

The Development of Supper Heavey Oil Demulsifier in Low Temperature

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 刘全稳; 陈玉祥;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着油气的陆续开采,世界的能源危机越来越严重。一些容易被开采和品质较好的原油越来越少,因此开采难度较大、储量丰富的稠油资源越来越被重视。根据调查统计,我国的稠油目前的产量占开采原油总量的百分之十左右,稠油资源不可忽视。然而当今针对稠油仍然面临着诸多困难,比如超稠油采出液的破乳脱水问题就是其中之一,因而严重制约着超稠油的集输问题,在超稠油中,由于天然乳化剂——肢质、沥青质的大量存在,在原油的开采过程中形成的乳状液类型复杂,有水包油乳状液,也有油包水乳状液,或者双重和多重乳液。由于其所形成的乳状液结构稳定,导致超稠油乳状液破乳温度要求较高,对破乳剂添加量要求较大。于是严重影响到了稠油的开采和集输。因此研究超稠油专用低温破乳剂具有十分重要的价值与意义。中石化河南油田由于针对超稠油运用了一些增产措施比如在蒸汽吞吐中加入前置液,以及蒸汽辅助重力泄油技术的应用,一定的程度上提高了超稠油的产量,但是各种技术的运用使得稠油采出液变得越来越复杂。据现场调研,该油田超稠油采出液的破乳温度点在80-85℃左右,整体破乳温度较高,现有的破乳剂不能满足要求,加破乳剂脱水后,油中含水超标,污水含油超标,不但导致稠油产量损失,同时也增加了污水处理难度。本文在国内外多年破乳剂研究的基础上,针对河南油田稠油开采的实际工艺,研究了稠油采出液的特性,运用破乳剂破乳脱水的基本理论,结合油田实际情况,并通过实验进行了超稠油破乳剂的研究,研制了满足生产需要的超稠油破乳剂。本文主要开展了以下几方面工作:(1)首先对原油破乳剂进行了大量的文献调研,分析了原油破乳剂的发展历史及各种破乳剂的类型,介绍了稠油低温破乳剂的研究现状及研究方法。并结合乳状液的基本理论,分析、归纳了本文的技术路线和主要研究内容,为可行且有效的超稠油低温破乳剂的研制奠定了坚实的理论基础。(2)分析了河南油田超稠油物性。超稠油的组分组成,及其流变性能。研究了超稠油乳状液的形成原因、形成类型及乳状液的组成成分,得出了油田稠油乳状液基本性质。对该稠油乳状液的稳定性进行研究。分析了影响该稠油乳状液稳定性的各种因素。详细分析了研究对象的各种性质。为有效研制出针对该超稠油乳状液破乳剂提供基础。(3)通过前述研究成果,并针对稠油采出液乳化类型及稠油组成和性质,通过单剂筛选,优选出对超稠油乳化液有效的超稠油破乳剂,并选取有效破乳剂进行了复配研究、扩链合成。优化了破乳条件,最终确定了更好的破乳剂配方,并通过一系列的现代材料测试手段,分析了该超稠油破乳剂的作用效果;(4)详细分析了温度对超稠油乳状液破乳效果的影响。通过实验的方法研究了在较低温度下如何实现稠油乳状液的破乳问题。在超稠油低温破乳后脱出水含油量较高的情况下,设计了以絮凝剂为补充的的研究思路。优化了超稠油低温破乳剂的配方。通过大量的实验分析,研制出了针对超稠油低温情况下破乳后脱出水的絮凝剂。并对其进行了性能评价。结果表明该剂能够有效降低脱出水中含油量高的问题;(5)所研制的超稠油低温破乳剂应用于河南油田超稠油采出液,效果表明:在目前该油田破乳脱水温度降低10-15℃,应用所研制的超稠油低温破乳剂,该破乳剂破乳运行效果良好,各项指标均达到油田破乳脱水要求,是一种效果优异的超稠油低温破乳剂。

