

Compound Modernity:the Research on Communication Vision of Mediated Society

【作者】 洪长晖

【导师】 吴飞;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 传播学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究聚焦“现代性”的概念。研究者认为,现代性是一个多维的概念,各学科都可以在自身的视野中加以审视,从而使得对现代性的理解和把握得以深化、全面。传播研究在相当长时间里尚未理论化地考察现代性与传媒之间的关系,而随着媒介化社会的到来,这一领域能否得以厘清就显得越发重要。尽管有着诸多批评,现代性问题依然是当下中国社会面临的最大现实,并且由于中国历史地理等各方面的发展特殊性,使得“现代性”在中国更加呈现出复杂和丰富的面貌。据此,研究者提出“混合现代性”的概念,这一概念的提出,一方面是顺承汤普森的传统,特别将传媒作为现代性的动力和制度性维度纳入考量,力图从个体、社区、国家这三个互相区别而又内在一体的层次上去描摹媒介化社会的动力、机制和图景,即将“现代性”界定为既是一种社会生活组织模式,又是个体化、群体生活乃至国家软实力传播所追求的目标;另一方面,则是力图理解在中国这样一个特殊语境下,现代性的共同性与差异性特质之体现,并将现代性的历时性维度和空间性维度糅合在一起,从实证研究的角度剖析具体个案,以期探询当下中国的传媒现代性理路。混合现代性是一个描述性概念,更是一个规范性概念。研究主要由三部分构成。第一部分涵盖第一章和第二章,主要提出本研究所要探讨的问题,并给出整个研究所要涉及的关键概念:混合现代性。围绕“现代性”和“媒介化社会”两个核心词,从理论上剖析二者的形成逻辑和层级构建。同时对研究思路、方法和框架等做一介绍。第二部分为研究的主体,包括三、四、五章,运用实证研究材料,从个体、社区和国家三个层次探讨媒介资源的使用和理解,共同描绘出媒介化社会的传播图景。第三部分是第六章,为研究的结论部分,主要在维持前述各部分的论述结论的同时,专门指出(混合)现代性和媒介化社会必然会面临的问题与隐忧,以此既完善本研究的论述框架。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on "modernity". The writer considers modernity as a multi-dimensional concept, which can be examined in various perspectives by different subject researchers. Accordingly, modernity can be understood more deeply and thoroughly. Communications study seldom looks closely at the relations between modernity and media. With the advent of media society, it will become more significant to clarify modernity.Despite a variety of criticisms, modernity remains one of the biggest issues that China is confronting with. Plus the particularities in Chinese history and geography,"modernity" represents complexity and abundance in China. Based on this statusquo, the writer puts forward the concept of "compound modernity". On the one hand, it inherits Thompson’s tradition, which considers media as modern dynamics and systematical dimension, and portrays the dynamic, system and vision of the media society on three aspects of individual, community and nation, which are distinct but interrelated."Modernity" is defined as a kind of social life organization model, as well as the goal that individual, community and national soft power are pursuing. On the other hand, this paper attempts to understand the commonalities and differences in the current Chinese context through two dimensions of both space and time. The writer exemplifies Chinese media approach with case studies. On the whole, compound modernity is a formally descriptive concept.This dissertation consists of three parts. The first part includes chapter one and chapter two, raising the issues and concerned definitions, in particular, compound modernity. This part writes around two key words "modernity" and "mediasociety" analyzing their relevance and level formation. At the same time, it outlines the research approaches, methods and basic frame.Part two is the main body. It includes chapters three, four and five. This part discusses the media resources application and comprehension at three different levels of individual, community and nation, describing the communication vision of media society.Part three is chapter six. It concludes the whole research, and presents the problems and concerns in the media society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期