

【作者】 王红

【导师】 张弘(普慧);

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 印度是世界上有无比丰富的寓言和童话的国度,其古代神话、民族史诗、民间故事等文学样式无不以想象之丰富、叙述之华美、语言之繁复而著称,产生于此土壤上的佛经文学无疑带有同样的特质。随着佛典的翻译,以其为载体的异域文学也随之传入中土,对中国文学的发展进程产生深远影响。本论文从时空、人物、主题、话语、比较五个方面研究汉译佛经的叙事特点及与中国古代文学之关系。第一章主要研究佛经的时空理论,佛经故事在时空叙事方面的特点。佛教的空间理论具有丰富的层次结构,奇幻的想象,独有的程式化描写特点。这样的空间结构为佛经故事的展开提供了开阔的、甚至是不可思议的空间,使佛经叙事自由灵活,奇幻瑰丽。其空间模式有三种:城邑——山林模式;陆地——大海模式;空间转换模式。佛经故事的叙事时间以预述和追述为主,预述有两种类型,一为受记,一为占卜,受记是对未来事的记说,主要是对未来成佛的预言。占卜是古代印度重要的道术之一,占卜情节在佛经故事中较为普遍,表现形式多种多样。佛经故事的追述时间跨度灵活多样,从几天、几月、数年,到数世,以至阿僧祗劫。在三世因果报应的时间观念上,笔者分析了佛经故事的果报类型,主要有三种:后世果报型、现世报应型、延续型果报。第二章分析佛经的人物形象,佛经故事中的人物形象有三类:佛陀形象、声闻弟子形象、菩萨形象,本章主要分析佛陀形象和文殊师利形象。第一节分析不同阶段佛陀形象的特点。第二节分析文殊菩萨智慧解脱、精进神辩的形象,讨论大乘佛经程式化描述的特点。第三章对佛经中的故事进行分类整理,归纳出十一种主题类型,这些不同的主题自由组合、变异,构成了佛经叙事文学的话语世界。十一种主题类型为:考验型主题;肉身型主题;认亲主题;复仇主题;落难主题;斗法主题;异类相恋主题;奇异降生主题;因祸得福,弄巧成拙主题;动物报恩,人忘恩负义主题;入海采宝主题。第四章主要分析佛经的叙事方法。第一节讨论神通在佛经故事中的话语功能,释迦牟尼佛在菩提树下冥想禅思,证入六神通,以大智慧断尽无名烦恼得解脱,了知宇宙人生的实相开悟成佛,佛教徒观想佛陀、菩萨法身,观想佛教神通力,在这个过程中创造出无数佛教神灵,同时也创造了丰富的神话思维模式。佛经中记载的神通力成为佛经叙事的重要方式,形成佛经叙事神异、奇幻的特点,尤其是佛经故事中的斗法主题,就是神通话语的典型表现。第二节分析佛经偈散结合的叙事特色,分析偈颂在佛经中的叙事功能,主要有代言、叙事、描状、引证、转承、评论等七种。第三节以《长阿含经》、《中阿含经》为主分析叙事者与叙述视角,讨论阿难在“阿含经”中的叙事功能。第五章以三例个案为主讨论汉译佛经与中国古代文学之关系。第一节以“阳羡书生”与“梵志吐壶”为例,分析佛经故事对魏晋小说的影响,通过比较笔者以为“阳羡书生”应是佛经故事与观念被吸收融入中国志怪小说的一个典型范例。第二节以六朝志怪小说中表现佛教生死轮回、因果报应观念的故事,与佛教思想相比对,认为佛经轮回果报观念在开始亦是比附中土固有之鬼神观、故事情节,即以中国民间故事中的情节、主题比拟配合佛经思想,从而使佛教果报观念逐渐在文学中体现出来。第三节以佛经“目连故事”为主分析佛经故事的流传特点:第一,佛经故事本身具有丰富多彩的情节,相似的情节往往附会于一个重要的人物身上,如展现神通的目连、表现智慧辩才的舍利弗、显示菩萨大悲智慧的文殊师利等。第二,佛经故事在流传过程中,经过不断演进变化,各种情节互相融合,表现出灵活多样的叙事技巧。第三,传入中土后,佛经故事经过有意筛选,附会一定的宗教信仰模式,至唐代变文完成了本土化的转变。

