

Territorial Division of Labour and Spatial Pattern of Urbanization in the Context of Globalization

【作者】 李少星

【导师】 顾朝林;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 城市与区域规划, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪中末期以来,技术进步与制度创新扫除了生产要素和产品跨国流动的障碍,推动了经济全球化不断向前发展,最终形成了规模宏大的全球生产网络。全球生产网络的形成,使产品价值链在全球范围内实现重构,对国际劳动地域分工的格局、形态以及分工关系均产生重大影响,对中国城市化的影响既有机遇,又存在挑战。一方面,参与外部分工的过程在使城市化过程获得重要动力源的同时,也使中国的城市化过程对发达经济体产生越来越明显的依附性,由此带来城市化过程的脆弱性。另一方面,内部分工的整合性和调控过程对城市化的空间格局施加重要作用,并影响其可持续发展。因此,有必要进一步探讨当前地域分工演进的基本特征、对城市化空间格局的影响效应及其作用机理。本文综合运用地理学、经济学和管理学的相关理论与方法,初步构建了“经济全球化——新的地域分工——新的城市化空间格局”的分析框架;在其基础上,以长江三角洲地区为例,对全球化背景下新地域分工的格局特征及其空间过程、新的城市化空间格局及其演化脉络进行定性和定量的研究,并进一步探讨地域分工演进对城市化空间格局演变的影响机制,总结了一般机理和相关模式。全文共分三个部分。第一部分是研究绪论、国内外研究进展和论文的研究框架。第一章绪论部分对研究范畴和相关概念进行界定,论述了本文的研究背景与意义,提出了研究的主要内容、基本的研究视角和技术路线。第二章对国内外研究进展进行综述,主要从全球化研究、新地域分工研究、新城市化空间格局、城市与区域研究框架以及主要的研究方法等方面把握了国内外的进展概况。在前两章的基础上,第三章提出了本文的基本研究框架。首先,描述了全球化背景下地域分工演进的主要维度,即从尺度、形态和关系三方面掌握地域分工演进的动态;其次,从宏观、中观、微观三个不同尺度水平概览了当前出现的新的城市化空间形式,包括巨型区域、多中心都市区和边缘城市等,并介绍了其相关研究进展;第三,在新地域分工与新的城市化空间格局间建立因果联系,初步探讨了地域分工演进对城市化空间格局形成的影响与机制,以构成本文的研究基础。第二部分是以长江三角洲地区为案例,探讨新地域分工、新城市化空间格局以及二者间的作用机制与模式。第四章对全球化背景下长江三角洲地区地域分工在三个维度上的格局特征与空间演化过程进行研究。首先,确定了长江三角洲地区的地域范围,即江苏、浙江和上海两省一市的行政地域范围。其次,利用对外出口数据表征了长江三角洲参与全球分工的态势,利用区域产品盈余指数表达长江三角洲内部地域间分工的变动过程。总体上看,长江三角洲“去地域化”的尺度重组战略非常明显。地域化的程度在苏南、浙东北和上海等区域变得越来越低,使这种尺度结构并不稳定。另一方面,研究区域内部去地域化程度的趋向于均衡和地域化程度的差异性表现使长江三角洲地区呈现出尺度重组的独特过程。第三,以汽车产业为例对产品内地域分工进行实证研究。先是把汽车产业链划分为研发设计、一般零部件制造、总成与分总成、整车制造与改装、品牌营销与管理等5个生产区段;然后,将各生产区段在各地区的生产产值汇入地图,据此概括研究区域产品内地域分工的特点。长江三角洲的实证表明,从对20世纪末期到现在,地域分工的形态和内容已经表现出一定的新变化,低区段生产单元的空间布局更加分散,且扩散的方向主要表现为近域扩散,温台地区和杭绍地区的体现较为明显。第四,采用协整性检验、Grange因果检验等计量经济方法,对发展中地区与发达地区间的不平等分工产生的后果进行定量分析,主要验证了不平等分工中形成的区域发展脆弱性后果、结构锁定后果和生产环境后果。计量结果显示,经济增长和第二产业发展对对外出口已经产生一定的依赖性,且表现为长期均衡和单向的因果关系;区域在低区段的分工通过不同的传导路径导致了其进入“比较优势陷阱”;研究区域的对外出口增长在一定程度上会带来污染物排放的增加。第五章在不同尺度上探讨了长江三角洲地区新的城市化空间格局。首先,借鉴国外Mega-Region的基本思路和理念,对长江三角洲地区进行实证研究。基于生产性服务业在中心城市集聚、制造业向外围扩散、并因此而产生地域间密切的相互联系和彼此依赖关系的理论框架下,探讨了Mega-Region的边界界定方法。在此基础上,研究了边界的变化过程和各个时期的格局特征。其次,以上海都市区为例,构造了都市区发展的多中心指数,综合运用统计指标对上海都市区的人口和就业的多中心程度进行刻画。研究认为,上海都市区的多中心程度不断提高,归因于浦东新区、闵行、宝山、嘉定等地的迅速发展。而后,以上海市中心城区和边缘城市为例,研究了长江三角洲地区城市化微观格局的发展特征。辨别了上海市周边的边缘城市,而后以上海市嘉定区为例,梳理了其发展和成长的脉络,描述了这一边缘城市规模性、独立性和专业性的基本特点。针对地域分工和城市化空间格局的机理与模式,第六章进行了总结。本文认为,新的地域分工形态使大城市周边的新城获得发展机会,得到快速成长;地域分工的多尺度叠加则使多中心的都市区成为一个稳定的空间结构,也使巨型城市通过中心城市的多中心化得到实现;而在区域尺度分工、区域之间密集联系和区域关系演变的基础上,大尺度的城市化空间形态最终形成。这一过程的发展依赖于外围驱动要素和核心驱动要素对城市化空间格局演变一般过程的影响。最后,总结提出了长江三角洲地区城市化空间格局形成过程的一般模式。第三部分是结论部分,对全文进行总结,提炼出本文的主要结论和创新点,对今后研究做出展望。本文的创新点在于:(1)构建了“经济全球化——新地域分工——新城市化空间格局”的分析框架,提供一个当代中国城市化空间格局研究的可行思路:(2)对全球化背景下地域分工的产品内形式进行了实证研究,且得到了较为理想的结论;(3)对Mega-Region进行了实证研究,探讨了其界定方法和发展特征。

【Abstract】 Since the late20th century, technological progress and institutional innovation eliminate the obstacles to cross-border flows of productive factors and the products, and promote the continuous development of economic globalization, and ultimately a large-scale global production network is formed. Further, the formation of global production networks achieves a global reconfiguration of the product value chains, which has a major impact on the structure, form and relation of the international division of labor. For China, the model of new international division of spatial labor at least has three characteristics. First, the transition of territorial division of labor is from the domestic division at regional scale to the territorial division of labor at the global-scale. Second, the territorial specialization of inter-industry and intra-industry are shifted into intra-product specialization, which highlights the division and cooperation in accordance with the value chains in the same product. Third, the evolution of international and domestic division results in new spatial relationships. In the context of globalization, the evolution of the spatial division presents opportunities and challenges to the long-term development of China’s urbanization. On the one hand, foreign investment and exports have become important power sources of the rapid expansion of the city size, and correspondingly, the transformation of urban functions is also advanced rapidly. On the other hand, it has become increasingly obvious that China’s urbanization dependents on the developed economies, which in turn cause the urbanization process frailly and unsustainably. Consequently, it is necessary to further explore the basic characteristics of the evolution of current spatial division of labor and its influence on the spatial pattern of urbanization and the mechanisms of how it works.Comprehensively using related theories and methods of