

Economic Analysis of the Industry Law in China

【作者】 董玉明

【导师】 赵宏中;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 针对目前产业法经济学分析研究不足及产业政策与法律制定和实施实践的需求,本文研究工作的目的是:以中国产业法的实践为背景,以中国产业规制和促进法规范分析为视角,运用范畴分析、历史分析、经济学的规范和实证分析的方法,分析产业和产业法的基本范畴、合理性与正当性基础,并在对产业法予以产业规制法和产业促进法基本分类的基础上,分别对各类规范进行经济学分析,推导出相应的原理或规律,以便为中国产业法制的完善提供参考。全文包括六章内容。除导论和结论外,各章主要内容包括:产业法的经济属性分析、产业法的经济基础及经济学分析方法、产业规制法的经济学分析和产业促进法的经济学分析。本文首先从厘清产业与产业法的基本概念入手,通过对产业法调整对象对产业发展的影响、产业法的经济政策法属性、产业法的资源法属性的分析,力图证明产业法的经济属性,并得出产业法是法学和产业经济学共同研究对象的结论。其次,主要根据既有的研究成果,对中国产业政策和法律制度安排所依托的经济基础和基本的经济分析理念和方法进行了阐述,并重点探讨了中国社会主义市场经济条件下所依托的特殊的经济基础及形成政府失灵的一些特别的原因。最后,在本文的重点创新部分,分两章内容分别对产业规制法和产业促进法及其规则形态、基本问题进行经济学分析基础上,结合实例分别对定义与范畴规范、职权与职责规范、禁业与限业规范、宣示性规范、提倡性规范和激励性规范进行了基本的经济分析,提出了产业法对这些规范进行设计时所应遵循的基本经济原理或规律。通过研究,本文认为,作为中国典型的经济法,产业法具有明显的经济属性,市场经济条件下产业划分及运行的经济原理以及中国的改革实践,是中国产业法制度安排的经济基础,而运用法律经济学和产业经济学理念和方法对产业法进行经济学分析,对于完善产业法制具有重要的现实意义。与此同时,本文针对目前产业经济学界和法学界在产业和产业法的范畴与地位定位上的模糊、不准确或缺位问题,提出质疑,补充完善,并通过论证,提出了自己的观点。其主要涉及的问题包括:关于产业、行业、企业及消费者范畴及其关系问题;关于产业组织关系的界定问题;关于产业法所依托的社会主义经济基础问题;关于社会能否作为产业规制主体的问题;以及产业规制法和促进法之间的经济关系问题。

【Abstract】 According to the inadequate research on economic analysis of industry law and the requirement of formulating and implementing practices of industry policy and law, the purpose of this thesis is:based on the industry law practice and from perspective of normative analysis industry regulation law and industry promotion law in China, the thesis analyzes the basic categories, rationality and legitimacy of the industry and industry law, classifies the industry law into industry regulation law and industry promotion law, uses economic analysis methods to research various industry law norms, deduces the corresponding principles and patterns by using category analysis, historical analysis, economic normative and empirical analysis methods, in order to provide a reference for perfecting the industry legal system in China.The thesis can be divided into six chapters. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the main content of the thesis includes:economic attributes analysis about the industry law, economic basis and economic analysis methods of the industry law, economic analysis of the industry regulation law, and economic analysis of the industry promotion law.Firstly, the thesis does research on basic concepts of the industry and industry law, and then analyzes the impact of industrial development made by industry law adjustment, economic policy law attributes and resources law attributes of the industry law, in order to prove the economic attributes of the industry law. Then draw a conclusion that the industry law is the common research object of the industrial economics and law. Secondly, based on the existing research findings, the thesis mainly elaborates the economic bases and the basic economic analysis concepts and methods which China’s industrial policy and legal systems based on. Then focuses on the special economic bases which China’s socialist market economy relying on, and discusses the reasons why government makes macro-control failure. Finally, as the most important innovation part, the thesis analyzes respectively the forms and rules, basic questions of the industry regulation law and industry promotion law, then combined with examples, the thesis analyzes the definitions and categories, rights and duties, prohibition and restriction norms, declarative norms, advocate norms, and incentive norms by economic analysis methods, puts forward the basic economic principles and patterns which should be followed by industry law.In this thesis, the author argues that as China’s typical economic law, the industry law involves obvious economic attributes. The economic bases of China’s industry law are economic principles of the industrial division and running which under the market-oriented economy conditions and the reform and opening up practices of China. Moreover, there is important practical significance to improve the industrial legal system by using the law economic methods and industrial economic methods to research the industry law. At the same time, this thesis not only puts some questions such as vagueness, inaccuracy or absence on category and status of the industry and industry law, and then does research on these questions, finally puts forward the author’s own point of view. The main issues this thesis involves are:the contents and relationships of industry, trade, business, consumer; the define of the industrial organization relationship; the socialist economic basis which the industry law based on; whether the society can be served as the industry regulatory body; the economic relationship between the industry regulation law and the industry promotion law and so on.
