

The Musical Thought and Literature in the Early Period and the Glorious Time of Tang Dynasty

【作者】 邓婷

【导师】 肖占鹏;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 鉴于音乐与文学古已有之的密切联系,唐代的音乐和文学并非作为两个孤立发展的个体存在,而是互有影响。初、盛唐阶段既是唐代历史的上升期,又时处中古时代,因此从时间的链条来看,此时思想文化等各方面的发展都具有一定的承前启后性,统治者在这一历史时期所推行的音乐政策、宣传的音乐思想不仅是促进此时音乐繁荣的决定性因素,也对唐代后来的音乐发展产生了深远影响。面对五胡乱华、隋唐易代带来的古谱散佚、新声迭起的复杂音乐环境,唐初统治者以开阔的胸襟气度包容多种音乐元素发展,为大唐音乐吸纳多种音乐元素而达辉煌局面奠定了开明的思想基调。由于“安史之乱”以前的唐代音乐以宫廷音乐为主流,在社会稳定的大背景下,统治者对于音乐的态度呈现出以唐初统治者的开明音乐思想为基础,根据历史阶段的不同逐步吸纳多种音乐元素入宫廷的现象。那么,以时间发展为序对初、盛唐宫廷音乐的发展进行梳理应是厘清不同音乐思想影响下各部类音乐发展状况、勾勒初、盛唐音乐繁荣曲线的有力手段。本文即立足于此,以礼乐、燕乐及宗教性音乐为分类,通过分析不同历史阶段统治者对音乐的态度,描绘多种音乐元素在各部类音乐中的发展状况,从而勾勒初唐到盛唐实现多品类音乐和谐共生的历史过程。而毫无疑问,音乐思想的演变是推进这一历史进程至关重要的因素。它不仅促使初、盛唐音乐实现了多品类音乐的和谐共生,还使与音乐相关的文学在多种音乐元素由并立到融合的发展演进中发生了相应的变化。是故,描绘初、盛唐音乐的发展状况也就是以音乐思想为纽带研究此时音乐对文学产生的影响、与文学之间的关系。本文第一章以初、盛唐时期礼乐文化为研究背景,通过对此时礼乐制度、礼乐活动的研究,分析出初、盛唐时期礼乐中“乐”之所指,并对代表其主体的“雅乐”从狭义和广义两个方面予以概念上的明晰。由于时处六朝之后,此时从宫廷内部形成了以古音雅曲涤荡侈靡风气的思想。随着礼乐活动的增多,渴望建功立业、报效祖国、希求得遇明主而以仁德治天下逐渐成为从贞观到玄宗时期礼乐精神的核心内容。这种情况的形成是与皇权对雅音的推崇、对礼乐的掌控密不可分的。基于此,本章以高祖太宗时期、高宗至睿宗朝以及玄宗时期为时间分界点,对初、盛唐时皇权与雅音的发展状况予以研究,发现太宗朝的雅风推崇是对后来礼乐精神的高涨与雅正文风形成、发展的思想奠基。高宗朝承袭此一发展而在武后女皇政权的影响下呈现逆转,中宗、睿宗朝虽有雅的复归却由于时间短暂呈现发展薄弱的局面。初、盛唐时期礼乐精神的高涨及雅音推崇的高潮阶段是在玄宗开元之时,而于天宝政治危机的来临趋于式微。第二章以初、盛唐时期燕乐思想与文学的关系为研究对象。通过对高祖太宗时期、高宗到睿宗时期、玄宗时期的燕乐发展进行分期研究,发现燕乐在初、盛唐的历史行进中是以功能为核心特质且存在一个概念逐渐扩大化的过程。燕乐的具体内涵之所以成为后来学者多所争论的热点其主要原因即在于此。随着典仪化特征的式微和娱乐性能的增强,在燕乐尝试多样化发展的过程中,与之相关的文学创作也在内容和形式等诸多方面发生了改变。胡乐、俗乐元素的介入、清乐发展空间的变更乃至法曲的兴起都为燕乐的最后定型乃至与之相关的文学在声律、风格等诸多方面产生影响。而玄宗时期日渐开放的政治空气和开明的音乐思想以及大胆的音乐创作尝试是促使燕乐完成定型的决定性因素。唐代政治开放,实行思想上的兼容并包,一个典型的例子即是推行儒、道、释三家思想的并立,这为唐代音乐融入宗教性音乐元素与方外思想提供了思想基础和政策保障。第三章即从初、盛唐时期宗教性音乐发展状况出发,以此时的音乐思想为纽带研究宗教性音乐与文学创作的关系。而所谓的宗教性音乐即指包含了宗教活动的音乐与具有宗教色彩的文人性音乐两部分内容的音乐。本章认为,无论佛家音乐还是道家音乐,都以触发宗教情感产生的媒介作用为影响文学创作的诱因,在这一情感触发的作用下,文人创作因禅心仙音的介入而融进了佛的理趣和道的色彩,发生了内容到创作情感以及风格的转变。琴乐与琴乐文学创作是对这一现象的有力阐释和说明。第四章从审美角度出发,以“和”的思想对初、盛唐时音乐发展予以总结概括。发现初、盛唐时期的音乐之所以朝向繁荣稳健的局面发展,实现多种音乐元素的日渐融合与多品类音乐的和谐发展实与此时统治阶层推行的以“和”为美的音乐审美思想密切相关。这一思想以儒家礼乐思想和唐初统治者奠定的开明音乐观念为心理基础,通过协调不同时期的音乐矛盾逐渐形成了音乐内部音声相和、外部乐种和谐发展的局面,平衡了音声、情感与政治之间的关系,使初、盛唐时期音乐发展实现虽集中于宫廷却因适度融合胡乐、民乐等元素而繁盛发展的情势,带动了文学朝向题材扩大化、艺术形式多样化、创作风格多样化方向的迈进。玄宗盛唐时期是音乐繁荣、文学创作的高峰时期,由于统治者开元年间以“和”的思想为平衡各类音乐矛盾的手段,此时的音乐朝向日益蓬勃的局面发展。但由于日益荒疏国政而沉迷女乐,玄宗朝逐渐由开元盛世转向了天宝危机,在统治者将胡乐等元素过度引入宫廷音乐而推行胡乐汉化、实现胡乐与华乐完全融合的过程中,“安史之乱”砰然打开了宫廷的大门,使宫廷乐从此与民间乐融合,“华夷之辨”成为此后朝堂上下多所常见的争论热点。但从另一个角度来看,这一情况的产生固然使中晚唐时期出现了雅乐不再,古音难闻的局面,却促进了唐代音乐的大融合,使与音乐相关的文学形式朝向俚俗化发展,使倚声填词日趋普遍,催生了词、曲等文学形式的产生和兴盛。

【Abstract】 In view of the close ties of music and literature has existed since ancient time, music and literature could not view as two isolated individual in Tang Dynasty, but influence each other. Early Tang stage is a rise period of the Tang Dynasty and at the Middle Ages. From the time chain point of view, the development of culture and other aspects has inheritance. The ruler’s musical thought in this historical period is not only the decisive factor to promote the music prosperity, but also has a profound impact on the development of the Later Tang Dynasty music. The early Tang dynasty rulers facing complex musical environment open the breadth of mind to attract a variety of musical elements that laid a liberal ideological tone for the music. Tang music is mainly concentrated in the court, under the background of social stability, the attitude of the music of the ruler shows enlightened musical thought-based, depending on the phenomenon which gradually absorb more kinds of musical elements on