

A Comparative Study of Farmers’ Management Efficiency after Farm Land Transfer

【作者】 王正环

【导师】 张春霞;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 以家庭联产承包责任制为基础的中国现行的土地分配制度,促进了中国农业的发展。但随着时间的推移,产生了一系列问题,显示出农地制度需要进一步的完善。农地流转作为一种自发的现象,被认为是农地制度变革领域中出现的一个崭新现象。但从围绕农地流转产生的研究成果及政策效果来看,有关的一些政策建议并没有被政府完全采纳和实施。本论文侧重对农地流转后农户农地经营的效率进行估算和分析,并由此展开对农地流转的发展和作用机理进行评价,为农地流转政策的调整提供参考。全文的主要内容有:农地流转研究文献综述、研究的理论基础和模型假定、对农地流转产生的原因分析、对福建农地流转状况的实证分析、农地流转后农户经营意愿和经营行为的差异分析、基于DEA方法的农户经营效率分析和比较研究、基于Tobit模型的农户经营效率影响因素研究以及由此得出的主要结论与政策建议。研究的主要目的在于,通过对农地流转后农户的经营效率比较研究,来评估农地流转所带来的效应和作用机理。研究的基本思路为:首先,对福建农地流转状况进行实证分析;其次,以DEA方法分析为基础,对农地流转后的农户经营效率进行评价;第三,基于DEA分析的结果,展开对农户经营效率的影响因素研究。研究得到主要结论为:(1)验证了本文提出的研究假设;(2)农户的农地经营效率整体看处于较低水平;(3)农地流转能提高经营效率的原因是转移效应和规模效应;(4)经营意愿高的农户是当前农业经营的主要力量;(5)农地流转的路径显示了一定的规律性;(6)要实现规模效应,关键在于实现各投入要素的合理配置;(7)存在农户从事农地经营的适度经营面积;以及其他的一些结论。由此提出如下政策建议:首先,合理推进农地流转的进行。其次,建立基本农户保护制度。第三,鼓励农地向基本农户适度集中。第四,为基本农户提供优惠政策。第五,切实提高农业经营收入水平。第六,完善农村社会保障制度。在整个研究过程中,笔者在分析方法和研究角度等方面提出了一些自己的见解,其中包括:(1)将DEA方法引入农户整体经营的效率分析;(2)研究农地流转的间接影响而非直接影响,提高了调查数据的可信度和结论的准确性。(3)研究了农户在经营意愿、经营行为、农地经营效率等方面的差异,以及农地在农户问流转的走向,对把握农地流转后农业经营格局提供了微观依据。

【Abstract】 The land system in China based on the household contract responsibility system had promoted agricultural development. But along with the development of economy, a series of problems have been found, showing that agricultural land system needs to be further improved. Being spontaneous, the transfer of farm land was considered as an emerging phenomenon in the reform of land system. However, the research results available in the literature have not been fully adopted and implemented by the government. This paper focuses on the calculation and analysis of farmers’efficiency after farm land transfer, evaluates the effect of farm land transfer, and offers references for the adustment of the policies of the farm land transfer in our country.The contents of the dissertation:a synthesis of literature on farm land transfer; the rationale of the dissertation and model hypotheses; analysis of the reasons of farm land transfer; an empirical study of the situations about farm land transfer in Fujian; research on differentiation of farmer’s will and behavior of post-farm land transfer; a comparative study of farmers’ efficiency based on DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) method; study on the Influence factors of farmers’efficiency based on Tobit model; the major findings and policy recommendations. The dissertation discusses the efficiency of different types of households in order to study the effect and the mechanism of farm land transfer.Research progress:First, an empirical study of the situations about farm land transfer is given in Fujian. Second, based on DEA method the farmers’ efficiency of post-farm land transfer was discussed. Third, the influencing factors of farmers’efficiency are analysed with technical efficiency as dependent variable in DEA method.Major results:(1) Three hypotheses are verified;(2) The farmers’ efficiency is fairly low;(3) Transfer effect and scale effect are the reason why management efficiency can be enhanced by farm land transfer;(4) The farmers with higher will of managerial have always been the main force in the agricultural production;(5) The route of farm land tranfer can be found;(6) The key to realize scale effect is that the productive elements should be allocated appropriately;(7) Moderate managment area can be found in agricultural production; And so on.Based on the research, the paper proposes the following policy suggestions:First, the transfer of farm land should be developed rationally. Second, the system of protecting the basic farmers should be set up. Third, encourage the land transfer to the basic farmers moderately. Fourth, providing basic farmers with preferential policies; Fifth, income from agricultural managment should be increased efficiently. Finally, the urban social security system needs to be further improved.In the dissertation, the author points out some opinions on analytic methods and angle of study, including:(1) This article introduces the DEA method into the efficiency analysis of the whole agricultural performance of farmers;(2) Research the indirect effect rather than direct effect of the farm land transfer, which can improve the veracity of data.(3) The differences of will, behavior and management efficiency of farmers, and the route of farm land tranfer were studied which can provide the reference to promote the policy.

  • 【分类号】F323
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