

Conceiving the Ethic Basis of CSR of China

【作者】 吴颖

【导师】 徐小跃;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 宗教学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 企业家社会责任是一个聚讼纷纭的概念,围绕其概念、范围、特质、理论依据的争论至今仍然莫衷一是。1998年的诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿玛蒂亚·森在他的著作中说过这样一句话:任何人的行为都是在一定的伦理背景下进行的。面对CSR的种种争议,我们不禁要问,处于中西不同伦理背景下的人们看待CSR是否会不同?在不同文化伦理支撑下,CSR能否摆脱不同方案轮流坐庄的策略性的格局?而这些文化伦理框架又会使CSR在实践意义上形成怎样的不同路径?西方的企业家社会责任有其生长的文化土壤,中国只能借鉴,不能照搬。企业家社会责任的文化基础在中国必然有自己的内容。中国传统文化的儒、释、道中均有丰富的社会责任观念,这里仅以对中国产生深远影响的孔孟伦理为例,来探究中国企业家社会责任文化基础之构建的问题。基于以上理解,本文以企业家为行为主体,从义利观、良心观、仁礼之道和爱物观四个方面探讨了孔孟伦理作为中国企业家社会责任的文化基础的构建问题。第一章主要阐述了孔孟的义利观与中国企业家社会责任。基于中国企业社会责任理论必须建立在本土的文化伦理之上的认识,孔孟的义利观是构建中国企业家社会责任的文化基础之一。孔孟的义利观的主要相关范畴有“义以生利”、“义以为上”;“君子人格”和“修己安人之道”等。在简述这些范畴内涵的基础上,作者从“企业家”、“企业的企业家”、“社会的企业家”三个层次,对构建中国企业家的义利观理论做了尝试。第二章主要阐述了孔孟的良心观与中国企业家的社会责任。良心是个人对自己应尽的社会义务和社会责任的主观认同,是个人的自我意识在道德方面的表现,是个人以自律的形式沉淀下来的道德判断力和自制力。良心作为道德主体内心的道德法庭,在规范企业家的行为中起着巨大的作用。可以说,没有了良心,社会责任便无从谈起。作者梳理了孔孟伦理中关于良心的纠错、选择、监督、评价的四个方面,从“疚与耻”、“所由和所安”、“省和察”、“善和贤”这些范畴阐明了孔孟良心观的精义。同时,在孔孟看来,良心虽然是天赋的善端,但是容易因为欲望的牵连而导致后天德性放失兽性主导,大体不养而小体先立,或者是因为环境的影响而导致陷溺了本善之心。因此必须认识到良心的发展是一个过程,人们需要经过“存心与养气”、“养心莫善于寡欲”、“将四善端扩而充之”将仁义礼智四种善的萌芽保养和扩充开来。建立在前面分析的基础上,作者认为孔孟良心观的关键就是“与人为善”,因此作者从“与人为善”、“与国家和社会为善”、“与人类为善”三个层次阐述了中国企业家的良心观。第三章阐述了仁礼之道与中国企业家对人的责任。今天围绕企业展开的相关关系被定义为“利益相关者”,利益相关者理论承认企业是相互依存的各种关系的中心点,企业除了追求利润以外,还必须满足其他相关者的利益。鉴于现在利益相关者之间关系的恶化,作者认为必须以仁作为企业家的内在的修养、礼作为企业家行为的外在规范,企业家秉持执两用中的观念,找到规范性和人格感化的最佳结合点,努力把“和”的状态巧妙地控制在对利益相关者各方都有利的格局中。为此,这一章首先从“修己”、“尽己”、“安己”、“推己”论述了与此对应的不同角度的伦理责任,可以说,孔孟的“己”是在承担对群体的责任中凸显出来的,而这种伦理责任归结到一点,就是对人的价值的尊重。为此,企业家需要履行忠恕之道,注重心灵的沟通,将心比心地体恤他人,设身处地地为他人着想,使自身融入到一个更大的群体中去,培养集体感,投身公益事业,通过承担社会责任的方式和他人达成一种整体的和谐。这种仁爱之心的培养不是一蹴而就的事情,而是一个过程,需要持续不断的努力,尤其是不能将仁德作为谋取社会地位的手段,否则将造成富贵和仁德俱失的结果。此外,礼作为企业家承担社会责任的表达方式,担负着治人情和修人义、齐之以礼和养之成德的管理与伦理的双重责任。具体实行起来要“以和为贵”。第四章阐述了天人观与中国企业家对自然的责任。孔孟的天人合一观指的是天和人既相分又相合的辩证的统一。自然界具有独立于人的价值,生生不已就是自然界的内在目的。与人类中心主义者不同,孔孟教导企业家在自然万物面前,应该有博大的胸怀和仁厚的心,培养和大自然相处的伦理责任感。此外,孔孟伦理还给人与自然的环境伦理提供了方法论的指导。在这方面,孔孟提出的“执两用中”和“毋意、毋必、毋固、毋我”原则是良好的借鉴。作者从企业家与自然共存、企业家对自然生生不已的仁爱之心、企业家与自然之间的亲近关系、企业家对自然的爱护四个方面阐述了企业家对自然的责任。最后的小结部分,作者分别从孔孟伦理的群体主义价值取向、成己成人的人文宗旨、天人合一的整体关照阐明了孔孟伦理作为中国企业家社会责任的文化基础的特征。

