

Study on the Internet Mobilization and It’s Management

【作者】 徐祖迎

【导师】 常健;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来中国的社会冲突事件频繁发生,在很多情况下,网络动员都成为推动冲突扩散和升级的重要机制。论文主要研究了以下两个问题:第一,网络动员自身的规律性研究,即网络动员是如何成功发起的。第二,当冲突的主体为强势群体和弱势群体的成员时,网络动员对冲突双方的不同影响。网络动员是“少数人的大努力”驱动“多数人的小努力”过程,这是网络动员的杠杆作用。认知、情绪、评价和意志等主观因素都会影响民众的网络参与。概括地说,影响公民卷入网络动员的因素既包括判断相似、价值相同、情绪共振和目标趋同等主观因素,也包括上网条件和网络技能等客观因素以及参与的成本收益计算、动员者的信誉与影响力、公民兴趣和公民的参与经历等调节因素。同时网络动员也是一个意义建构的过程,它需要建立一个行动框架。框架动员方式主要分为高层动员、中层动员和低层动员。高层动员规定了动员的主题;中层动员涉及到需要处理的具体任务,它主要包括热场、归因、吁求和释疑等阶段;低层动员方式是网络动员的具体技巧和策略,它主要表现为具象化叙事、草根式表达和苦难式叙事。当前中国社会的冲突以强势群体和弱势群体之间的博弈为主。网络动员可以迅速地改变冲突双方的博弈格局,它对强势群体和弱势群体双方的影响是不同的。网络动员使得冲突双方的支持力量呈现一种非均衡性增长,它大大地削弱了强势群体对冲突结果的控制。具体地说,网络动员通过影响民众的认知、评价、情绪和意志等主观因素对冲突双方产生了不同影响。认知变化对强弱双方的影响表现为隐瞒与公开、理智与盲信;判断的改变对强弱双方的影响表现为污化与美化、憎恨与同情;情绪感染对强弱双方的影响表现为隐忍与传染、反思与发泄;共同意志对强弱双方的影响表现为着急与不急、让步与提价。网络动员是一把“双刃剑”,在现实生活中具有双重效应。网络动员的积极作用主要表现为保护弱者权利、推动更广泛的民主参与和监督、释放社会的深层压力以及为改革提供动力和契机。网络动员的负面作用表现为冲击社会秩序、“人肉搜索”侵犯了公民权利、网络暴力引发了民众的不安全感、“媒体审判”形成对公正审判的干扰。网络动员也使得传统的冲突管理有了一定的难度,它对我国的冲突管理带来了一定的挑战,主要表现为网络动员对信息管理、情绪管理、评价管理和行为管理的挑战。具体地说,就信息管理挑战而言,信源的多元化导致真相难以辨认、信息的快速扩散加大了政府回应和管理的难度、信息的匿名发表使得政府很难找到谈判和协商的对象;就情绪管理挑战而言,情绪升温阻碍了有效沟通、情绪感染加剧了观点的偏激和极化;就评价管理而言,简单化思维导致了评价的二元对立;就行为管理而言,网络动员降低了人们参与的成本、增强了人们的“赋权感”、加剧了网络行为的失范以及加大了责任追究的难度。面对着网络动员对传统的冲突管理带来的挑战,应该加强网络冲突管理的制度与机制建设,这主要从三个方面着手:第一,要尊重和保障民众的网络表达权,并对其进行合理的限制;第二,要建立网络的自我约束机制,即加强网络的交流平台建设、网络交流规范建设以及网络交流道德建设;第三,要合理发挥政府在网络冲突管理中的积极作用,即及时地进行信息的发布和回应、有效疏导负面情绪、树立政府诚信形象、抑制破坏性的行动意志等。

【Abstract】 Social conflicts occur frequently in china, and Internet mobilization has become the important mechanism leading to the diffusion and escalation of conflict. This paper studies on two questions, the one is about the law of internet mobilization, which is the reason of internet mobilization. Anther is about the study on powerful groups and vulnerable groups when it refers to the conflict members.Internet mobilization is the process of great efforts for the minority driving few efforts for the majority. Many subjective factors, such as cognitive, emotion, evaluation and volition, will affect the participation by internet for the people. In a word, it includes similar judgment, same evaluation, emotional resonance and the same objection. It also includes the access to internet and internet skills. What’s more, some adjustment factors, such as the calculation of cost-benefit, the higher credibility, civic interests and the previous experience of participation, also affect the participation of people.Meanwhile, Internet mobilization is also a process of meaning construction, it needs build a frame. The frame mobilization includes high-level mobilization, middle-level mobilization and the low-level mobilization. For the high-level mobilization, it defines the subject of mobilization. For the middle-level mobilization, it refers to the specific tasks and it includes four stages which are the stages of making the event known, finding the reason, seeking for help and questioning others. For the low-level mobilization, it refers to the specific strategies such as figurative narration, grass-roots expression and suffering narration.At present, the conflict is mainly concentered on the people between the superiority group and the disadvantaged group. Internet mobilization can change the game pattern, and it is different between the superiority group and the disadvantaged group. Internet mobilization makes the support forces unbalanced growth, and the superiority group loses the control of conflict results. It mainly influences the cognitive, emotion, evaluation and volition, leading to the different results for the both sides of conflict. In a word, for the superiority group, they tend to be withholding information, rational judgment, patience, reflection, anxious and compromise. what’s more, they are considered bad and boring. For the disadvantaged group, they tend to be making the information public, fanaticism, contagion, abreaction, no hurry and charging more. what’s more, they are considered to be sympathy.Internet mobilization has a dual effect. First, it is helpful to protect the rights of disadvantaged group, promote broader democratic participation and democratic supervision, release the deeper social pressure, provide the dynamic and chance for the reform. Second, internet mobilization may destroy the social order, infringe on the rights of people and make people unsafe as well as interfere with a fair trial.Internet mobilization also challenges the traditional conflict management which includes information management, emotion management, evaluation management and behavior management. For the information management, it makes difficult to find the truth, respond to others immediately and look for people of negotiation. For emotion management, it leads to difficulty for effective communication and enforces the polarization of opinion. For the evaluation management, it leads to the simple thinking of considering things opposition of two sides. For behavior management, it reduces the cost of participation, improves the empowerment, and leads to the difficulty of responsibility investigation.For the challenge, we should strength system and mechanism construction for conflict management by internet. Firstly, we should respect and protect the rights of expression by internet, and we also need reasonable restrictions. Secondly, we should build self-restraint mechanism of internet, which is the construction of communication platform, communication specifications and communication moral for internet. Thirdly, we should make full use of the positive role in publishing information, easing the negative emotion, establishing the trustworthiness image for government and inhibiting the destructive action will.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期