

【作者】 巴克力·阿卜杜热西提

【导师】 阿不都热西提·亚库甫;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 古代维吾尔语医学文献在西域-中亚语文学研究中占有十分重要的地位。至今已发现的古代维吾尔语医学文献残片约有120件,其中77个残片原件现收藏于德国柏林勃兰登堡科学院吐鲁番研究中心,19个残片藏于俄罗斯科学院东方文献研究所圣彼得堡分所。这些文献中古代维吾尔文文献有29篇、婆罗米文文献有13篇、叙利亚文文献有一篇,其中还有用婆罗米文书写的梵语-古代维吾尔语双语医学文献残片古代维吾尔语医学文献中行数最多的有200多行,最少的也只有2-3行从文献的形制来看,有册子式、贝叶式和卷子式文献。大多数医学文献用半草书体和草书体写成。纯医学文献之外,部分佛教文献中也出现了一定数量的医学术语和医学内容的片段。古代维吾尔语医学文献所涉及的内容非常广泛,涵盖了古代维吾尔医学理论与实践。其内容包括各种疾病及其症状、诊断与治疗方法、药物调配与保藏等古代维吾尔医学的诸多方面。从这个意义来看,对古代维吾尔语医学文献进行全面而系统的研究,能为研究古代西域的医学传统、古代维吾尔医学理论与实践、古代维吾尔医学文化历史提供十分珍贵的原始材料。古代维吾尔语医学文献研究起始于20世纪初。早在1930-1932年间土耳其学者阿拉特对古代维吾尔语医学文献进行研究,出版了柏林所藏医学文献的转写、德文译文和注释,初步为对古代维吾尔语医学文献进行研究铺平了道路。在2007年和2008年,德国学者彼得·茨默和帝特·毛埃分别研究刊布了柏林收藏的其它一些医学文献。此后没有人对古代维吾尔语医学文献进行全面而系统的研究。这与在广度和深度上取得很大进展的西域-中亚语文学研究不相匹配。因此,以西域-中亚语文学研究的最新研究成果和研究方法为基础,对古代维吾尔语医学文献进行全面而系统的语文学研究成为了西域-中亚语文学研究中的当务之急。所以本文选定了96件医学文献残片和五篇非医学文献作为本题的研究对象,以古代维吾尔语医学文献的语文学研究作为研究的切入点,对古代维吾尔语医学文献从文献学和文献语言学的角度进行了转写、换写、汉语翻译和注释,科学地描写了所选医学文献语言的形态-句法特点和文献中所见医学术语的语义、结构特点和语言来源。全文由导论、正文、结论和附录四部分组成。导论部分简要论述了本题的选题依据和研究意义,分析并评述了国内外有关古代维吾尔语医学文献研究的相关成果,提出了本题研究中所采用的研究方法以及研究范围,最后列出了本文研究所使用的符号和缩略语。正文分四章,主要包括以下几个方面的内容:第一章古代维吾尔语医学文献及其分类本章首先对古代维吾尔语医学文献的发现、收藏现状和书写特点等进行了简述,然后在此基础上对选为本题研究对象的古代维吾尔语医学文献进行了文字分类、内容分类和原典分类。第二章古代维吾尔语医学文献的语文学研究本章根据文献的原典和内容特点把本题研究范围内的44篇医学文献分成五组,分别对它们进行了转写、换写、汉语翻译和词句注释。其中注释部分主要集中于词义注释、词源注释和形态-句法注释等方面。第三章古代维吾尔语医学文献语言的结构特点本章首先对古代维吾尔语医学文献语言的语音系统进行了较为全面的语音学和音位学的描写。然后从形态-句法学的角度,对古代维吾尔语文献语言的词类及其形态变化、短语及其分类、句子及其类型等进行了探讨和描写,同时论述了古代维吾尔语医学文献语言中单句成分的语序、主语句、非主语句以及多重复句等语法问题。第四章古代维吾尔语医学文献中所见医学术语之分析本章将重点集中于古代维吾尔语医学文献中所见医学术语之上,对它们进行了语义、结构、语源分类,并着重探析了医学术语的语义、结构特点和语言来源。同时,初步对古代维吾尔语医学文献中所见外来术语的借用途径和借用方式进行了探讨。此外,还论述了非医学文献中所见医学术语的研究价值及其语义、结构和语源特点。总结部分对古代维吾尔语医学文献语言的语音、形态-句法特点以及文献中所见医学术语的语义、结构、语源特点作了简要的结论,同时提出了本题研究的创新点。本文在附录部分提供了了古代维吾尔语医学文献的分析性词汇索引、古代维吾尔语医学文献中所见医学术语的分类索引和部分古代维吾尔语医学文献残片的印影等三个索引。附录实际上是本题研究的主要研究成果之一,是本文不可缺少的主要组成部分。

