

Research on the Impact Mechanism of Enterprises Network to Marketing Dynamic Capabilities

【作者】 李文

【导师】 许晖;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 正如管理学大师德鲁克所说的那样:“企业存在的唯一目的在于满足消费者的需求”。伴随着经济全球化的深入发展,商品、要素、服务的跨国自由流动,信息科技的非线性变革发展,企业、产业和国家的界限日益模糊,企业所面对的市场竞争环境更加动荡。在竞争中,企业正演变成一个包含有供应商、渠道伙伴、服务提供商及竞争者的利益相关者网络。企业提供给顾客的不再只是单一的产品或服务,而是一揽子完全满足顾客需求的整体解决方案。因此,企业必须通过合作或联盟来满足顾客的需求,企业间的竞争已经从单一企业间的竞争全面升级为企业网络的竞争。此外,在经济全球化背景下,企业所面对的国际市场的复杂性和不确定性也随之增加。比如,受美国次贷危机的影响,国际金融市场动荡,贸易保护主义抬头,各国政府纷纷干预经济发展,企业也因国外市场需求低迷而受到影响,订单缩减甚至濒临破产。由此可见,企业在获得经济全球化带来的贸易壁垒降低、市场机会增加的同时,也必然要面对经济危机、市场动荡所带来的负面影响。因此,企业所面对的营销环境动荡不安:一方面要面对顾客需求升级带来的竞争压力,另一方面要应对经济危机引发的市场需求缩减。在这种动态营销环境中,企业必须具备对市场变化作出迅速反应的能力,一方面对市场的动态性有充分的认识和准备,另一方面针对市场变化积极做出调整,缩短作出反应的时间,快速适应市场变化,不断满足顾客需求的改变,从而求得生存与发展。本研究正是基于这样的背景下展开的。营销动态能力作为在动态营销环境下应运而生的理论,成为很多战略管理学者和营销学者共同关注的热点问题。营销动态能力理论阐述了企业如何在动态营销环境下通过商业流程的快速响应从而提升企业对市场的反应效率的问题。本研究基于营销动态能力理论,进一步挖掘营销动态能力形成的资源基础,并结合企业网络理论、组织学习理论以及知识管理理论解释了企业如何通过企业网络获得营销动态能力的理论问题。为更好的实现研究目标,本研究采用量化与质化研究相结合的研究方法,运用因子分析、回归分析、结构方程模型等实证研究工具,构建了“企业网络-市场知识管理-营销动态能力”的理论模型,并运用来自我国制造业企业的数据对该理论模型进行了实证检验,此外,进一步结合跨案例研究对实证研究结论进行了验证和补充,得出了如下主要结论:(1)包括顾客、供应商、竞争对手在内的企业网络是企业获取资源的最直接来源和基础,并促进了市场知识管理。实证研究结论表明,网络关系强度、网络密度、网络规模以及网络中心性等企业网络的主要维度,均对顾客知识管理、竞争者知识管理以及跨部门知识管理有显著正向影响,即促进了市场知识管理。(2)市场知识管理是企业营销动态能力形成的关键环节。实证研究结果表明,包含顾客知识管理、竞争者知识管理以及跨部门知识管理的市场知识管理均对蕴含营销动态能力的三大核心商业流程即顾客关系流程、供应链流程以及产品研发流程产生了积极的正向影响,从而促进了营销动态能力的形成。此外,案例研究的结论表明,市场知识管理通过提升三大核心商业流程的效率进而促进了营销动态能力。(3)组织学习均衡与环境动态性在企业网络对营销动态能力的影响机制模型中均发挥了正向调节作用。其中,组织学习均衡正向调节企业网络与市场知识管理之间的关系,即企业在探索式学习与利用式学习之间平衡的越好,越有利于企业从网络中获取并运用市场知识;环境动态性正向调节市场知识管理与营销动态能力之间的关系,因为环境动态性促使企业加强对市场知识的管理,并通过流程效率的提升来缩短对市场的反应时间,从而促进了营销动态能力的培养。与以往的研究相比,本研究的理论贡献与创新之处在于:第一,本研究基于现有营销动态能力的研究,结合企业网络理论、组织学习理论、知识管理理论,构建了企业网络对营销动态能力的影响机制模型,进一步丰富和扩展了现有营销动态能力理论的研究。第二,本研究从企业外部网络视角出发,探讨企业网络中的市场知识管理问题,将包括供应商、竞争者和顾客在内的市场知识管理作为联结企业网络与营销动态能力的重要中介变量,弥补了现有知识管理理论研究中以企业内部视角为主而忽略外部视角的不足。第三,本研究引入组织学习均衡作为调节变量,分析了企业在探索式学习与利用式学习之间的平衡对企业知识资源获取以及知识管理的影响,丰富了现有组织学习均衡理论,加强了组织学习与知识管理相结合的研究。

