

Study on Carbonate Reservoir and Productivity Evaluation in the Tazhong Oil/Gas Field, NW China

【作者】 邓兴梁

【导师】 舒良树; 刘建勋;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 构造地质学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 碳酸盐岩油气藏在世界油气的储量和产量上均位居第一,是最受各国重视的研究对象。我国分布有大面积的碳酸盐岩地层,在碳酸盐岩油气藏的地质研究方面存在着巨大的创新空间。国内较早从事碳酸盐岩油气藏开发的有华北油田、四川地区的油气田,取得了显著的研究成果,促进了我国碳酸盐岩油气藏的研究进程。塔里木盆地56万平方千米,有利于碳酸盐岩油气勘探的面积达14万平方千米,主要发育在寒武系-奥陶系;第三次资评油气资源量30.43亿吨,目前探明+控制+预测油气储量达16.39亿吨,占塔里木油田储量的一半。塔里木碳酸盐岩油气勘探已取得了巨大成功,其中2006年塔中82井在奥陶系试油获日产油当量1000吨,被评为当年全球“十大油气发现”之一;但由于开发评价技术不成熟,制约着碳酸盐岩油气田的规模开发,目前产量只占塔里木油田原油产量8%。塔里木碳酸盐岩油气田主要分布塔北隆起及塔中隆起,油气一是沿不整合面分布,形成大面积分布的准层状油气田;二是油气沿坡折带礁滩体分布,形成大型条带状油气田。塔中碳酸盐岩油气田是上述两种类型都有,可作为解剖的典型。为了加快碳酸盐岩的开发,国家还在塔中设立了《塔里木盆地大型碳酸盐岩油气田勘探开发示范工程》。在碳酸盐岩开发过程中,首先要论证油气年产规模,规模偏大会造成投资的巨大浪费。论证过程中最主要是论证动用地质储量及单井合理产能。砂岩开发规模的确定一般采取探明地质储量乘以采油气速度得出产能规模;国内四川等地及国外中东中亚的碳酸盐岩油气藏基本上也是用这种方法;以前塔里木油田碳酸盐岩油气藏开发方案编制过程中基本上也是这样做:如轮古油田某区块用这种方法方案设计峰值年产油27.7万吨,实际高峰年产油只有16.8万吨,造成10万吨地面处理装置闲置,严重影响油田开发决策,制约塔里木碳酸盐岩油气大开发。常规方法在塔里木碳酸盐岩不适用,主要是塔里木碳酸盐岩储集空间类型是缝洞型(大洞大缝),平面上呈团块状或星点状分布;国内其他油气田及国外的主要是裂缝一孔隙型,平面基本呈连续性分布,与砂岩有一定相似性。塔中碳酸盐岩油气藏钻井证实,打在缝洞里,可获工业油气,在缝洞外均是干井,预示着缝洞里的储量是可动用的。缝洞储层预测前人已做了很多。本文更进一步把产量引入储层预测中,在平面上把高产区、中低产区划分出来,从而实现了更精确地评价油气储量及产能。在方法学上是一创新。在塔中I号气田东部试验区方案编制过程中用了这一技术,与试采、地震资料相结合,把能动用的储量估算出来,再确定开发规模。具体作法如下:(1)利用钻井、测井、试油、试采资料对井进行分类。分三类:高产井、中低产井、干井:(2)分析这三类井的地震响应特征:高产井地震剖面有强异常,中低产井地震有中-弱异常,干井地震有小的异常或没有异常。根据预测结果对储层进行分区:分为高产区、中低产区及非储层区;(3)计算高产区及低产区油气储量:试验区高产区气储量为237.32亿方,油储量为2155.17万吨;中低产区气储量为142.12亿方,油储量为1045.36万吨;总计可动用地质储量天然气379.44亿方,油3200.53万吨,根据这一储量该区可建成年产天然气10亿方左右。并且分区分类进行了产能评价。碳酸盐岩分区分类评价解决了塔里木碳酸盐岩油气藏开发前的评价问题,这一技术已推广到整个盆地。塔中I号气田东部试验区2010年底已建成投产,油气当量达100万吨;塔里木碳酸盐岩油气藏2010年年产原油也突破100万吨大关,踏上规模开发的步子。

【Abstract】 Carbonate reservoir development of the earliest are Huabei Oilfield, Sichuan Province, the two parts of the carbonate reservoir spaces are mainly fractured-porous, Tazhong carbonate reservoir main types of reservoir space is vuggy, geological characteristics of the differences led to the development facing different challenges. In the development of carbonate rocks,the use of reserves is a difficult determination, Influence the determination of the size of the development. The determination of the size of sandstone generally taken to the proved reserves multiplied by the oil and gas production rate reached production scale, such as Sichuan, carbonate reservoirs are basically in this way, before the Tarim Oilfield carbonate reservoir development plan preparation process in basically to do so. Carbonate reservoir is now turned over to the proved reserves by homogeneous reservoir model, with the volume method. Before entering the development stage if use the manner of sandstone, with the proven reserves multiplied by oil and gas production rate to determine the size, which is different of the program after the implementation:for in the block of Lungu oilfield use in this way the peak annual output of277,000tons of oil,The actual peak annual output of only168,000tons of oil. In eastern test area of the Tazhong I gasfield proved reserves113.35billion cubic metres,48.65million tons of condensate, such as the methods used sandstone gas multiplied by the gas producing rate of2%(by use of gas reserves in the general rate of2-3%), the area will be built with an annual output of natural gas is about two billion cubic metres, the scale of the experience affirmed by serious too large, the ground construction such as this will cause a huge waste.This paper argues that in determining the scale of the process of development to consider the heterogeneity of carbonate problem, to evaluate the quality of their reserves, in the eastern test area of the Tazhong I gasfield, the programming process using this technology, and production test, combination of seismic data, the use of reserves can be estimated, and then determine the scale of development. Concrete methods are as follows:(1) the use of drilling, logging, testing, test data to classify the wells.Three types:the high-yield wells、 the low-yielding wells、the dry wells;(2) analyze the seismic response characteristics of three types of wells:the high-yield wells has a strong seismic anomaly, the low-yield wells in earthquakes-weak anomaly, the dry wells have small earthquakes abnormal or not abnormal. According to the results of reservoir prediction which partition the reservoir:divided into high-yielding areas, the low-producing and non-reservoir areas;(3) Calculate the high and low-producing oil and gas reservesin the test area:the reserves of the high-yield area was23.73billion cubic metres,oil reserves was21.55million tons; in low areas to14.21billion cubic metres gas reserves, oil reserves of10.45million tons; total geological reserves of natural gas available to37.94billion cubic metres, oil32.01million tons, according to the reserves can be built in the area Natural gas production of about one billion cubic metres.Zoning classification and evaluation of the production capacity. High yield region Lianglitage vertical wells production allocation100,000-150,000cubic metres per day, horizontal wells of the production is twice vertical wells200,000-300,000cubic metres per day; in low-producing areas vertical wells production allocation of25,000cubic metres per day,which based on the production data and the stable time of predication, horizontal wells of the production is three times vertical wells.Tazhong83block based on IPR curve to determine vertical wells and horizontal wells production which are200,000cubic metres per day.According to this idea to solve the Tarim carbonate reservoir evaluation before development issues, effectively guideing the development construction of carbonate reservoir. In eastern test area of the Tazhong I gasfield have been completed and put into production in the end of2010, oil and gas production reached one million tons; Tarim carbonate reservoir with an annual output of crude oil has exceeded one million tons in2010, set foot on the scale of development steps.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期