

Studies of the Evolution and Trends of China’s Environmental Law

【作者】 张庆彩

【导师】 计秋枫;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 国际关系史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 中国环境政策法律的历史演进,追随着国际环保浪潮,与中国环保事业的发展如影随形,成为中国恢复联合国合法席位后,改革开放、融入国际社会历程中,国家在环保领域成长的一个缩影与见证。中国环境立法成就斐然,但实施绩效却捉襟见肘,中国正面临环境问题逼近安全底线的危机。在环境安全日益广受关注的当代,中国环境问题已成为国际社会注目的焦点,存在被“安全化他者”的高风险性。中国严峻的环境形势表明,尽管中国环保事业立法先行、理念先进,力图避免走上发达国家“先污染后治理”的工业化老路,但总体上仍然重复了类似的道路。如何辩证看待并客观评价中国环境法治与环保事业发展的成就与不足,进而探求其提升之道,是从源头上化解“中国环境威胁论”,促进中国环保的历史性转型、保障国家环境安全、探求中国特色的环保新路的一个现实而紧迫的重大课题。尽管环境安全的概念已深入人心,但同可持续发展、环境正义对环境法的影响程度相比,环境安全对环境法的产生、发展及趋势的影响,尚未得到足够地探讨和重视。环境安全在国际关系领域,具有科学、政治和战略上的多重性质,环境安全是分析环境法治演进及趋势的有价值的概念工具。论文以国际环境规范的生命周期为框架,以环境安全与环境法的演变及趋势为主线,通过国际比较,探究当代中国环境法治建构的历程、特点及不足,从而探索其绩效提升之路径。导论部分概述研究的主要内容、思路框架、结构安排和选题的使用材料来源,以及可能的创新点及其不足。第一章探讨环境安全与环境法治的历史演变及其理论基础。第二章运用建构主义的规范生命周期与规范扩散理论、哥本哈根学派的安全化与去安全化理论、环境法学、可持续发展等相关理论,从国内与国际互动沟通两个层面,综合理性选择与社会建构两个方面,将中国环境立法与环境安全的演变历程,融入国际环境法律规范的兴起、普及、内化及进化的四个阶段进行考察和论述。第三章在论述美、日、欧盟、印度、巴西、非洲等国的环境法治与环境安全基础上,将美、日、欧盟的环境法治同中国进行比较,并从上述各国的生态足迹、环境责任和环境资源绩效三方面,展开国际比较,阐述环境安全与环境法治的趋势。第四章从分析环境安全与演进中的国际环境法治着手,探讨环境安全与当今中国环境法治的成就和不足、趋势及转型,并通过对中国参与哥本哈根气候谈判的博弈分析,阐述中国在未来气候谈判中的策略及其展望。结语部分对中国和平发展、环境安全与环境法治进行探讨,阐明实现中国环境安全战略目标的对策措施及进一步研究的方向。研究认为,环境法是客观环境危机与人类主观制度文明应对的产物。环境安全是环境法律规范兴起、普及、内化及进化的根本动力,高绩效的环境法治与环境安全保障同环境质量改善是高度相关的。在全球环境治理中,国际环境法正以一种结构性和嵌入性的方式实现环境保护。自1972年人类环境会议以来,国际环境法的兴起、普及、内化及进化为中国环境法的开创、成长、发展及完善提供了国际推动力。世界环保潮流的影响势不可挡,但它必须通过中国内部的因素才能发挥作用。顺应国际环保浪潮、积极主动与世界接轨的中国环境法,是中国在国际社会化进程中,积极认知全球环境问题和学习、借鉴国际经验,并应用于国内环保实践,政府自上而下建构的产物。与中国环境法是外发自觉建构、以外促内地生成路径不同,发达国家环境法是内生自发建构的产物,并向外传播、示范和扩散。这充分反映了中国环境法制构建中,国家力量强而社会力量弱的现实。因而,培育公民的环境意识、倡导企业的环境责任,探索保障社会公众民主、有序参与环保的法律渠道,促进法律移植和本土化之间的磨合与建构,实现外来规范与本土规范的兼容与同构,寻求环境、发展与安全之间的平衡与协调,走出“违法成本低、守法成本高、执法成本更高”的环境治理困境,正是提升中国环境法治绩效的根本之道。中国环境法的生成、演进及趋势,伴随着中国逐步融入国际社会,是国家改变自己、参与并影响世界的历程。随着中国崛起、加速融入世界,中国已从国际环境法治的初学者演变为主要参与者和推动者。全球环境安全的危机状态与中国自身脆弱的资源环境国情,是促进中国环境法治绩效提升并走向历史性转型的外在压力与内生动力。国际环境安全的整体性将推动环境法治的全球性趋同。改革开放以来,尽管面临经济发展与人口资源环境的矛盾日益突出以及全球环境危机不断加剧等多重、独特的压力,但中国在人均GDP不到1000美元的水平上,基本保障了国家环境安全,环境法制为经济建设提供了支撑。作为后发工业化的发展中大国,在全球面临环境危机的当代,中国理应承担与自身发展水平和综合国力相适应的国际责任。中国的环境安全压力远超出其他国家,发达国家上百年工业化过程中分阶段出现的环境问题,在当今中国30多年的快速发展中集中显现。与发达国家相比,如果占世界人口五分之一的中国,在其工业化、城市化和现代化进程中,解决了本国的可持续发展与环境安全问题,就是对世界和平发展的最大贡献。北京奥运与上海世博的成功举办,传递着中国绿色发展的理念。在全球向低碳经济转型的生态文明时代,中国国际关系的话语权将与其国内环境法治的历史性转型所产生的国际影响力同步增长。

【Abstract】 The historical evolution of China’s environmental policies and laws, following the environmental protection movement of the international community, and going hand in hand with the development of China’s environmental protection, as China resumed membership in the UN, with the reform and opening up and the historical process of integration into the international community, have been a miniature and witness of China’s growth in the field of environmental protection. China’s environmental legislation has achieved striking success, but the performance of the implementation has too many problems to deal with in the cart, and it faces environmental problems approaching the crisis of security baseline. Since the concept of environmental security has been profoundly known today, China’s environmental problems have become the focus of attention of the international community, and there will be high risk of "securitization of the other". Even though China’s environmental protection has been legislation first and concept art, trying to avoid developed countries’old road of "treatment after pollution", the grim reality of China’s environmental security situation says that overall it still repeats a similar path. How to make a dialectic and objective assessment to achievements and shortcomings of China’s environmental laws and environmental protection career, and then to explore the upgrading road have been a real and pressing issue to resolve "China’s environmental threat" from the source, to promote China’s historic transformation of environmental protection, to protect national environmental security, and to explore the new environmental