

Cenozoic Novelist of Historical Narrative

【作者】 常世举

【导师】 李新宇;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以新生代小说家的历史叙事为研究对象,从新生代历史叙事的历史意识、主题话语、艺术特色和艺术形态四个方面详细论述了新生代历史叙事的特点和成就。新生代的历史叙事既重视个人主体性的发挥,同时也强调对历史的尊重,它舍弃了革命历史小说那种自认为把握了历史的本质和规律的廉价的乐观主义,也不像某些新历史小说那样因为历史理性的缺失而走向虚无,它从精神个体的立场来探究历史真实,关注个体在历史中的境遇,弥补了历史宏大叙事对个人的遮蔽和遗忘。它在20世纪90年代后期特别是新世纪以来将新历史小说未完成的革命引向了深入。新生代小说家以个体的人作为历史叙事的根本立足点,他们将“个人”与“历史”作对话式的杂语交锋,展现他们有关人性和历史的多重思考。新生代小说家的历史叙事无论是从思想意蕴的深刻性还是从艺术表现的深广度来说,都达到了一个无愧于前人的高度,甚至可以说,新生代小说家的历史叙事代表着当代小说历史叙事的最高成就。论文共分为四章。第一章从现实语境、外来影响和文学传统等方面来分析新生代小说家的历史意识。新生代小说家处于相对开放的文化语境之中,他们从新历史主义、女性主义等外来思潮中受到思想的启迪,这些思想资源为他们进入历史领域提供了重要的理论武器,同时他们不满足于革命历史叙事和新历史小说对历史的建构,试图重建历史的认识论基础,他们在怀疑和反思中重构历史,坚持以人为本的历史观念,拓展了历史书写的空间。第二章从个体欲望、家族命运、日常生活和成长记忆四个方面切入来探讨其历史叙事的主题话语。个体欲望、家族命运、日常生活和成长记忆这些内容在革命历史叙事中往往被阶级和革命的主题所遮蔽,而在新历史小说中,个体欲望往往被无限放大,成为主导人的行为和历史走向的决定性力量,家族命运往往被神秘化或宿命化,日常生活和成长记忆的内容则较为薄弱。新生代的历史叙事在表现这些内容时比革命历史叙事和新历史小说要显得更为理性而辩证,他们努力从个人化的角度来理解和探究历史,探究时代和历史对生活在其中的人的塑造和影响。第三章从叙述视角、叙述结构和叙述文体三个方面来分析新生代历史叙事的艺术特色。新生代小说家在叙事艺术上有着自觉的追求,他们运用新颖的叙述视角而使历史叙事的面貌呈现出多样的变化,运用精巧的叙述结构使历史叙事的意蕴显得更为丰富,并创造出了丰富复杂的叙述文体,从而使他们在叙事艺术上超越了革命历史叙事和新历史小说。第四章从传奇化、寓言化和狂欢化三个方面来概括新生代历史叙事的形态和类型。新生代小说家作为一个群体,他们不仅与前辈作家的历史叙事存在较大的差异性,在他们内部,也因为充分尊重了创作主体的精神自由,作家的创作个性也存在较大的差异性,他们在面对历史存在时的精神姿态各有差别,所以他们笔下的历史呈现出多元化色彩。他们的历史叙事将正史与传奇、戏仿与荒诞、现实与寓言奇妙交织,传达出一种丰富驳杂的历史意味。

【Abstract】 Historical narrative of the new generation writers as research object, the paper from four aspects of the Cenozoic history of narrative history consciousness, subject words, artistic characteristics and morphology in detail the characteristics and achievements of the new generation of historical narrative. The new generation of historical narrative is the importance of individual subjectivity, but also emphasizes respect for history, it abandoned the revolutionary historical novels that thinks to grasp the essence and law of history of cheap optimism, unlike the new historical novel that because of historical reason missing and into nothingness, it from the spirit of the individual experience to explore the truth of history, from which to explore the possible human existence and the view of the way, make up the history of grand narrative to personal covered and forgotten. The historical narrative of Cenozoic absorption of New Historicism trend of nutrition, is the continuation and development of the new historical novel, it is especially in the90years since the new century took the new historical novel ", and the new historical novel unfinished revolution to the deep. The writers of the new generation to the individual as the basic historical narrative standpoint, they will be "personal" and "history" as a conversational heteroglossia confrontation, performance and sad history vicissitudes of life, to show them about humanity and history of multiple reflections. The historical narrative of the writers of the new generation of either from the profound ideological connotation or from the artistic expression of the depth and breadth, which reached a worthy predecessors height, and even can be said that, the historical narrative of new generation represents the highest achievement of the contemporary historical novel narrative.The thesis consists of four chapters.The first chapter of this paper from the realistic context, foreign influence and literary tradition and other aspects of the writers of the new generation of historical consciousness. The new generation of writers in the relatively open cultural context, they are inspired from the new historicism and feminism, external thoughts, these thinking resources provides important theoretical weapon for them into the history field, but they are not satisfied with" the revolutionary history narrative and the new historical novel construction of history, and try to understand reconstruction of historical theory, they reconstruct history in doubt and Reflection on the history of ideas, adhere to the people-oriented, reflecting their unique "historical interest" in the historical narrative, expand the space of historical writing.The second chapter discusses the topic of historical narrative from the individual desire, the family’s destiny, the daily life and the four aspects of growing memory cutting. Physical desire, the family’s destiny, daily life and grow memory the content in the revolutionary history narrative or ignored, shelter or class struggle and revolutionary theme, but in the new historical novels, physical desire tends to be infinitely magnified, become the decisive force to dominate the human behavior and history, family’s destiny is often mystery and the fate, the daily life and the growth of the contents of the memory are relatively weak. The historical narrative of Cenozoic in the performance of these contents than the revolutionary history narrative and the new historical novel to become more rational and dialectical, they pay more attention to in the long history of human destiny, efforts from the personal point of view to understand and explore the history, inquiry to shape and influence in the history of human history.An analysis of the artistic features of Cenozoic history narrative. The third chapter from the narrative perspective, narrative structure and narrative style three aspects. The historical narrative of the writers of the new generation with conscious pursuit in art of narration, they use the novel narrative point of view and the historical narrative appearance change, use the narrative structure of delicate the historical narrative connotation is more rich, they created the narration style of rich and complex, which makes them in the narrative art beyond the revolution historical narrative and new historical novels.Type fourth chapter from the legend, fable and Carnival three aspects to generalize the Cenozoic history narrative. The new generation of writers as a group, they not only with the senior writer’s historical narrative differences, within them, but also because of full respect for the creative subject of spiritual freedom, writer’s creative personality differences, they in the face of historical existence of spirit and attitude varies, so they pen the history of diversified colors. The historical narration of them will history and legend, parody and absurd reality and fables, wonderful interleaving, conveys a rich and complex history means.

【关键词】 新生代小说家历史叙事
【Key words】 CenozoicNovelistThe historical narrative
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期