different historical stages. So combing the development of the early Tang court music is a powerful means to clarify the different musical ideas under the influence of ministries class music development and to outline early Tang Dynasty Music and prosperity curve. This paper, based on classing the ritual, Yan music and religious music, by analyzing the attitude of the different historical stages rulers to the music, depicts the development of a variety of musical elements in the ministries kind of music, which outlines the early Tang Tang harmony historical process of multi-category Music. There is no doubt that the evolution of musical thought is a crucial factor to promote this historical process. It promotes the early Tang Dynasty music to achieve a harmonious coexistence of multi-category Music and the music-related literature in a variety of musical elements side by side by a corresponding change to the evolution of the development of convergence. Therefore, to depict the early development of the Tang Dynasty music is to study the impact of music literature, and the relationship between literature and music.The first chapter the ritual system mainly analyze the meaning of the early Tang Dynasty "ritual music" and from the narrow and broad to clear the concept of "elegant music", in the early Tang Dynasty ritual culture research background. After the Six Dynasties, the ancient sound Ya song cleanse text extravagance culture. With the increase of the ritual activities, from Taizong to Xuanzong Dynasty, the main ritual spirit shrouded the world as the core content. The formation of this case is inseparable with respected imperial power to the sound and the control of the ritual music. Based on this, this chapter divided the period into three stages:Gaozu to Taizong, Gaozong to Ruizong and the Xuanzong period. And by studying rights and music development in early Tang, find that Taizong respecting "ritual music" is the foundation of elegant writing style prosperity. Gaozong inherited this development, but under the Wu Empress regime’s influence presented reversal. In Zhongzong and Ruizong period, the reversion of elegant style arised, but it is showing weak situation. The climax stage of ritual music respected in Kaiyuan reign Early Tang Dynasty, at the advent of the the Tempo political crisis tends to decline.Chapter II make relationship between literature and Yan music thought in the early Tang Dynasty as the research object. By studying Yan music development from Period of GaoZu to Taizong to the Emperor Gaozong to Ruizong period, found that Yan music in the early the Tang history make a function as the core characteristics and there is a concept of gradual enlargement process. The main reason of the specific connotations of Yan music have been later scholars’ hotly debated is here. With the decline of the ritual characteristics and enhancements of the performance, in the process of diversification of Yan music, the relevant literature in the content and many other aspects changed. Hu music, folk music elements are involved, Ching music development changes and even the rise of the Act song for Conviviality final shape and even impact associated literature in the rhythm, style and other aspects. The Xuanzong reign period has more open political atmosphere and enlightened musical ideas and bold music creation attempt is a decisive factor procure