protection road of China’s characteristics.Although the concept of environmental security has been firmly established, but compared with sustainable development and environmental justice, its impact on the birth, development and trends of the environment law, has not yet been sufficiently explored and paid attention. The concept of environmental security in the field of international relations has the multiple nature of scientific, political and strategic, so environmental security is a valuable conceptual tool to analyze the evolution and trends of environmental law norms. Based on the mainline of the evolution and trends of the environmental security and environmental law, under the framework of international environmental norms’life cycle, and by international comparison, the paper is to study the course, characteristics and shortcomings of the construction of China’s environmental law today and then to explore the way to improve its performance. Introduction of the paper outlines the main content, ideas, frameworks, structural arrangements and the topic of material source used, and possibly its innovation and lack. The first chapter discusses the theory of environmental security and environmental law and its historical evolution. Chapter Ⅱ elaborates the evolution of China’s environmental legislation and environmental security in the four stages of the rise, popularity, internalization and evolution of the international environmental norms, using the theory of normative life cycle and constructivism norm diffusion, the security theory of the Copenhagen School, the theory of environmental law, and the theory of sustainable development, through interactive communication from both domestic and international levels, and by two aspects of comprehensive rational choice and social construction. The third chapter firstly discusses the environmental law and environmental security of the United States, Japan, the European Union, India, Brazil, Africa and other countries, and secondly compares environmental law of the United States, Japan, EU with China, and thirdly expounds the trends of environmental security and environmental law based on the international comparison from three areas of ecological footprint, environmental responsibility and performance of environmental resources among the above countries. The fourth chapter first analyzes the evolution of environmental security and international environmental law, and then explores achievements and shortcomings of China’s environmental law today and its trend and transformation, and next through China’s participation in the game of climate negotiations in Copenhagen, describes China’s strategy and the outlook for future climate negotiations. The conclusion part discusses China’s peaceful development, environmental security and environmental law, and clarifies the countermeasures of strategic objectives to achieve China’s environmental security and further research.Studies suggest that environmental law is an objective environmental crisis and human subjective responses from the civilization of institution. Environmental security is the fundamental driving force of the rise, popularity, internalization and evolution of environmental laws, and high-performance environmental security and environmental laws to improve environmental quality are highly correlated. In global environmental governance, international environmental law is embedded in a structured way to achieve environmental protection. Since the conference on Human Environment in1972, the rise, popularity, internalization and evolution of international environmental law has provided an international impetus on the construction of China’s environmental law accompanied by the start, development and gradually improved in this process. The impact of the world trend of environmental protection is overwhelming, but it must be through the Chinese internal factors to play a role. Conforming to international