

Re-exploring of Socialism by the South African Communist Party after Abolition of Institution Racism

【作者】 程光德

【导师】 聂运麟;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国外马克思主义研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文从南非共产党的历史、理论、实践三个维度,通过梳理南非共产党90多年的发展历史,以种族主义制度废除后南非共产党探索社会主义的理论与实践为主线,对种族主义制度废除后南非共产党对社会主义的新探索进行研究。全文共分为绪论、南非共产党的斗争历程、南非共产党对社会主义发展道路的探索、南非共产党关于未来社会主义社会的理论、南非共产党争取民主与社会主义的实践、南非共产党加强党的建设的理论与实践以及结语等七个部分。第一部分绪论,主要阐明本论文选题的缘由及意义,研究现状,研究的思路与方法,研究的创新与不足。第二部分梳理了南非共产党的斗争历程。把南非共产党90多年的艰难斗争历程分为三个阶段:第一阶段,“初创时的斗争与被迫解散”时期(从1921年至1952年);第二阶段,“党的重建与反种族主义斗争”时期(从1953年至1994年);第三阶段,“南非共产党争取民主和社会主义的斗争”时期(从1995年至今)。第三部分主要阐述了南非共产党对走向社会主义道路的探索。1994年民主新南非成立以来,南非共产党在深刻分析民主新南非成立后基本国情的基础上,提出了向社会主义过渡的路线、基本策略和基本纲领。南非共产党认为,南非是一个依附型的、发展中的资本主义国家,南非人民与以英国为代表的帝国主义的矛盾,少数白人垄断资本及大地主与绝大多数(南非)非洲人(包括亚洲人、有色人、印度人)之间的矛盾,是南非社会的主要矛盾。现阶段南非革命的性质仍然是“民族民主革命”,还处于“向社会主义过渡”进程之中。依据南非基本国情,南非共产党制定了“未来属于社会主义,建设自今日开始!”的政治路线、革命性改良的基本策略以及向社会主义过渡的基本纲领,形成了具有南非特点的社会主义理论。第四部分阐明了南非共产党关于未来社会主义社会的理论。包括南非共产党对未来社会主义社会认识的历史发展、关于社会主义社会理论的基本内容以及未来社会主义社会理论的基本特点等问题。南非共产党认为,未来的社会主义社会应是一个民主、平等和自由的社会,是通过社会主义革命废除了生产资料私有制和各种形式的剥削压迫的社会,是促进社会中每个人自由、全面发展的社会。强调民主、平等、自由,主要经济部门的社会化,社会主义应坚持“有效率的计划”和“有效益的市场”有机结合,社会主义社会要坚持可持续发展是南非共产党关于未来社会主义社会理论主张的基本特点。第五部分以南非共产党争取民主与社会主义的实践为主线,主要阐述了南非共产党在取得民主突破的胜利后,进行了积极的工作。在政治上,南非共产党与(南非)非洲人国民大会既联合又斗争,积极发挥参政党作用;为反对白人种族主义残余,争取民主和平等而斗争。在经济上,积极促进南非“具有社会主义倾向的经济形式”的发展;积极开展应对金融危机的斗争。在社会活动方面,发起和领导“红十月运动”,以增强工人阶级的影响。在对外关系方面,支持“非洲发展新伙伴关系计划”,实现非洲大陆的复兴;反对帝国主义主导的全球化,争取实现“团结的全球化”。第六部分以南非共产党加强党的建设的理论与实践为内容,主要阐述了南非共产党在领导南非人民反对种族主义统治、争取民主和社会主义的斗争中,致力于建设群众性的先锋队政党,坚持与发展民主集中制,加强党的思想政治工作,加强与各国共产党的团结与合作的理论与实践。南非共产党认为,加强党的建设,是向社会主义过渡的根本保证。南非共产党始终坚持以马克思列宁主义为指导,并致力于把马克思列宁主义与本国国情相结合,注重加强党的自身建设,积极推进党的理论创新,在实践中努力寻求发挥党的先锋队作用的途径和方式。结语部分,主要论述了南非共产党的基本特点,分析了南非共产党在新的历史条件下探索社会主义道路难得的机遇与面临的挑战。认为坚持独立自主的发展道路,在长期的斗争中坚持把马列宁主义的基本原理与南非的国情相结合,不断加强党的白身建设,是南非共产党基本特点,也是是南非共产党从小到大,从解散到重建,从非法到合法,从在野到参政,逐渐成为一个比较成熟的马克思主义政党的基本原因。而世情、国情、党情的发展变化,使南非共产党既面临着当前资本主义国家矛盾加重,进步性的社会运动方兴未艾;南非实现民主突破后有利的国内形势:南非共产党参政后的有利条件等难得的发展机遇;也面临着“资强社弱”,世界社会主义运动仍暂时处于低潮;南非工人阶级趋向“多层化”,谋求更多支持难度加大;南非共产党的自身建设还存在着亟待解决的问题等严峻的挑战。南非共产党只有不断提高党的自身建设水平和对社会的影响力,在新的实践探索中不断修正和完善党的纲领和策略,不断深化对民族民主革命与社会主义革命相互关系的理解和认识,才能日益走向更加成熟,并继续孕育和积累走向社会主义的不竭力量。