【Abstract】 There are abundant of ancient mythology and national epic and folktale in Ancient India that are varieties described and abundant imagination. Sutra literature based on these is the same characteristics. With the translation of Buddhist scriptures sutra literature afferented in China and produced the profound influence to Chinese literature.It discuses the narrative characteristics of Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures and the relationship between its and Chinese ancient literature in five aspects of time-space and theme and discourse and so on. The first chapter is the chapter of time and space, the space-time theory of Buddhist, Buddhist stories in terms of temporal and spatial narrative characteristics. The Buddhist theory of space has a rich hierarchy of fantastic imagination, unique stylized description of the characteristics. Buddhist story unfolds, the structure of this space provides open, and even incredible space, so that the freedom and flexibility of Buddhist narrative, wonderfully weird. The spatial patterns of three types:cities-mountains mode; land-sea mode; space conversion mode. Buddhist narrative of the story time to pre-described and traced, pre-state there are two types, one subject in mind, one for divination by Hutchison said the future of things, mainly the prophecy of the future Buddha. Divination is one of the ancient Indian Taoism divination plot is more common in Buddhist stories, the performance of a variety of forms. Buddhist stories recount the time span is flexible, from a few days, a few months to several years to the world, as well as A monk only robbery. Ⅲ karma concept of time, the author analyzes the Buddhist story of the type of retribution, there are three:later retribution, earthly retribution, continuation retribution.Personages in the second chapter, the characters in the Buddhist stories into three categories:the Buddha image, the image of grievous disciples, the Buddha image, this chapter mainly analyzes the image of Buddha and Manjusri image. The fires section analysis of the characteristics of the different stages of Buddha. Section Ⅱ Analysis of Manjushri Wisdom relief, advance the image of God debate, to discuss the stylized description of the characteristics of Mahayana Buddhist scriptures.Chapter Ⅲ of the theme articles, to sort this chapter in the Buddhist story, summed up the10type of a theme, these different themes free combination, variation, constitute the world of Buddhist narrative literature discourse.10a topic type as follows:the test of theme; flesh theme; to recognize the pro theme; revenge theme; the misfortune topic; a battle of wits theme; heterogeneous love theme; the strange birth of the theme; a blessing in disguise, self-defeating themes; animal gratitude, the person ungrateful theme; into the sea mining treasure theme.The fourth chapter discourse analysis of Buddhist narrative methods. The first section discusses the discourse function of the supernatural powers in the Buddhist story of Sakyamuni Buddha under the Bodhi tree meditation and Zen, the card into the six supernatural powers, worry, relief to the great wisdom Duan Jin unknown, to know the reality of the universe and life enlightenment Buddha, Buddhists think of the Buddha, the Buddha body of law, the concept of Buddhist supernatural power, in this process, numerous Buddhist deities, but also created a rich mythology mode of thinking. Supernatural power recorded in the Buddhist scriptures in the Buddhist narrative way, the formation of the Buddhist narrative miraculous, fantastic features, in particular, is the theme of the Buddhist story of the battle of wits, is the typical manifestation of the supernatural powers of discourse. Section Ⅱ analysis of the characteristics of Buddhist verses scattered combination of narrative and analysis of the narrative function of the verses in the Buddhist scriptures, the main endorsement, narrative, like description, citation, vicarious, reviews and other seven. Section Ⅲ long Agama, Nikaya Sutra-based analysis of narrative and narrative perspective, discuss the narrative function of Ananda in the "Agama".Chapter Ⅴ based on three cases discuss the Buddhist scriptures and the ancient Chinese literature. The first section to " Yangxian scholar" and "the Fanzhi spit" for example, analysis of the Buddhist story of the novel in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, by comparison I think the Yangxian scholar Buddhist stories and ideas to be absorbed to integrate into the China Zhi a typical example of the strange novel. Section II in the Six Ghost Stories, Buddhist reincarnation, karma concept of the story, and Buddhism, Buddhist reincarnation concept of retribution is also mocked Turkey’s inherent concept of spirits at the beginning of the story, and that China folk tales of plots, themes analogy with Buddhist thinking, so that the Buddhist concept of karma is gradually reflected in the literature. Section Ⅲ analysis to the Buddhist "Maudgayayana story" main Buddhist story spread characteristics:First, the Buddhist story itself has a colorful plot, similar circumstances are often attached to an important person who, such as to show the supernatural powers of the head, showing intellectual eloquence of Sariputta, the Buddha grief and wisdom of Manjusri. Buddhist stories in the spreading process, through the evolving changes in a variety of plot integration, showing the flexible narrative skills. Third, the incoming Turkey, Buddhist stories have been deliberately screening, will be attached to a certain mode of religious belief to the Tang Dynasty change the text to complete the localization changes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期