

Effects of Tobacco Infested by Bemisia Tabaci B-biotype on Interspecific Competition and Detoxification Metabolism between B, tabaci and Trialeurodes Vaporariorum

【作者】 胡海燕

【导师】 薛明;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 B型烟粉虱是一种世界性的入侵性害虫,对多种土著昆虫具有明显的竞争取代优势。本研究以B型烟粉虱-烟草-温室白粉虱为研究体系,在明确B型烟粉虱在烟草上对温室白粉虱具有明显的种间竞争优势的基础上,通过本研究明确了B型烟粉虱取食诱导的烟草防御反应在对温室白粉虱的种间竞争优势中起重要作用;探讨了B型烟粉虱诱导的烟草防御反应与烟草生长和次生物质含量变化的关系;研究了烟粉虱和温室白粉虱体内解毒代谢酶活性的差异在两者种间竞争中的作用。其研究结果对于揭示B型烟粉虱对温室白粉虱的竞争取代机制,进一步深入探讨B型烟粉虱的入侵机制具有重要的意义。主要研究结果如下:1. B型烟粉虱在烟草上对温室白粉虱具有明显的种间竞争优势,B型烟粉虱取食诱导的烟草防御反应在B型烟粉虱对温室白粉虱的种间竞争优势中起重要的作用。(1) B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱在盆栽烟草上的自然竞争结果表明,B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱以1:1混合种群处理,经2代后,温室白粉虱成虫的数量明显下降,仅是单一种群温室白粉虱处理成虫数量的38.2%,占混合种群中粉虱总数量的24.4%;而混合种群中B型烟粉虱成虫的数量与单一种群烟粉虱处理,差异不显著,占混合种群粉虱种群总数的75.6%。温室白粉虱喜分布在烟草的上部叶位,B型烟粉虱主要分布在中部叶位,若虫存活率试验证明,在烟草上部叶位,第二代混合种群中温室白粉虱与单独温室白粉虱种群处理相比,若虫存活率下降了30.4%,而混合种群中B型烟粉虱存活率与单独烟粉虱种群处理相比存活率没有明显的差异。(2)利用小叶笼方法,分别测定了B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱取食后的烟草叶片对后侵染的B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱的影响。结果发现,B型烟粉虱为害的烟草系统叶对后侵染的温室白粉虱的存活率、生长发育和繁殖有明显的不利影响,而对后为害的B型烟粉虱自身没有明显的不利影响。取食B型烟粉虱为害后的烟草系统叶后,温室白粉虱若虫期平均存活率比对照下降了38.6%,总的发育历期比对照显著延长了2.6d,雌成虫5d和10d产卵量分别比对照降低了46.3%和30.1%。温室白粉虱为害后的烟草系统叶对后为害的B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱生长发育和繁殖均没有明显的不利影响。由此说明,在烟草上B型烟粉虱与温室白粉虱的相互影响存在明显的不对称性,是B型烟粉虱对温室白粉虱具有竞争取代优势的重要原因之一。2.在诱导寄主防御的虫口密度下,B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱对烟草生长特性的影响存在差异。B型烟粉虱为害的烟草对其生长有明显的不利影响,为害后的烟草株高比对照植株降低了6.9cm,第一、二节间距分别较对照缩短了55.4%和47.0%,叶片数量比对照降低了13.0%,系统叶叶面积明显增大,叶片变薄,但其单位面积干重比对照降低了47.6%;而温室白粉虱在供试虫量密度下对烟草生长指标却与对照植株没有明显的差异。B型烟粉虱危害烟草后产生了不同于温室白粉虱为害的对烟草植株的特异性抑制反应,这可能与B型烟粉虱诱导烟草表达的特异性防御反应对自身资源的消耗有关。3. B型烟粉虱为害烟草后其系统叶中绿原酸和芸香苷2种主要酚类物质的含量明显升高,分别为对照的3.95和3.93倍;而槲皮素、咖啡酸和山奈酚含量没有明显变化。在处理虫体叶上酚类物质含量变化均不明显。绿原酸和芸香苷含量的升高与诱导的烟草对温室白粉虱的防御有关。4. B型烟粉虱取食其自身为害的烟草系统叶,其成虫体内羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽-s转移酶以及细胞色素P450含量都明显升高,其中羧酸酯酶活性和细胞色素P450含量从取食6h-48h都明显升高,持续性较好,分别为对照的1.15-1.68和1.48-2.60倍,处理成虫酯酶同工酶在谱带数目上与对照无明显差异,但第二和第三条处理谱带颜色明显深于对照,处理成虫P450氧脱甲基酶活性除取食48h后与对照无差异外,其他取食时间酶活性都明显升高;烟粉虱若虫体内三种解毒酶活性变化趋势与成虫相似,但羧酸酯酶和谷胱甘肽-s-转移酶活性仅在1龄和2龄期显著升高,细胞色素P450氧脱甲基酶活性仅在1龄期显著升高。但温室白粉虱成虫取食B型烟粉虱为害后的烟草系统叶,其体内三种解毒酶活性却均被显著抑制,其中羧酸酯酶活性除取食后48h与对照无差异外,其他取食时间活性被显著抑制,活性抑制最大是,为取食的12h,其酶活仅为对照的0.58倍。细胞色素P450含量从6-72h整个时间段都被显著抑制,其活力仅为对照的40-63%。另外,处理成虫体内酯酶同工酶两条谱带颜色要明显浅于对照谱带颜色,P450氧脱甲基酶活性也被显著抑制,其中取食6h后的酶活性仅为对照的0.53倍;温室白粉虱若虫体内三种解毒酶活性在1龄期均受到抑制最强,其中又以羧酸酯酶活性被抑制程度最高,且在1-3龄期羧酸酯酶的活性可持续被抑制。而在B型烟粉虱诱导烟草植株的虫体叶上,两种粉虱成虫和若虫体内解毒酶的变化均不明显。表明两种粉虱代谢酶活性的差异也是B型烟粉虱对温室白粉虱竞争取代的重要原因之一。