environmental protection movement, and actively with the world standards, China’s environmental law is a government top-down construction product in the process of the international community, with the positive cognitive and studying global environmental issues, drawing on international experience and practical application of domestic environmental protection. China’s Environmental Law has been consciously built by the government outward and generated outside China, which is different from developed countries’ environmental law that is the product of spontaneous construction, and then to spread, demonstrate and diffuse. These fully reflect the realities of strong national power bur weak social forces in the construction of China’s environmental legal system. Therefore, to foster citizens’awareness of environment and to advocate enterprises’environmental responsibility, and to explore the democratic, legal and orderly channels of the public participation in environmental protection, and to promote the run and construction of legal migration and localization, and to realize the compatibility and isomorphism of foreign norms and local norms, and to seek the balance and coordination for development, environment, and security, and to step out the plight of environmental governance of the "low illegal costs, high compliance costs, enforcement costs even higher", are the fundamental ways to enhance the performance of China’s environmental law. Generation, evolution and trends of China’s environmental law, along with China to integrate gradually into the international community, is the course of a nation to change themselves, to join and influence on the world. With the rise of China, and to accelerate integration into the world, China has moved from beginners of international environmental law into a major player and promoter. The crisis of global environmental security and China’s own fragile state of resources and environmental conditions, are an external pressure and endogenous motivation to promote the performance and the historic transformation of China’s environmental law. The integrity of the international environmental security will promote the global convergence of environmental laws.Since the reform and opening up, despite the unique pressure of its economic development and population resources and environment have become increasingly prominent, and with the multiple global environmental crisis intensified, China’s environmental law has provided support for economic development and the basic safeguard of the national environmental security by less than1,000U.S. dollars of China’s GDP per capita level. As a large developing country of industrialization latecomer, in the contemporary of environmental crisis facing the world, China should undertake international responsibility by its own level of development and comprehensive national strength. China’s environmental security pressure is far beyond other countries, because the environmental problems of the industrialized countries that had occurred in phases over the course of a century have emerged in China today concentrated during more than30years’ rapid development. Compared with developed countries, if one-fifth of the world’s population, China, in its industrialization, urbanization and modernization process, to solve the country’s sustainable development and environmental security is of the greatest contributions to world peace and development. Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Exposition’s success has conveyed the idea of green development in China. In the global ecological civilization of transition to a low carbon economy, the Chinese discourse of international relations will simultaneously arise from the growth of international influence on its historical transformation of the rule of the domestic environmental law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】D922.68
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1566