

A Research on the Regional Selection of Taiwanese Enterprises Investment in the Mainland of China

【作者】 郭利田

【导师】 曹小衡;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着大陆的改革开放和两岸关系的逐渐缓和,两岸经贸交流日益密切,台资企业对大陆投资规模占其对外投资的比重日趋增加。1991~2011年台资企业对大陆的累计投资总额为1116.98亿美元,所占地区比重为61.71%。单就2010、2011年来说,投资金额分别为146.18、143.77亿美元,所占地区比重分别高达83.81%和79.55%。显然,大陆已然成为台资企业对外投资的最重要的地区,并且有进一步向大陆地区集中的趋势,但是台资企业在大陆的区域分布差异显著。台资企业投资大陆初期,投资地区主要集中在心理距离与空间距离上离台湾较近,语言和文化习俗相似的珠三角和闽东南地区;2000年以后台资企业对珠三角和闽东南地区的投资步伐已明显放缓,甚至出现负增长,投资重心已转向以上海为中心,浙北、苏南为两翼的长三角地区;2008年以来,环渤海地区成为继珠三角、闽东南、长三角之后台资企业投资大陆的又一个热点地区,并且台资企业在中西部省区的投资也呈规模化发展势头,形成由东向西、由南向北、由沿海向内陆辐射的全方位发展格局。虽然与以前相比,台资企业在大陆的投资区域更趋分散化,但是区域分布极不均衡的现象依然存在。本文在评述了具有代表性的FDI‘理论和区位理论的基础上,借鉴国内外学者有关FDI的区位选择与两岸学者有关TDI2区位选择的实证研究成果,从两岸软、硬环境两个角度,投资方、受资方和资金流出地三个方面详细分析台资企业投资大陆区位选择的影响因素。并根据经济发展水平的不同,从样本总体、发达地区、欠发达地区三个角度,运用面板数据模型对影响台资企业在大陆区位选择的因素进行实证研究,分析影响因素的动态变化对台资企业区域布局的影响,探究台资企业区位选择行为的内在机制。最后,依据本文的研究结论,推导出有关政策建议,力图为大陆各省区的招商引资与台资企业在大陆的区位选择提供理论支持与政策指导。依据本文的研究内容,全文共分为七个部分:第一章:导论。本章主要介绍研究背景与研究意义、主要内容、基本框架、以及研究方法和研究创新。第二章:理论探讨与文献综述。本章主要评述了具有代表性的FDI理论和区位理论,并在评述国内外学者有关FDI区位选择实证研究的基础上,分析了两岸学者有关TDI区位选择的实证研究,据此明确了本文的研究内容和研究方法。第三章:台资企业祖国大陆投资的基本状况。本章首先从台资企业对外直接投资的历程、行业分布、地域分布角度全面分析台资企业对外直接投资的基本状况。然后,本章全面回顾了台资企业投资大陆的发展阶段,从投资规模、行业构成、区域分布角度分析台资企业投资大陆的基本特征,并在此基础上详细分析了台资企业投资大陆的动机与台资企业投资大陆的政策敏感性。第四章:影响台资企业投资大陆区位选择的因素。本章从两岸软、硬环境两个角度,从投资方(台资企业)、受资方(大陆各省区)和资金流出地(台湾)三个方面详细分析影响台资企业区位选择的因素,它们之间的相互作用最终决定了台资企业在大陆各省区的分布状况。第五章:台湾当局的两岸政策对台资企业区位选择的影响。本章在综合分析台湾当局两岸政策演变过程的基础上,比较分析开放初期、“戒急用忍”时期、“开放与管理并举”时期台资企业投资大陆的区位选择状况。第六章:影响台资企业区位选择的因素——基于动态面板数据模型的实证研究。本章采用1995-2011年的统计数据,借助statall.2软件,运用面板数据模型进行实证研究,分析影响台资企业在大陆区位选择的因素及其动态变化对台资企业区域布局的影响,探究台资企业区位选择行为的内在机制。第七章:结论、建议、不足及研究展望。本章首先对全文进行简要总结,然后根据所得结论对大陆地区政府的招商引资提出相关建议,并指出本研究的不足之处及展望将来有待进一步深入研究的问题。本文继承国内外学者有关FDI的区位选择与两岸学者有关TDI区位选择的研究成果,充分吸收前人的研究经验和最新的计量经济学模型,结合台资企业投资大陆区域分布的现状及其影响因素,得出本文以下三个方面的创新点:第一,本文首次详细地将资金流出地——台湾因素纳入到台资企业区位选择的理论框架中。研究角度紧紧围绕投资方(台资企业)、受资方(大陆各省区)和资金流出地(台湾)三个主体,对影响台资企业区位选择的因素做全面分析。第二,本文在研究内容上进行了拓展。从两岸软硬环境出发,比较分析台湾当局开放初期、“戒急用忍”时期、“开放与管理并举”时期的政策形成背景,探讨不同政策期间台资企业投资大陆的区位选择,以了解台湾当局的政策因素对台资企业区位选择的影响。第三,在实证研究时,按照经济发展程度的差异,本文从总体、发达地区、欠发达地区三个角度构建动态面板数据模型,深入阐述了影响台资企业区位选择的因素及其动态变化,探究TDI在大陆区位选择行为的内在机制。