geography, economics and management science, this thesis constructs a consecution of "economic globalization——new territorial division of labor——new spatial pattern of urbanization". Basing on the above and taking the Yangtze River Delta for example, the thesis exerts qualitative and quantitative researches analyzing the pattern characteristics and the spatial process of new territorial division of labor and the new spatial pattern of urbanization and its evolution, and further studies the influential mechanisms how the evolution of territorial division of labor works on the transformation of spatial pattern of China’s urbanization, and then concludes several general mechanisms and related models. This thesis consists of three sections.Section I includes introduction and the research progress at home and abroad and the research framework of the thesis. The introduction of chapter1defines the research objects and relevant concepts, and presents the research background and its significance and puts forwards the main contents of the study, basic research perspective and technological route. Chapter2overviews and grasps the main research progress at home and abroad, including the research on globalization, the research on new spatial division of labor, the study framework of cities and regions and related research methods, etc. Basing on the above, chapter3proposes a fundamental research framework for this thesis. It is firstly describing the main dimensions of the evolution of territorial division in the context of globalization, that is, from the scale, form and relationships to master the dynamics of evolution of the territorial division. Second, from the macro, medium and micro levels of the three different scales, the thesis overviews and introduces the current emergence of new forms of urban space, such as Mega-City Region, Mega-Region and multi-centered Metropolitan area, Edge city. At the end of the chapter establishes a causal link between new territorial division of labor and new spatial patterns of urbanization, and probes into the influences and mechanisms how the evolution of territorial division of labor works on the transformation of spatial pattern of urbanization, which constitute a basis for further study in this thesis.Section II studies the new territorial division of labor and the new spatial pattern of urbanization and the mechanisms and models between them, taking the Yangtze River Delta as the example. Chapter4observes the pattern characteristics of the territorial division of labor and the spatial process evolution in three aspects in the Yangtze River Delta region. First, the geographical scope of the controversial Yangtze River Delta area is identified to be composed of two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang and one municipality of Shanghai. Second, export data is selected to measure the extent of Yangtze River Delta taking part in the international division of labor, and the regional product surplus index is constituted to reflect the internal changes of territorial division of labor in Yangtze River Delta area. It is found that within the Yangtze River Delta area all regions are actively promoting the scale-oriented restructuring so as to be fused into globalization, but also there are obvious geographical differences.Overall, the strategic scale-oriented restructuring of "deterritorialisation" is evident in Yangtze River Delta area in which exports size and the degree of dependence on foreign trade develop promptly. But the development is not based on the geographical response of the adjustment policy. Instead, the extent of regionalization in the south of Jiangsu, northeast of Zhejiang and Shanghai has become increasingly low, which may affect the future development of globalization in the region and make the structure of this scale is unstable. And there is a unique process of scale-reorganization in the Yangtze River Delta motivated by the geographical balance of deterritorialisation and the diversity of territorialisation. Third, owing to its organizational structure and the circuitous industry chain, the automobile industry is chosen as the empirical research to study the territorial intra-product specialization. At first, the automobile industry chain is divided into5production sectors:R&D design, general parts and components manufacturing, assembly and sub-assembly, vehicle manufacturing and conversion, brand marketing and management. Then it is analyzing the spatial structure and evolution of the trend and sum up the characteristics of territorial