Yan music to complete the stereotypes.A typical example of political openness of the Tang Dynasty is the implementation of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, which provided the ideological foundation and policy support for the integration of the Tang Dynasty music with the religious musical elements and the parties themselves thinking. Chapter three from the development of religious music in early Tang Dynasty, analyzed the relationship between religious music and literature. The so-called religious music refers to the the two parts of music:the user-friendly music and music with religious overtones of religious activities. The chapter argues that, regardless of the Buddhist music or Taoist music, to trigger religious sentiments of the role of the media impact literature incentives, in this emotional trigger, the literati creation of sound intervention of the Spirit of Zen cents melt into the Buddha principle and interest and the color of the Taoism, content creation emotion and style changes. Piano music and piano music literature are powerful interpretation and description of this phenomenon.Chapter four from the aesthetic point of view,"He" the idea of the early Tang musical development to be summed. The reason why the music of the Tang Dynasty toward prosperity and steady the situation, is to achieve a variety of musical elements increasing integration of real implementation with the ruling class and the harmonious development of the "He" music aesthetic ideology in closely relevance. This idea the Confucian ritual ideological and Early rulers laid enlightened musical ideas psychological basis, gradually formed through the coordination of the different periods of music contradictions within the music sound phase and the the external musical genres harmonious development of the situation, balance the sound of the tone, emotional and political relationship between the early Tang Dynasty music development to achieve focus on the court because of moderate fusion Hu music, folk music and other elements and prosperous development of the situation, led to the literature toward the theme of the expansion, diversification of forms of art, creative style diversification direction forward. Reign during the Tang Dynasty music prosperity of literary creation during the peak period, rulers open the first year for the balance of all kinds of music contradictions "He" thoughts means, at this time, the music toward the development of the booming situation. The. addicted female music, growing out of practice of the National Policy reign towards the gradual shift from the Kaiyuan toTempo crisis, Hu music and other elements in the rulers over the introduction of court music and the implementation of Hu music changing into Han music, Hu music and Hua music fully integrated process,"An Shi Rebellion" pop open the door of the court, the court music and folk music from the fusion,"Hua Yi’s debate"thereafter up and down many common debate hot. But from another perspective, the generation of this situation is certainly the late Tang Dynasty no longer the ancient sound unpleasant situation, but to promote the fusion of the Tang Dynasty music, music-related literary form toward the vulgar development, lyrics are increasingly common, gave birth and flourishing of words, music and other forms of literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期