【Abstract】 With the mainland’s reform and opening up and the gradual easing of the cross-strait relations, cross-strait economic and trade exchanges have become closer day by day. The scale of accounted for the proportion of foreign investment is increasing. From1991to2011, Taiwanese investment in the mainland accumulated a total of111.70billion dollars, accounting for61.71%in the proportion of foreign investment. In2010and2011, the amounts of investment were14.62billion dollars and14.38billion dollars, accounting for as high as the proportion of83.81%and79.55%. Obviously, the mainland has become the most important location of Taiwanese foreign investment, and the trend is further concentrating to the mainland, but the regional distribution of Taiwanese investment in the mainland was significant differences. Taiwanese investment in the mainland early focused on Pearl River Delta and southeast of Fujian, which was the psychological distance and spatial distance closer from Taiwan and language, cultural and customs are similar. After2000, Taiwanese investment in the Pearl River Delta and southeast of Fujian was gradually decreased, there was even negative growth. And investment focus has shifted to the Yangtze River Delta. Since2008, the Bohai Rim has become an another hot spot areas of Taiwanese investment in the mainland following the Pearl River Delta, Southeast of Fujian and the Yangtze River Delta. And the TDI located in central and western provinces showed the momentum of the large-scale development. So, Taiwanese investment in the mainland formed all-round development from east to west, from south to north, from coastal areas to inland, however, the extremely unbalanced phenomenon of the regional distribution still exist.Based on commenting on the representative FDI theory and location theory, this thesis drawed on the empirical research results of the FDI’s regional selection and TDI’s regional selection which domestic and foreign scholars and cross-strait scholars did. From both soft and hard environment, three aspects of Taiwanese, Mainland and Taiwan, the writer made a detailed analysis of the influential factors on regional selection which Taiwanese invested in the mainland. And depending on the level of economic development, from three aspects of the overall sample, the developed areas and the less developed areas, this thesis used panel data model to do empirical research on influential factors on regional selection of the Taiwanese investment in the mainland, analyzed the dynamic changes of the influential factors in order to obtain the internal mechanism of Taiwanese regional selection. Finally, based on the conclusions of this thesis, the writer deduced the proposals to Taiwanese, Mainland and Taiwan, and tried to provide theoretical and policy support for mainland provinces’ attract investment and Taiwanese regional selection.According to arrangement of the research content, this thesis is divided into eight chapters.The first chapter is introduction. This chapter introduced the background and significance of the study, main contents, the basic framework, as well as methods and innovations of the study.The second chapter is theoretical discussion and literature review. This chapter commented on the representative FDI theory and location theory, and based on reviewing the empirical research results of the FDI regional selection which domestic and foreign scholars did, analyzed the empirical research results of the TDI’s regional selection which cross-strait scholars did. Accordingly, the writer determined the research contents and research methods of this thesis.The third chapter is the basic situation of Taiwanese enterpirses investment in the mainland. At first, this chapter made a detailed analysis of the basic situation of Taiwanese foreign direct investment from the history of Taiwanese foreign direct investment, industrial distribution and regional distribution. Then, this chapter reviewed the stage of development of Taiwanese investment in the mainland, and based on the scale of investment, industrial constitutes and regional distribution, the writer analyzed the basic characteristics of Taiwanese investment in the mainland. And on this basis, the writer made a detailed analysis of the motives and policy sensitivities of Taiwanese investment in the mainland.The fourth chapter is the influential factors on regional selection which Taiwanese invested in the mainland. This chapter made a detailed analysis of the influential factors on regional selection which Taiwanese invested in the mainland from both soft and hard environment, three aspects of Taiwanese, Mainland and Taiwan. The interaction among three aspects decided TDI’s regional distribution in the mainland provinces.The fifth chapter is the influence of TDI’s regional selection-Taiwan’s cross-strait policy. This chapter analyzed comprehensively the evolution of Taiwan’s cross-strait policy, then discussed comparatively the situation of regional selection which Taiwanese invested in the mainland, which divided into3periods-the period of "preliminary open-door policy", the period of "no haste, be patient", and the period of "both liberalization and management".The sixth chapter is influential factors on regional selection of the Taiwanese investment in the mainland-the empirical research based on dynamic panel data model. This chapter used statistical data during1995to2011, depended on stata11.2software, made the empirical research of the panel data model. And finally, the writer analyzed the dynamic changes of the influential factors of the Taiwanese investment in the mainland in order to obtain the internal regular pattern of Taiwanese regional selection.The seventh chapter is conclusions, suggestions, and research prospects. At first, this chapter made a brief summary of the thesis, and then, according to the conclusions of this thesis deduced the proposals. At the end, the writer pointed out the limits of this thesis, and discussed the question which needs further studies.This thesis is based on the previous research conclusions of the FDI’s regional selection and TDI’s regional selection which domestic and foreign scholars and cross-strait scholars did. The writer absorbed the previous research experience and the latest econometric model, combined with the situation of TDI’s regional selection and the dynamic changes of the influential factors, made some innovations as follows:1. This thesis absorbed Taiwan factor (the region of funds outflow) into the theoretical framework, made a detailed analysis of the influential factors on regional selection which Taiwanese invested in the mainland from three aspects of Taiwanese (investor), Mainland provinces (investee) and Taiwan (the region of funds outflow). 2. In this thesis, based on both soft and hard environment of cross-strait, the writer extended the research content, analyzed comparatively Taiwan’s cross-strait policy during3periods-the period of "preliminary open-door policy", the period of "no haste, be patient", and the period of "both liberalization and management". Then the writer discussed TDI’s regional selection during different policy periods in order to understand that Taiwan’s cross-strait policy influenced the regional selection of Taiwanese investment in the mainland.3. Depending on the level of economic development, from three aspects of the overall sample, the developed areas and the less developed areas, this thesis used dynamic panel data model to do empirical research on influential factors on regional selection of the Taiwanese investment in the mainland, analyzed the dynamic changes of the influential factors in order to obtain the internal regular pattern of TDI’s regional selection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期