

Multiple Interactions Among the Rural Residents, Central and Local Government in the Rural Old-age Social Insurance System Changes

【作者】 王成程

【导师】 唐钧;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 人口学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 21世纪是全球人口老龄化的世纪,我国自2000年首次进入老龄化社会以来,受经济发展、人口变迁、医疗和生活水平提高等多种因素影响,人口老龄化程度不断提高。我国农村有全国一半以上的人口,随着城镇化的加速,大量的年轻农民流入城镇,空巢老人和失独老人逐年增多,导致农村人口老龄化程度远远高于城镇。农村人口老龄化的速度之快、程度之高不仅给老人和子女的生活增添巨大压力,还可能带来影响社会稳定的多重风险。“我国农村人口老龄化所带来的危机,主要源于两个方面:一是社会变迁的自然进程,二是人口流动所造成的劳动年龄人口与老年人口数量的机械变动(唐钧,2009)。”①人口的自然变动和机械变动致使农民对农村社会养老保险的建立和完善有急切的现实需求。农村社会养老保险制度在保障农村居民基本生活的基础上更要发挥社会稳定器的作用,既要保障农村居民物质上的安全感,又要化解影响经济和社会稳定的养老危机。我国农村社会养老保险制度的变迁过程经历了两个发展阶段:第一阶段是由国家民政部主导的农村社会养老保险(以下简称“老农保”)制度的建立和停滞阶段;第二阶段是由中央政府制定,地方各级人力资源社会保障部门组织实施的新型农村社会养老保险(以下简称“新农保”)制度。老农保制度中,参保者的养老金来源于有限的个人缴费和集体补助,是“二支柱”的养老制度。与老农保相比,新农保的筹资来源增加了政府财政补贴,向农民提供了最低水平保障的非缴费型“零支柱”。新农保“多支柱”型的制度结构突破了多年来阻碍农村社会养老保险制度发展的瓶颈,是我国建立和完善多支柱养老保障体系的重要一步。但是,制度运行过程中仍存在诸多问题:农民缴费档次低;年轻农民参保率低;养老金替代率较低致使制度的保障功能有限;制度缺乏可持续发展的动力机制等等。因此,本文从互动的视角,采用质性研究的方法,探讨了农村社会养老保险制度变迁中中央、地方和农民的关系变化,从中发现制度存在问题的原因并提出相应的政策建议和发展方向。本文的研究重点和核心观点包括:第一,重新界定了社会养老保险和农村社会养老保险的定义。社会养老保险是由国家立法,由参保者(或其利益关系人)、参保者单位和政府共同筹资形成社会养老保险基金,用来保障参保者在年老退出劳动生涯后的基本生活需求的社会保险制度。农村社会养老保险是专门针对“农业人口”设置的,由国家组织实施,由个人、集体、政府共同筹资形成社会养老保险基金,用以满足参保者退出劳动生涯后的基本生活需求的社会保险制度。概念中明确了农村社会养老保险的“社会性”和“保险性”,更适应我国当前经济发展和社会转型的新态势。第二,提出制度变迁中主体互动理论的框架。通过对哈耶克、诺思的制度变迁理论及多支柱理论的总结,提炼出适用于本文的制度变迁中的主体互动理论,用以分析制度变迁的起因、过程、方式和结果。农村社会养老保险制度变迁中主体的多元互动主要包括:中央、地方和农民的两两互动,以及中央和地方作为一个整体(即行政权力)与农民的互动、地方与农民作为一个整体(即地方利益共同体)与中央的互动。通过分析制度变迁中主体的多元互动,探究制度存在的问题和原因。第三,分析了老农保制度变迁中中央、地方和农民的多元互动。老农保制度的变迁过程经历了建立、发展和停滞的过程。在这一过程中,中央想达到社会和谐的目的而建立老农保制度,但由于采取的是“个人缴费”和“集体补助”的筹资方式,中央仅仅制定了制度框架,没有提供资金补贴,使制度本身缺乏吸引力,导致农民参保积极性不高。因此,面对中央的任务压力,地方只有采取强迫命令的方式使农民参保,才能达到其“追逐政绩”的目标。由于老农保制度的保障水平低、缴费来源不稳定和基金保值增值困难等原因,农民的养老需求得不到满足,制度供求失衡。中央、地方和农民的这种多元互动导致老农保制度无法持续,进入停滞阶段。第四,分析了新农保制度变迁中中央、地方和农民的多元互动。新农保制度的变迁过程经历了探索、建立与发展的过程。在此过程中,中央为达到社会和谐的利益最大化目标,采用了利益诱导的方式吸引农民参保,即增加了政府资金支持的养老保险筹资方式,采用“个人缴费,集体补助和政府补贴”的多支柱筹资结构,使制度本身具有吸引力。在中央的政策引导下,地方根据实际情况积极探索新农保的筹资、支付和运营方式,对农民进行相应补贴。地方积极的实践创新和地方财政补贴制度扩大了新农保的覆盖面,从而达到地方“追逐政绩”的目的。当中央有足够的财政能力对参保农民进行补贴时,地方通过政策宣传和利益诱导,使农民意识到参保可以获得利益而自愿参保。新农保制度的供给和需求达到一致,使制度能够可持续地发展。第五,提出农村社会养老保险制度的政策建议和发展前瞻。新农保制度的建立是我国建立城乡一体的社会养老保险制度迈出的重要一步。但是,新农保制度所提供的养老保障水平与城市社会养老保险制度所提供的养老保障水平相比还有很大差距,这一点是现阶段新农保制度本身无法解决的问题。因此新农保制度覆盖全国以后即完成了它的阶段性“使命”。展望未来我国社会养老保险制度的发展前景,采用全民统一的“基本养老金+补充养老金”的社会养老保险制度模式能同时兼顾公平与效率。其中,政府提供基本养老金,以保障参保者的“基本生活水平”为标准,使所有劳动者在退出劳动生涯后都能够享有大概一致的基本待遇。补充养老金与个人的工作绩效挂钩,多缴多得,通过基金的有效运营达到保值增值的目的。按照这种模式建立覆盖全民的统一的社会养老保险制度才是有效的、公平的、可持续的,才能使新农保制度在更高层面中得以延续和发展。

【Abstract】 The21st century is the century of population aging. Affected by the economic development, demographic change and the improvement of the medical treatment and people’s living standards, the problem of our country’s population aging has more serious since2000, when entered the aging society.There are more than half of Chinese in China’s rural area. With the acceleration of urbanization, more and more young peasants pour into towns. Empty nest and only-child-lose aging people increase, which makes more aging people in rural area than in towns. The rapid spped and high degree of population aging in rural area not only add the support pressure, but may bring many risks to social stability."The rural population aging crisis of our country is mainly from two aspects:one is the natural process of social change, the other is the mechanical changes, which caused by the population floating.(Tang Jun,2009)."