【Abstract】 As management guru Peter F. Drucker said:" the only purpose of the enterprise is to meet the needs of consumers". With the further development of economic globalization, both multinational free flow of goods, elements, services and nonlinear transformation of the information technology development blurrs the boundaries of enterprise, industry and country, thus the enterprises have to face more dynamic market environment. The competitions among enterprises are turning into the competitions among enterprise networks which consist of suppliers, channel partners, and competitors. Enterprises provide not only products and services to customer, but a fully meet customer requirements of the overall solution. Therefore, the enterprise must through cooperation or alliance to meet the needs of customers, the competition between enterprises has already from the competition between single enterprise comprehensive upgrade to competitions among enterprise network. In addition, the complexity and uncertainty will increase when enterprises facing the international market under the background of economic globalization. Such as affected by the formed by America’s subprime crisis, international financial market turmoil, trade protectionism is arising, governments intervene in the economy development, and the enterprises are short of orders and are on the verge of bankruptcy because of demand shrunk in the foreign market. Therefore, though the economic globalization brings market opportunities and trade barriers reduced, the enterprises have to deal with the negative effects of the economic crisis and the market turmoil. To sum up, the marketing environment which the enterprises facing are unrest:the enterprises have to join in the upgrading competitions for customers’needs are changing, at the same time, the enterprises have to deal with downsized market demand triggered by the economic crisis. Under such dynamic kind of marketing environment, enterprises must have the ability to respond quickly to market changes, which contains the fully understanding of the market dynamics and doing preparation, besides that, adjust actively according to market changes, shorten the respond time in order to adapt to the market changes quickly and to meet customers’demands constantly, so as to survive and development. This study was based on this background.Marketing dynamic capability theory which is come into being under the dynamic marketing environment has become the mutual interest for both marketing scholars and strategic management scholars. The theory of marketing dynamic capability has expounded how to improve enterprise’s response to the market effectively through rapid process responsiveness in a dynamic marketing environment. This research based on the theory of marketing dynamic capability; further excavate the resource basis of the formation of the marketing dynamic capability, and combining the enterprise network theory, organizational learning theory and knowledge management theory in order to explain the theory problem on how to gain marketing dynamic capability through the enterprise network.To better realize the goal of research, this study adopts the combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, using the empirical research tools including the factor analysis, retrospective analysis and structural equation model, build the theoretical model of "enterprise network-market knowledge management-marketing dynamic capabilities", using data from Chinese manufacturing enterprises to test the theoretical model and combined with case studies of qualitative research methods, the main conclusions are as followed:Firstly, as the most direct source for enterprises to gain resources, enterprise network which includes customers, suppliers and competitors promotes the management of market knowledge. Empirical research conclusions indicate that the strength of network, network density, network scale, and network centricity as key dimensions of enterprise network, have significant positive influence on market knowledge management which contains customer knowledge management, competitor knowledge management and across departments knowledge management.Secondly, Market knowledge management is a key link in the process of forming marketing dynamic capabilities. Empirical study results show that market knowledge management which includes customer, competitor and inter-departmental knowledge management have positive impacts on marketing dynamic capability which expressed as three core business processes:customer relations process, supply chain processes and product development process, so as to promote the formation of marketing dynamic capabilities. In addition, the case study results indicate that, market knowledge management promotes the marketing dynamic capabilities through increasing the efficiency of the three core business processes.Thirdly, organizational learning equilibrium and environmental dynamics have played positive moderation roles in the model of impact mechanism between the enterprise network and marketing dynamic capabilities. Organizational learning equilibrium moderates the relationships between enterprise network and market knowledge management, that is to say, the better the companies balanced between exploration learning and exploitation learning, the more conducive for enterprise to derive market knowledge from the network and to manage the market knowledge; Environment dynamic moderates the relationships between market knowledge management and marketing dynamic capabilities, the environmental dynamics urge the enterprises to strengthen the management of market knowledge, and to promote the efficiency of process in order to shorten the time of reacting to the market changes, thus to promote the marketing dynamic capability.Compared with the previous researches, the innovation of this study lies in: firstly, this study based on the existing researches on marketing dynamic capability, combining the theory of enterprise network, organizational learning theory and knowledge management theory, constructs the model of the mechanism between enterprise network and marketing dynamic capability, which further enriches and expands the existing researches on marketing dynamic capabilities theory. Secondly, from the enterprise external perspective, this study explore the influences of enterprise network (including suppliers, competitors and customers) on marketing dynamic capability, taking market knowledge management as the important intermediary variable in the model, which makes up the external perspective researches on knowledge management theory compared to existing researches which is given priority to internal perspective. Thirdly, taking organizational learning equilibrium as a moderate variable, analyzes the impacts of enterprise in balancing exploration and exploitation learning on knowledge management, which enriches the studies on organizational learning equilibrium, and strengthens the researches of organizational learning and knowledge management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期