intra-product specialization by horizontal and vertical contrasts of the total production values of every production sector linked into the map. The study of Yangtze River Delta area indicates that from the late20th century to the present, the forms and contents of territorial division of labor have shown some new changes. The spatial distribution of low-sector production units become more dispersed and spread into the surrounding areas mostly. Simultaneously, there are two main geographical relations between low-sector and high-sector. One is geographical superposition with local combination of different sectors, and the other is a combination of proximity, the representative of Wenzhou-Taizhou area and Hangzhou-Shaoxing area. In addition, the trend of territorial intra-product specialization is not very clear based on the county-level units. Using econometric methods such as cointegration analysis and Grange causality test, the fourth quantitatively analyzes the outcome caused by uneven division of labor between developing regions and developed regions and validates the consequences of vulnerability of regional development and structure-locked and production environment. The results show that economic growth and the development of secondary industry dependent on exports, exhibiting a long-run equilibrium and one-way causal relationship, and the influential coefficient reaches0.72and0.71separately that fluctuation of regional exports impacts the GDP and the added value of the secondary industry. Territorial division of labor in low-sector production in a region leads it into the "trap of comparative advantage" through different transmit route. To a certain extent, the study area’s export growth brings about the increase of pollutant emissions. Chapter5argues the new spatial pattern of urbanization at varied scales. After discriminating the main concepts and considering the development characteristics of the Yangtze River Delta area, it is firstly determining the key applicable concepts for the study area. Then the thesis discerns the edge cities neighboring Shanghai, and taking Jiading district of Shanghai as a case, depicts the history of the city’s growth and transformation and the characteristics of its development. Third, the multi-center index of metropolitan development is constructed and used to portray the extent of population and employment multi-center in Metropolitan Shanghai. It shows that metropolitan Shanghai, has a growing degree of multi-center, especially in the Pudong New Area, Minhang, Baoshan, Jiading. It is finally empirical research on Yangtze River Delta area making use of the idea and concept of Mega-Region from abroad. The methods of how to define the borders of Mega-Region are from the theoretical framework that produce services concentrate in urban centers and manufacturing spread to the periphery and thus result in inter-regional linkages and close relations with each other. Subsequently, the thesis studies the transformation process of the borders and the spatial structures in different periods. Chapter6draws conclusion that new form of territorial division of labor gives the new cities surrounding big cities opportunities to develop fast, and the superposition of multi-scale of territorial division of labor benefits the stability of spatial structure of the metropolitan city with multi-center, large-scale spatial patterns of urbanization is ultimately formed on the foundation of territorial division of labor, intensive contact of inter-regions and the evolution of regional relations. All of these rely on the external and core drive factors acting on the general process of the spatial pattern of urbanization. The end of the chapter summarizes the general pattern of spatial structure formation of urbanization in Yangtze River Delta.Section III is the conclusion of the thesis. It summarizes the full text and extracts the innovation points and make prospects for future research.The thesis makes progress in the following three aspects:(1) A consecution of "economic globalization——new territorial division of labor——new spatial pattern of urbanization" is constructed, and then leads into a possible idea to study contemporary Chinese urbanization patterns;(2) It is creative to do a empirical research on the intra-product specialization in the context of globalization and receive satisfactory conclusions;(3) An empirical study is carried out on the concept of Mega-Region, probing into the methods of defining it and the its development characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期