

Research on the Technological Supporting System of the Emergency Management

【作者】 黄宏纯

【导师】 冯艳飞;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前我国已经进入突发事件的多发期。当前应急管理科技支撑体系建设已经不能适应应对突发事件的需要,至使应急管理技术创新能力不强,造成应急管理综合能力无法提升,从而未能有效应对各种复杂性突发性事件,影响社会的稳定和谐。因此,如何构建高效地突发事件应急管理科技支撑体系,以此进一步提升应对和管理突发事件的能力,在目前这一时代背景下无疑具有非常重要的现实意义和理论意义。论文共分为八个部分:第一部分为导论,介绍了选题的目的和意义,并对国内外相关研究进行综述,此外还阐述了本文的研究内容和研究方法;第二部分介绍了突发事件应急管理科技支撑的理论基础;第三部分分析了国内外应急管理科技支撑体系建设情况;第四部分构建了应急管理科技支撑体系,包括基于危机周期理论的应急管理科技支撑体系概述、基于危机周期理论的应急管理科技支撑体系的总体框架、应急预警科技支撑系统、应急决策响应科技支撑系统、应急保障科技支撑系统、善后恢复科技支撑系统;第五部分开展了应急管理科技支撑体系构建参与要素的作用机理分析;第六部分构建了应急管理科技支撑体系的运行机制。第七部分开展了应急管理科技支撑能力灰色模糊综合评价;第八部分为全文总结与研究展望,对全文进行总结,提出本文的创新点,并指出本研究的不足之处。本文综合运用应急管理理论等理论,构建了突发事件应急管理科技支撑体系,开展了应急管理科技支撑体系构建参与要素的作用机理分析,并且构建了应急管理科技支撑体系的运行机制,从而构建了基于危机周期理论的应急管理科技支撑能力灰色模糊综合评价模型并应用实证分析,以期进一步增强突发事件应急管理技术创新能力,从而实现突发事件应急管理综合能力的提升。

【Abstract】 Our country has already entered the porosity period of the accident at present. The construction on the technological supporting system of the emergency management has been unable to meet to respond to emergencies, making emergency management technical innovation being not strong, resulting in the emergency management comprehensive capabilities to enhance, which failed to respond effectively to the complexity sudden event, affecting social stability and harmony.Therefore, how to build the efficient technological supporting system of the emergency management, it should further promote the ability of the emergency response and management, undoubtedly have a very important realistic meaning and theory meaning under the background in this era at present.The thesis is divided into eight parts altogether:First part It is the introduction, has introduced the purpose and meaning of the selected title, and carry on the survey to domestic and international relevant research, in addition has explained the research contents of this text and research approach; The second part describes the theoretical basis for the technological supporting of the emergency management; The third part analyzed the situation of the construction on the technology supporting system of the emergency management domestic and abroad;The fourth part has build the technological supporting system of the emergency management, including the overview of the technological supporting system of the emergency management based on the crisis cycle theory, the overall framework of the technological supporting system of the emergency management, emergency warning scientific and technological support system, emergency response technology decision-making support system, emergency support scientific and technological support system, aftermath recovery technology support system; The fifth parthas carried out the mechanism analysis of the involved elements of the construction on the technological supporting system of the emergency management; The sixth part has build the operating mechanism on the technological supporting system of the emergency management; The seventh part has carried out the gray fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the emergency management technological supporting capability;The eight part summarize and study the prospect for the full text, summarize full text, propose that the innovation of this text is clicked, and point out the weak point of this research.This text uses and meets an urgent need the theories, such as management.etc. has build the technological supporting system of the emergency management., carried out the mechanism analysis of the involved elements of the construction on the technological supporting system of the emergency management, and build the operating mechanism on the technological supporting system of the emergency management, and then build the gray fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and application of empirical analysis of emergency management technological supporting capability, to further enhance the emergency management technological innovation capability, so as to enhance comprehensive emergency management capabilities.