【Abstract】 Bemisia tabaci biotype-B is one of the important agricultural pests worldwide and candisplace an indigenous non-B population B. tabaci. We chose B. tabaci-tobacco-T.vaporariorum as a research system, as based on B. tabaci has interspecific competitiveadvantage to T. vaporariorum, we further proved that the effect of tobacco defense responseinduced by B. tabaci play a very important role in the interspecific competitive advantage to T.vaporariorum. We explored the effect of tobacco defense response induced by B. tabaci onplant growth and secondary metabolites. We studied the effect of tobacco’s defense responseinduced by B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum, respectively, on development and reproduction ofT. vaporariorum and B. tabaci. Meanwhile, we explored the difference of detoxificationmetaboilsm adaptability of the two insects to defense response of tobacco induced by B.tabaci. This research had important academic meaning for showing competitive replacementmechanism of B. tabaci to T. vaporariorum, and implementing sustainable control effectively.Major results as follows:1. B. tabaci has obvious interspecific competition advatanges to T. vaporariorum ontobacco and tobacco defense induced by B. tabaci play a very important role in theseadvantages.(1) The competition between B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum on tobacco was studied. Theresults showed that the T. vaporariorum numbers in mixed populations were only38.2%ofisolated populations numbers, were only24.4%of the sum of mixed populations. B. tabacinumbers in mixed populations were75.6%of the sum of mixed populations. T. vaporariorumprefer feeding on the upper leaves, bu B. tabaci was like to feeding on the middle leaves. Inthe upper leaves, the livability of T. vaporariorum nymphs in mixed populations wasdecreased by30.4%compared with the livability of nymphs of isolated populations.However, the livability of B. tabaci was no significantly changes. It indicated that the tobaccodefense response induced by whitefly to T. vaporariorum, but had no effects to B. tabaci.(2) We determined that the effect of tobacco plants infested by B. tabaci on B. tabaci andT. vaporariorum. The results showed that the tobacco plants after infested by B. tabacibiotype B had negative effects on the growth, development and fecundity of T. vaporariorum,but had no significantly effects of B. tabaci. After feeding on the systematic leaves of tobaccoinfested by B. tabaci, the average livability of T. vaporariorum was decreased38.6%, thedevelopmental periods was prolong2.6d, and the5days and10days fecundity decreased 46.3%and30.1%, respectively, compared with those in the control. The tobacco plants afterinfested by T. vaporariorum had no effects on growth, development and fecundity of T.vaporariorum and B. tabaci. The results indicated that the interspecific competition betweenT. vaporariorum and B. tabaci exist obvious asymmetry that was one of the reason of B.tabaci competitive displacement advantages to T. vaporariorum.2. The difference of tobacco growth after feeding by B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum,respectively, based on the whitefly population density of reached plant induce defense. Thetaobacco plants infested by B. tabaci had negative effects on plant growth, but had no effectson plant growth after feeding by T. vaporariorum. The plant height was decreased6.9cm,and the1stinternode and2ndinternode of tobacco preinfested by B. tabaci were decreased by55.4%and47.0%, respectively. The leaf number of tobacco plants preinfested by B. tabaciwas decreased by13.0%, and the dry weight per unit area was decreased by47.6%comparedwith control. B. tabaci feeding can induce chemical defense responses in plants, B. tabaci-elicited declines in growth may result from the re-allocation of resources from growth todefense.3. The contents of chlorogenic acid and rutin of systematic leaves preinfested by B.tabaci were increased by3.95-and3.93-fold compared with control. The contents of phenoliccompound of damaged leaves were no change. Our results showed that the increasedchlorogenic acid and rutin were correlation with plant defense to T. vaporariorum.4. After feeding on the tobacco systematic leaves preinfested by B. tabaci, the activitiesof CarE、GST and the CyP450of B. tabaci adults were increased. The activities of CarE andthe CyP450content of B. tabaci were increased by1.15-1.68and1.48-2.60fold from6h to48h, respectively. Through esterase isozyme electrophoresis and determine the activity ofCyP450oxygen demethylase, we also found that the activities with two enzymes of B. tabaciadult were increased. The nymphs had the same result, but the activities of CarE and GSTwere increased in1stand2ndinstar, the activity of CyP450oxygen demethylase was onlyincreased in1stinstar. However, the activities with three enzymes in adults of T.vaporariorum were inhibited. The activity of CarE significantly inhibited except fo that atr48h, and the maximum activity was decreased by0.58fold compared with those in thecontrol. The content of CyP450was significantly inhibited by0.4-0.63fold from6h to72h.Through esterase isozyme electrophoresis and determine the activity of CyP450oxygendemethylase, we also found that the activities of two enzymes in adults of T. vaporariorumwere significantly inhibited. The enzymes activities with three were inhibited in1stinstar, butthe activity of CarE was the most inhibited compared with other enzyme activity. After feeding on the damaged leaves of tobacco infested by B. tabaci, the activity of detoxifyingenzymes in adults and nymphs of T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci have no significantlychange. The detoxifying enzyme activity changes of two insects have significantlydifferences, and it might play an important role in B. tabaci displacing T. vaporariorum.
