

Integrated Land Use Planning and Management Information System Design and Implementation for Prefecture, Counties and Townships of Kunming

【作者】 李笠

【导师】 李满春;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着国土资源规范化管理要求的提高,以及土地利用规划管理业务量的不断增加,土地利用规划管理业务部门对规划管理流程化、通用化、网络化等方面的需求日益增长。为使土地利用总体规划更好地发挥作用,促进经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展,建立一个行之有效的土地利用规划管理信息系统,既是加强和规范国土资源管理、提升国土资源管理水平的客观需要,又是转变经济发展方式强化资源节约集约利用的迫切需要。国内外针对土地利用规划信息系统的研究,基于规划信息具有多尺度的空间信息、多类型的源数据、多层次的规划成果、多时相的信息集成等特点,从规划的辅助编制到规划实施管理等方面都有较多的成果。但在系统的研究、设计与开发中,如何在基于信息化管理的角度下理顺从乡到县到市(乃至到省和国家层面)的工作流程,如何确保数据库在几个层级上实现共享、实时更新并能够进行历史回溯,如何使土地利用规划管理信息系统与其他众多国土行业各类专业系统、政务系统有效衔接等诸多问题,还没有得以解决。基于上述背景,论文以昆明市土地利用总体规划修编中前期研究项目“昆明市、县级土地利用规划管理信息系统”建设为支撑开展研究。研究的主要内容和结论如下:对基于信息化管理的市、县、乡土地利用规划管理业务流程进行了深入研究。梳理昆明市市、县、乡三级国土部门在土地利用规划管理中涉及的主要工作对象、业务办理程序,探索业务流程重组的规则和模式,理顺土地利用规划管理过程中各级国土资源管理部门业务间的逻辑关系,重构业务流,确定市、县、乡三级国土部门在规划管理岗位工作流的业务单元建模,以及业务单元状态流转或转移的准则标准化研究工作、状态转移的过程条件、执行条件和通知条件等。同时,理清本系统和昆明市国土资源局已在使用的有关专业系统之间的逻辑关系、数据关系,确保本系统边界明确、功能实用、信息流转畅通。对市、县、乡三级一体化土地利用规划数据管理模式和数据交换方案进行了深入研究。在分析多类型、多层级、多尺度、多时段的土地利用规划管理数据的基础上,依照上下级系统要互通、数据标准要一致、基础数据要共享、数据变换要灵活适用的原则,提出建设昆明市市、县、乡三级国土资源管理部门一体化土地利用规划数据管理模式和数据交换方案。同时,通过对上下级系统衔接的内容、方式等进行深入研究,构建了上下级系统数据交换的网络互联、数据衔接和软件衔接等功能模块架构。构建市县乡三级一体化土地利用规划管理信息系统。提出市级和县级土地利用规划管理信息系统一体化设计架构、软硬件配置、工作流管理、系统安全管理等方案,采用数据中心的建设思路,采取集中和分布式管理相结合的方法进行数据库设计,运用面向对象设计方法、UML建模、GIS组件开发等技术,设计构建市、县、乡三级一体化土地利用规划管理信息系统。进行了系统试用和验证。在实证应用中,通过系统功能的开发,进行规划成果管理、市县建设项目用地审批、规划修改管理、统计分析、辅助决策分析、业务流程管理等功能模块的大量数据测试,验证系统的实用性,提高系统可操作性。研究表明,本文研究重构的基于信息化管理的市县乡一体化土地利用规划管理工作流程是合理的,数据交换和共享方式是实用的,设计构建的两级系统是可行的,达到了研究的预期目标。本文提出的方法,为提高土地利用规划管理共享与互操作水平,提供了一条可行的新途径。研究提出的昆明市土地利用规划管理系统设计与实现的相关成果已被昆明市国土资源局的规划信息系统建设部分采纳。

【Abstract】 With the increasing requirements for the standarded land-use planning and management, the land administrations show an increase for processed, universalized and networked land use planning and management. An effective land use planning and management information system should be established to better implement the land use planning, promote, coordinate the sustainable social economic development. In addition, it is the request of changing the economic development method and intensifying the land use.According to the relevant policy, technical specifications released by the Ministry of Land and Resources, Department of Land and Resources of Yunnan Province and Land and Resources bureau of Kunming, Integrated land use planning and management information system is designed and implementated for prefecture-level, county-level and township-level of Kunming based on object-oriented design, UML modeling, GIS softwares and so on, aiming to solve the inefficient business processes, different basic data management and poor information sharing channels. In this dissertation, land-use planning framework for integrated design management information systems, software and hardware configuration, workflow management and system security management solution are elaborated, based on the analysis of prefecture-, county-and township-level land-use planning and workflow management needs. A combination of centralized and distributed management approach is taken to design the database, for the need of the data center.This dissertation is supported by the project of Kunming land use planning management information system. The main conclusions are elaborated as follows:(1) to probe the flow process of prefecture-, county-and township-level land use planning and management deeply. The main object of work involved in land use planning and management were analyzed, the rules and models of flow process were discussed, and the logical relationship in all levels of land-use planning and management departments were rationalized. It also identify the modeling of land use planning and management department in prefecture-, county-and township-level levels. At the same time, in order to ensure the specific management area, practical function and fluent information circulation, the logical relationship between existing information systems and other management systems used by other departments is also need be sorted out.(2) to integrated research the models of prefecture-, county-and township-level land use planning and management and the methods of data exchange. The land-use planning and management system in prefecture-, county-and township-level were integratedly designed based on the object-oriented analysis, combining the analysis results of land planning and management business process. According to different effect and function, different content and right, the system designs the focus of contents of planning and management in prefecture level, and focus of managing the projects in county level.(3) to build prefecture-, county-and township-level integrated land use planning and management information system. This paper proposed prefecture-, county-level land-use planning framework for integrated design management information systems, software and hardware configuration, workflow management, system security management solution. Using the data center building ideas and taking a combination of centralized and distributed management approach to database design the use of object-oriented design, UML modeling, GIS component technology development, it successfully design and build the prefecture-, county-and township level integrated land planning and management information systems.(4) when operating the system, it proved to be operational and practical by the large amounts of data tests of modules of development, planning results-based management, city and county construction projects land use approval, planned change management, statistical analysis, decision analysis and business process management.This thesis indicated it is reasonable to reconstruct integrated prefecture-, county-and township-level land use planning flow process based on information management, data exchange and sharing method is also practical, and the two-tier system designed is feasible to achieve the research target. The proposed method, to improve land use planning and management level of sharing and interoperability, provide a viable new way. Finally parts of the research results proposed in this thesis have been adopted by Kunming City Bureau of Land.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期