①So, the peasants have much more need of old-age social insurance system.The rural old-age social insurance system should play a role of social stabilizer based on ensuring the basic life of rural residents, which means that it should make sure the security of rural residents on the material, while resolve the pension crisis affecting the economic and social stability. The process of rural old-age social insurance system in China has experienced two stages:the first stage is the old rural old-age social insurance led by the Ministry of Civil Affairs; the second stage is the new rural old-age social insurance made by the central government, organized and implemented by the local human resources and social security departments.In the old rural old-age social insurance, the the insured persons’pension was form individual and village collective, which is two-support pension system. Compared with the old rural old-age social insurance, the new rural old-age social insurance adds the government financial subsidy, which is the zero-support given to rural residents. The new rural old-age social insurance with multi-support is a new breakthrough, and a important step to establish and improve the multi-support old-age security system. However, many problems still exist in the process, for example, the low deduction level, low the ratio of young rural residents, low pension replacement rate, lack of sustainable dynamical mechanism and so on.Therefore, this paper discussed the changing relationship among the rural residents, central and local government in the rural old-age social insurance system by the qualitative method and from the interactive perspective, to find out the causes of problems and put forward the suggestions and development trend. It had five aspects of core views in this paper:First, the author redefined the old-age social insurance and rural old-age social insurance. The old-age social insurance, which is based on national legislation, is funded by the insurants or stakeholders, insurants’ units and government to ensure the insurants’ basic living needs when they out of the work lives. The rural old-age social insurance, which is devoted to the rural residents, is organized and impled by the government, and funded by the insurants, collectivities and government to satisfy the rural residents’ basic living needs when they out of work. This definition embods the "social" and "insurance", and is more adapt to the new situation of the economic development and social transformation in China.Second, put forward the framework of the main body of institutional change in interaction theory. According to Hayek, North’s theory of institutional change and multi pillar theory summary refines the main institutional change theory applied in this paper in the interactive. Using this theoretical framework respectively analysis of the new agricultural farmer and central, local and farmers and interaction in the process of institutional change, as well as the central and local interaction, as a whole and local farmers and farmers as a whole with central interaction. Through the multiple interactive analysis of institutional changes in the main problems and causes, exist in the system.Third, analysis of the interaction of farmer insurance central, local and farmers in the institutional change. Evolution of farmer insurance system experience build, development and process of stagnation. In this process, the