【Abstract】 The world oil-gas have been mined for many years, and the crisis is becoming more and more serious. The crude oil which has better quality become more and more less, so the difficult exploitation of oil, abundant heavy oil resource is taken seriously more and more, according to the survey, China’s heavy oil current output accounts for about ten percent of the total production of crude oil heavy oil resource, and it cannot be ignored, however heavy oil exploitation now still facing many difficulties, such as the emulsion breaking about super heavy oil produced liquid is one of them.generally super heavy oil refers to the more asphaltene colloid content, and high viscosity crude oil, at the same time in super heavy oil, and the asphaltene and colloid is natural emulsifier. in the crude oil extraction process, the emulsion type is complex, there is an oil-in-water emulsion, also has a water in oil emulsion, or double and multiple emulsion, and the emulsion formed from stable structure, so the breaking about the super heavy oil is difficult, which has seriously affected the heavy oil exploitation and transportation, and the study about the breaking of super heavy oil is special very important.An oilfield in China due to the use of some measures of increasing production of super heavy oil such as steam huff and puff joined the preflush, as well as the steam assisted gravity unloading technology, it can improve the super heavy oil production, but the various technology allows the use of heavy oil produced liquid becomes more and more complex, and the existing demulsifier cannot meet the requirements. When add demulsifier for dehydration in super heavy oil, the result exceed the standard about standard demulsifier, so it make oil yield loss not only in heavy, but also increase the difficulty of sewage treatment. This study on demulsifier in super heavy oil has a realistic significance for super heavy oil produced liquid treatment, and the development of super heavy oil demulsifying agent in actual production will have very broad market prospects.In this paper, from many years about the basis of the study on demulsifier, and aimed at mining process of heavy oil in a certain oil field, research the properties about produced liquid, using the basic theory of demulsifier demulsification and dehydration, combined with the actual situation of oilfield, and develop the qualified chemical treatment agent by means of experiment for super heavy oil. This paper mainly carried out the following work:(1) Firstly this paper carried out large number of extensive literature research about crude oil demulsifier, analysis of the history and various types about demulsifier for crude oil demulsifier development, while a more detailed description and research methods about the super heavy oil demulsifier at low temperature is presented in this paper, and associating the emulsion basic theory analyzes the characteristics of heavy oil emulsion, through the analysis summarized and presented the technical route and main research contentsin in this paper, and made the solid theoretical foundation for effective demulsifier in super heavy oil demulsifying agent.(2) This paper analyses super heavy oil property and the composition in super heavy oil for some oil field, also analyses its rheological properties and study the formation causes in super heavy oil emulsion and types of formation and emulsion composition. through the basic properties of heavy oil emulsion, this paper proceed emulsion stability research and analyses the variety affecting factor impact of the heavy oil, and obtain much detailed various natures in research object, and this result are basis for developing the emulsion demulsifier for super heavy oil effectively.(3) Based on the research results, this paper carried out the laboratory research about the heavy oil emulsification of produced liquid type and heavy oil composition and properties. through the single agent selection, selected the optimization and effective super heavy oil demulsifier for super heavy oil emulsion, and proceed the mixed research using the effective demulsifier, through chain extension synthesis, optimized the demulsification conditions, determine the optimal demulsifier formulations ultimately, and through a series of modern material test method, analyses the effect about the super heavy oil demulsifier;(4) Also this paper analyses the impact about the temperature which can be affect the effect about the in super heavy oil emulsion largely and studied how the demulsifier creating effect at low temperature by experimental method in emulsion breaking, in the condition of the water carry more oil demulsification, this paper designs the research train of thought using flocculant to complement, and optimized agent formula of super heavy oil demulsifying, through many experiments and analysis, developed the flocculant for super heavy oil under the condition of low temperature, and carried the performance evaluation for the flocculant, the results show that the agent can effectively reduce the problem of high oil content in water;(5) Finally using the super heavy oil demulsifying agent in a super heavy oil produced fluid, the results show that:at the present temperature of the field demulsification, utilizing this paper developed demulsifying agent in the lower10-15DEG, the operation effect is well, the target have reached the oil demulsification and dehydration standardized, which show that the super heavy oil demulsifying agent which this paper developed is a kind of excellent performance demulsifying agent.