【Abstract】 Old Uyghur medical manuscripts have a great importance in Central Asian philology. Hitherto-identified Old Uyghur medical fragments are120, among them77fragments are preserved in Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (the Berlin Turfan collection), Germany, while19fragments are housed in Institute of Oriental manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the St. Petersburg collection), Russia. Of them29manuscripts are written in Old Uyghur,13manuscripts are in Brahmi, and only one is in Syriac script, besides them there are also Uyghur-Sanskrit parallel medical texts written in Brahmi script.The longest Old Uyghur medical text is composed of200lines; the shortest one contains only2-3lines. According to the form of the manuscripts, they are written on the booklet sheets and scroll. The most of the medical texts is written in the cursive and half-cursive type of Old Uyghur script, some of them are also written in regular type and half-regular type script. Aside from the medical texts, some Buddhist texts also show medical terminology and passages of medical content.Old Uyghur medical texts involve wide range of content, including Old Uyghur medical theory and practice. Their content is related to different kinds of diseases and their symptoms, diagnoses and treatments, medical preparation and preservation. For its medical value, Old Uyghur medical manuscripts are very unique source for better understanding of the Old Uyghur medical culture and history as well as Central Asian civilization.Research on Old Uyghur medical texts started in the beginning of twentieth century, when the Turkish scholar R. R. Arat published results of his research on the Old Uyghur medical texts kept in the Berlin Turfan collection (see Arat1930,1932). And at the beginning of21st century the German scholars Peter Zieme and Dieter Maue have published further medical texts from the Berlin Turfan collection (see Zieme2007, Maue2008). However, since then no systematic study on Old Uyghur medical texts has been carried out. In last century Central Asian Philology made a great progress, publishing large number of new materials, also making clear progress in research methods. Therefore, a systematic research based on the published and unpublished medical texts in Old Uyghur, reflecting the progress in Central Asian philology became a desideratum. This is why we have selected the philological study of Old Uyghur medical texts as a topic of our dissertation.The dissertation mainly deals with96fragments of Old Uyghur medical texts and further5non-medical texts. Under the framework of philological study, this dissertation presented the transcription, transliteration, Chinese translation and philological and linguistic notes, trying to illustrate morphological and syntactic features descriptions of the language of Old Uyghur medical texts. In addition, it explains the semantic meaning, structural features and etymology of medical terms in Old Uyghur medical texts.The dissertation consists of four parts:introduction, chapters on text edition, linguistic description and analysis of texts, conclusion and appendix.The introductory part includes the aim and significance of this study, the research background, research methods, the range of the study, and also illustrations of symbols and abbreviations.The second part, the main body of this dissertation, includes following four chapters:Chapter one:The Old Uyghur medical texts and their classification. In this chapter, firstly, an introduction was given to discovery, preservation and spelling features of Old Uyghur medical texts; secondly, the classification of Old Uyghur medical texts based on its script, content and origin was provided.Chapter two:A Philological study on the Old Uyghur medical texts. In this chapter, the selected96fragments are first divided into5groups on the basis of their origin and content, and then presented the transcription, transliteration, Chinese translation and philological notes. The notes mainly focus on the lexical meaning, etymology, morphological and syntactical properties of the text.Chapter three:Structural features of Old Uyghur medical texts. This chapter includes detailed phonetic and phonological descriptions of the sound system of the language of Old Uyghur medical texts, providing rather detailed descriptions and classification on the phonetic and morphological changes as seen in the language of medical texts, it also provides analysis on the phrases and sentences. Aside from this, this chapter also discusses the word order, subject clause, non-subject clause, complex sentences etc.Chapter four:An analysis of medical terms in the Old Uyghur medical texts. This chapter mainly discusses medical terms occurring in the Old Uyghur medical texts, focusing on their semantics, structure, etymology. Meanwhile, attentions are also paid to loanwords in Old Uyghur medical texts, closely looking at the route of the terms get borrowed. In this chapter the semantics, structure and etymological features of medical terms found in no-medical texts were also discussed.The conclusion part gives a brief summary on the phonetic system, morpho-syntactical characteristics of the language of Old Uyghur medical texts, introducing main points which were concluded through analysis in the main body of this dissertation.The appendix consists of three indexes:the glossary of Old Uyghur medical texts, the classified index of Old Uyghur medical terms and a facsimile of Old Uyghur medical fragments. Indeed, the appendix is one of the important results of this study, is an indispensable part of this dissertation.