【Abstract】 CSR is a controversial issue.The argues about its concept, range, characteristics and basis have not unified yet since now.Amartya Sen who won the1998Nobel Prise of economics has writed in his book that ever acting is in its ethical background.Affronting various controversy of CSR,we have to ask,whether people from different ethical background like east to west treat CSR differently?whether CSR will get rid of being the banker alternately in different cultural ethic. What kind of practical rountine these culture ethical frame will bring about?The CSR Of the west has its soil to grow,which the CSR of China could only use for reference instead of copy.The CSR of China has its own content.There is abundant concept in Confucianism,Daoism,and Buddism,and this paper trys to discuss the contural basis of the CSR taking the ethics of Confucius and Mencius as an example.On the basis of the above discussion,the author clarifies the contents of the ethic of Confucius and Mencius as cultural basis from4aspects.The first chapter discusses the relationship between the righteousness and benefit of Confucius and Mencius and CSR.The author argues that CSR of China should base on its own culture ethics.The point of view of righteousness and benefit of Confucius and Mencius.is one of the base of the CSR of China. The correlative categories of the point of view of Righteousness and benefit of Confucius and Mencius are "righteousness brings benefit","Righteousness comes first","personality of junzi" and the way of training oneself and consoling people.Based on the explaining of the categories,this paper trys to conceive the theory of CSR of China from three arrangements,"enterpriser","enterpriser of enterprise" and "enterpriser of society"The second chapter discusses the conscience of Confucius and Mencius and CSR.The conscience is the self-identity about obligation that one should do one’s duty and social responsibility,and is the behave of self-awareness in moral,and is the moral sense and self-government formative by self-discipline.The conscience as moral person’s inner courtroom,plays a great part in conform the behaviors of enterprisers.If there no conscience,then no CSR too.The author analyses the correcting,option, intendance and estimate of the conscience of Confucius and Mencius and set forth the meaning of the confucius of Confucius and Mencius from regret and shame, by what and is satisfied with what,self-examination and inspection,kingness and worthy.In Confucius and Mencius’s opinion, the conscience is born to be virtuous.but is easy to be involved in the desire and leads to be virtue absent and beastliness dominant,the more important part has not brought up and the less important part has brought up. So the development of conscience is a process,people need to keep mind and maintain temperament, and the best way to keep mind is few desire, and make4virtuous clues expansionary,like making4clues as ren yi li zhi expansionary.On the base on the analysis above, the author considers that the key of the conscience of Confucius and Mencius is treat people friendly, so the author clarifys the CSR obased on the conscience of Confucius and Mencius from3arrangement:treat people friendly,trreat country and society frendly, treat human frendly.The third chapter discusses the way of Ren-Li and CSR.Today the relationships arround enterprise is called the benefit interrelated, the theory admit enterprise is the central of various relationships, enterprise need to satisfy the relationships except pursue benefit. Whereas the labefaction of benefit interrelated, the author argues enterpriser should treat ren as their inner culture and li as their exterior criterion.The enterpriser stands in the middle of the road, and finds the best knited point of exterior criterion and personality reform,and do his best to make the benefit interrelated harmony.So the author trys to argue from self-cultured, do one’s endeavor, self-satisfied,self-extended to discuss different ethical duty,and the self of Confucius and Mencius is visualized by the responsibility of crowd,and to summarize to one point is respect the value of a person.So the enterpriser needs to carry out the way of zhongshu, pay attention to the communication of the mind,show solicitude for others from heart to heart,and is considerate to others, and make oneself conciliatory to a larger crowd, and bring up the sense of collectivity, devote into commonweal,make oneself harmony with others by responding to the social responsibility.To cultivate the heart of ren-ai does not accomplish in an action,but a process,which needs persistent endeavor,it is especially could not treat ren as a means of figuring for social status,then it will cause riches.honour and virtue disappear. Besides,li as the expession of CSR of China,takes on the double responsibility of attempering people’s feeling and arranging people’s position as well as arranging by li, fostering by de.And it should practise according to the principle that he comes first.The fourth chapter discusses view of Tian-Ren and the enterprise’s responsibility for nature.The meaning of tian ren he yi of Confucius and Mencius points to the tian and ren separated as well as correlational.The nature has its own motive which means growing endlessly.Different from human centralized, Confucius and Mencius enlighten enterprises should generous-minded, and broadminded, and bring up the sense of ethical responsibility together with nuture. Besides, the ethic of Confucius and Mencius offers methodology for the entironment ethic of people and nature. Confucius and Mencius advance middle of the road and no guess at random,no expectation that must realize, no behavior that insist on his own opinion, no heart self-serving which are the favourable use for reference. The author argues the responsibility for nature from4aspects:enterprises coexisting with nature, enterprises’ humanity toward naure which grows endlessly, familiar relationaship between enterprises and nature.The final is the part of summing-up.The author clarifies the characteristics of Confucius and Mencius as the basis of culture backgroud of CSR of China from tropism of crowd, help others to stand as well as accomplish oneself, tian ren which are interactional.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】B82-053
  • 【下载频次】244