central to achieve the goal of harmonious society and the establishment of the insurance system, but due to "personal payment" and "collective allowance" financing, the central merely set the system framework, without subsidies, make the system less attractive, leading to the farmers’insurance was not high enthusiasm. Therefore, the central task facing pressure, where only forced to take the command mode to enable farmers to the insured, to reach its goal of "chase performance". Due to security level of farmer insurance system was low, the payment source of instability and the value of the fund was difficult, the pension needs of farmers are not met, the unbalance of system supply and demand. The interaction between the central, local and fanners in farmer insurance system was unable to continue, stop.Fourth, analysis of the new agricultural multi interaction, the local government and Farmers Insurance Center in institutional change. Change process of new agricultural insurance system has undergone a process of exploration, based on the development of. In this process, the central to achieve the maximal social harmony of interests, the interests of farmers participating by way of attracting, increases in government funds of endowment insurance financing, using " individual pay cost, multi pillar financing structure of collective grants and government subsidies", make the system itself has the attraction. In the central policy guidance, place according to the actual situation and actively explore new agricultural insurance financing, payment and operation way, local government subsidies to farmers, so as to achieve the purpose of "chase performance". When the central government has sufficient financial capacity to subsidize the insured farmers, through policy advocacy and benefit induction, make the farmer consciousness to the insurance can get benefits and voluntary insurance. The new system of agricultural insurance supply and demand to reach consensus, make the system sustainable development.Fifth, the concept of the future development trend of rural social insurance. The establishment of a new system of agricultural insurance was an important step towards establishing the integration of urban and rural social endowment insurance system in China. However, the new system of agricultural insurance for old-age security level and the city social endowment insurance system for old-age security level there was a big gap between, this was the new agricultural present insurance system itself can not solve the problem, so the new agricultural insurance system covering the whole country after the finished stage "mission it". The prospect of the future of China’s social pension insurance system, the coverage of the country’s "basic pension+supplementary pension" social endowment insurance operation mode can make the system while giving consideration to fairness and efficiency. Among them, the government provides basic pension, in order to protect the "basic level" as the standard, so that all workers can enjoy basic treatment was probably consistent are out of work life after. Linked to the work performance of supplementary pension and individual, pay more, value through the effective operation of the fund. Social endowment insurance system for the establishment of a unified universal coverage in this mode became effective, equitable and sustainable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期