【Abstract】 From three dimensions of the history, the theory and the practice of South African Communist Party, through summarizing90-year development history of South African Communist Party, taking South African Communist Party exploring the theory and the practice of Socialism as the main line after abolition of institutional racism, the paper carries out the study on South African Communist Party re-exploring the socialism. The full text consists of seven parts over the introduction, the struggle course of South African Communist Party, South African Communist Party exploring the development road of the socialism, South African Communist Party concerning the theory of the future socialist society, the practice of South African Communist Party for the democracy and the socialism, the theory and the practice of South African Communist Party strengthening the party construction, and the conclusion.The first part is the introduction, mainly clarifying the reason and significance of the research the status of the research, the thinking and the method of the research, the innovation and shortcomings of the research.The second part is the struggle course of South African Communist Party, in which90-year tough struggle course of South African Communist Party is divided into three stage: the first stage is the early struggle and forced dissolving period (from1921to1952); the second stage is the Party reconstruction and the anti-racism period (from1953to1994); the third stage is the struggle period of South African Communist Party for democracy and socialism (from1995to the present)。The third part is South African Communist Party exploring the development road of the socialism, mainly expounding the route, the guideline and the basic strategies of the transition to socialism put forward by South African Communist Party based on deeply analyzing the basic national conditions after establishment of the new democratic South Africa. South African Communist Party thought that South Africa was a dependent developing capitalist country. The contradiction between the people of South Africa and imperialism on behalf of Britain, the contradiction between the big landlords and the vast majority of African people (South Africa)(including Asians, Indians and colored people) as well as the white minority’s monopoly capital between are the main contradiction of South African society. Current South African revolutionary still features "National Democratic Revolution" in the process of transition to socialism". It is the organic combination of national democratic revolution and socialist revolution. And herewith make the political route, the basic strategies of revolutionary reform and the basic guideline of the transition to socialism such as "the future belonging to socialism, the construction coming to begin today!". Eventually form the socialism theory possessing South African characteristics.The fourth part is South African Communist Party concerning the theory of the future socialist society, mainly discussing the historical development of South African Communist Party’s recognition of the future socialist society, the basic contents of socialist society theory along with the basic characteristics of the future socialist society theory. South African Communist Party thought that the future socialist society should be a democratic, equal and free one, and one abolishing private ownership of the productive means and the various exploitation and oppression through socialist revolution, and one promoting the individual freedom and all-round development of the society. Emphasize on democracy, equality, freedom, the socialization of main economics section. Socialism should adhere to the organic combination of both "efficient program" and " beneficial market" Socialist society persisting in the sustainable development is the basic characteristics that South African Communist Party has some claim about the future socialism society theory.The fifth part is the practice of South African Communist Party for the democracy and the socialism, mainly expounding South African Communist Party implemented the positive work about the aspects of politics, economy, society and foreign relations after the victory of democratic breakthrough. In politics, South African Communist Party (South Africa) and the ANC (African National Congress") not only unite each other but also struggle, playing a positive role as participating Party, struggling against the residue of the white racism for democracy and equality. In the economy, and actively promote the economic development of socialist-oriented economic form of South Africa, vigorously carry out against the consequences of financial crisis export. In social activities, start and lead" red-October movement" so as to enhance the effect of the working class. In foreign relations, support the " the New Partnership for Africa’s Development"; realize Africa Union and Rejuvenation; oppose the imperialist globalization; strive to realize the" unity of the globalization""The sixth part is the theory and the practice of South African Communist Party strengthening the party construction, mainly discussing South Africa Communist Party took up with constructing mass pioneer Party, insisted on the development of democratic centralism, strengthened ideological and political work of the Party, improved the theory and practice uniting and cooperating with other countries in the struggle course of leading South Africa people against racism for democracy and socialism South Africa Communist Party was of the opinion that strengthening the construction of the part is the fundamental guarantee of the transition to the socialism. South Africa Communist Party has always adhered to Marx-Leninism as a guide, and devoted to the combination of Marx-Leninism and national conditions, aimed at strengthening self-construction of the Party, and actively carried forward the theoretical innovation of the Party to go in quest of the channels and the methods able to bring into a vanguard role of the Party in the process of the practice.In the conclusion part, it mainly discusses the basic reasons that compared with other Communist Party of capitalist countries, South African Communist Party possesses distinctive characteristics, analyzing the opportunity and the challenge that South African Communist Party met with in the new historical conditions. South African Communist Party insisted on the basic reasons over holding independent and development road, persisting the combination of Marxism-Leninism basic principle and South Africa national conditions in the long-term struggle, instantly promoting theoretical innovation, correctly adjusting the route and guide and policy of the Party, unceasingly strengthening self-construction of the Party, which results in the Party from the small to the strong, from the dissolution to reconstruction, from the illegal to legal, from the opposition to participation in government, regularly forming a more mature Marxism Party With the development and change of the world conditions, national conditions and Party conditions, South Africa is confronted with aggravated contradictory of the current capitalist country, additionally the progressive social’ movements has vigorously been growing up with favorable domestic situation after South Africa binging into democracy breakthrough; South Africa possessed the rare development opportunity with favorable terms after participating in politics; it also is confronted with "capitalist strong but socialist weak" and international socialism movement still remaining low tide; South Africa has been meeting by various challenges over South African working class looking towards "multilayer", the degree of difficulty seeking more support becoming increased, self-construction of South African Communist Party still exiting problems pending solutions etc. Only when South African Communist continuously improves self-construction level and influence on the society, constantly revises and perfects the guideline and the policy in the new practical exploration, incessantly deepens the understanding and recognition on the relationship between national democratic revolution and socialist revolution, will South African Communist become more mature, carry within itself and accumulate inexhaustible strength towards socialist society.
