鲁迅对本土与异域语文资源的认识与开掘方面考察他对现代语文发展的贡献。本土语文资源,在鲁迅主要表现为对文言和民间语文的创造性运用——对汉字潜能的开掘与对民间语文智慧的汲取使鲁迅的表达既深刻准确又生动丰富。鲁迅的“洋气”翻译观和“硬译”主张充分体现了他对异域语文资源的尊重,而从他对中文章法与句法的创新中也可以发现他对“日化”“欧化”语文手法的借鉴。第四章围绕鲁迅与中国现代语文教育的关系重点探讨了两个问题:一是作为现代语文教育资源的鲁迅及其作品,提出不但鲁迅之文是学生感受和体悟汉语文魅力的重要素材,其语文实践亦可为当代语文教育提供借鉴。二是反思和总结近九十年来的鲁迅作品教学,提出可通过贯彻“语文本位”与“因材施教”的原则来更好地发挥鲁迅在语文教育中的作用。

【Abstract】 The article focuses on Lu Xun’s thinking, understanding, exploration, innovation and its contemporary value during the evolution of Chinese Language. Lu Xun’s works, such as writings, translation, compile, presentation, etc., are known as the core material, and others’writing about him will be seen as important reference materials. Based on the core and reference material, the article probes the characteristics of the Chinese field created by Lu Xun’s creative writing, as well as the role of his influence in the formation and development of modern Chinese.The thesis consists of four chapters.The first chapter starts from the contradictions between Lu Xun’s Chinese concept and his Chinese practice, after that, analyzes the causes of the contradictions from three aspects based on his Chinese practice, and then analyzes Lu Xun’s Chinese position and Chinese ideal. Lu Xun’s Chinese position is self-actualization in expression. His Chinese ideal is that everyone could speak and write in his mind or thought freely.The second chapter mainly explores Lu Xun’s modern Chinese thought from two aspects. One is based on his Chinese practice, to explore his understanding on the development direction of modern Chinese Language. The other is based on the concept of "wen", which is a meaningful concept that belongs to Chinese culture, to study Lu Xun’s efforts on "wen" from traditional to modern.The third chapter mainly studies Lu Xun’s contribution to the development of modern language from his understanding and exploration of the language resources, including native and foreign aspects. Exploration of Chinese characters and learning of folk language made his expression profound, accurate and vivid. We can find that his art of composition and his syntax innovation had benefited from the "Japanization" and "Europeanization" technique models.The fourth chapter focuses on the relationship between Lu Xun and the modern education of Chinese language and literature. It mainly discusses two issues. One is why Lu Xun and his works are important resources of Chinese education, and on which aspects his works could play an important role in Chinese education. The other is to have a good summary of the past ninety years about the teaching of Lu Xun’s works. At the same time, the article puts forward the views that we could get better results in the aspects of teaching Lu Xun’s works through implementing the "Chinese standard" and "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude" principle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期