

A Study on the Narratology Evolution of Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel

【作者】 王秀娟

【导师】 孟昭连;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在中国小说史中,宋代文言小说一直不受重视。鲁迅评论:“宋一代文人之为志怪,既平实而乏文彩,其传奇,又多托往事而避近闻,拟古且远不逮,更无独创之可言矣。”以后,研究宋代文言小说的学者更是不多。夹杂在唐五代小说创作高峰期后,同时代又有新兴的“话本”,宋代文言小说处于一个尴尬的位置,但并非毫无价值的。作为小说发展一个承前启后的重要历史阶段,无论是持褒义或贬义,宋代文言小说研究其实应该获得更高的重视。本文主要通过文本细读、叙事学、传播学、语言学、历史学等方面的知识去探讨宋代文言小说的艺术特色及演变的缘由。本论文共分五章,前三章谈论宋代文言小说的叙事艺术与发展,后两章则谈论宋代小说发展的因由。第一章主要讨论宋代文言小说的叙事。本章是属于分类法,把宋代文言小说依据其叙事归入五大类并加以分析,以方便分辨宋代文言小说的创作类型。本章根据小说在不同时期的变化,分为五节,前三节以谈论北宋小说叙事较多,后二节则较为集中分析南宋的文言小说。第二章是宋代文言小说的叙事艺术。叙事是小说中最重要的一环,谈论小说不能避免谈论其叙事艺术。文言小说在史学的发展上演变而来,宋代文人们对小说的叙事艺术,在很大程度上都回归到史学的认识,因此本章主要从史学观与小说观入手,探讨宋代文言小说的叙事。第三章宋代小说语体的变化,从小说的语体出发,研究宋代文言小说语体浅俗化的缘由。本章首先谈论文言与白话的演变现象,进而对小说语体变化的影响。宋代文言小说较之前代的文言小说而言,其叙事语言中夹杂了大量的白话语体,这种现象并不是偶然的,而是经过长时间的发展而成。小说语体的变化直接地影响小说的艺术特色。因此本章大量地引用了语言学方面的知识去探讨。第四章谈论的是科举与文人对小说发展的影响。科举制度的产生颠覆了宋代的社会阶层。贵族们不再永久性地保持他们的贵族地位,下层农、工、商,百姓阶层也有识字仕进的机会。科举制度促进了社会的发展,在小说中也有反映。文言小说的作者阶层也开始有所改变,除了处于上流社会的士大夫以外,还有从下层社会上升的普通文人。他们原处于社会底层,对底层社会的熟悉,往往反映在小说里面,使宋代文言小说的内容更全面化。第五章“宋代文言小说地位的确立及中国古代小说理论的兴起”以宋代类书《太平广记》的编撰确立文言小说在宋代的地位,并推进了宋代文言小说的发展。宋人对小说的喜爱比起历朝历代更来得光明正大。他们不因为小说是不入流的文体而加以排斥,主要是因为统治者对小说也甚为欣赏,上行下效之风,把小说抬到一个较高的地位。宋代欣赏小说之风,也促使了小说理论的发展。文人士子们热衷于创作与谈论小说,较为系统的小说观念雏形便在这种情况下产生。这些观念对宋代文言小说创作的影响并不大,但却促进了后世小说的发展。

【Abstract】 In the history of Chinese novels, the Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel has always been neglected. Lu Xun once commented,"The works of scholars in Song Dynasty is mythical in nature. They are plain and lack literary embellishment. Its legend stems from the past and is not contemporary. They replicate the ancient but are far from that. And there is no originality." Thereafter, not many researchers take on the study of this Classical Chinese Novel. Trapped between the post-peak of the Five Dynasty and Tang Dynasty novel creation era and new emergence of "Colloquial Stories"(Hua Ben) in the same era, Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel seems to be placed in an awkward position. It is not of no value at all, however. As an important representative in the transitional period of novel development, Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel should be given more importance, whether in good light or otherwise. This paper essentially seeks to investigate the artistic feature and evolution origin of Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel through text-reading, study of narrative or story-telling, broadcasting, language and linguistics, history and knowledge of such.This thesis is written in five chapters. The first three chapters talk about the art of narration and development of the Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel; whereas the last two chapters discuss the origin of Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel.Chapter One primarily looks into the narration or story-telling of the Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel. This chapter adopts the means of analysis by categorization to identify the creative type of Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel. According to the change of time, the novels can be divided into five phases. The first three phases concern more on the narration of North Song Dynasty and the last two phases focus on the analysis of Classical Chinese Novel of the South Song Dynasty.The second chapter is on the art of narration or story-telling of the Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel. Story-telling is an important element of novels. The examining of the art of narration is thus inevitable. As Classical Chinese Novel originates from the development of historical studies, it is to a large extent that the art of narration scholars of the Song Dynasty use is founded in their knowledge of historical studies. This chapter therefore explores the narration of the Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel from the aspects of historical studies and novels. Chapter Three concerns about the change of (language) register in Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novels to one that is non-classical or simplified. This chapter first addresses the evolution of classical and simplified language, which then proceeds to elaborate the effect of language register change in novels of this dynasty. In comparison to Classical Chinese Novels before its era, Song novels write mostly in simplified language. Such phenomenon did not happen overnight. It had gone through a long period of development, where the change of language style directly affected the artistic feature of its novels. Hence, this chapter probes on the subject matter by substantially bringing in the knowledge of language and linguistics.The fourth chapter discusses the influence of the imperial examination and scholars towards the development of novels. Formulation of the imperial examination system has rocked the societal structure of Song Dynasty. The royalties no longer perpetually maintain their status, while lower levels of the society such as farmers, workers, business people and commoners are open to opportunities of literacy and intellectual progress. The imperial examination system fuels societal development and is reflected in the novels as well. Besides the well-educated from the upper class, authors who write such Classical Chinese Novels have begun to include normal scholars arising from lower level of the society. They came from the bottom of the social structure and would usually reflect this part of the society in their works, in so giving the Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novels a fuller picture.The fifth chapter is about the "Status Establishment of Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novel and Rise of Ancient Chinese Fictional Theory". The "Anthology of Tales from Records in the Taiping Era" from Song Dynasty is extracted to look at the status establishment of Classical Chinese Novel in the Song Dynasty. It is known also to have further contributed to the progress of Classical Chinese Novel in this era. The Song citizen’s love for novels has been more expressed compared to previous dynasties. They did not repel novels for being non mainstream mainly because the governors or rulers appreciate novels too. Swept by the winds of following by examples, the status of novels is elevated higher. The Song’s trend of enjoying novels also fuels the development of fictional theory. Scholars and intellectuals are passionate in creative production and discussing novels, under which a much systematic concept of novels is gradually shaped. These concepts did not significantly affect the creation of Song Dynasty Classical Chinese Novels but instead, promoted the development of novels in its future times.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期